Seventh [Chapter On] Giving Rise [To] Great Vows
Then, Dharma Treasury Bhikṣu gathered [and] received [the] pure practices of two hundred [and] ten koṭīs [of] all Buddhas’ wonderful lands. Thus cultivated already, going [to] that Buddha’s place, [he] prostrated [at his] feet, circumambulated [the] Buddha three rounds, [with] joined palms then stood. [To the] Buddha, [he] said, “World-Honoured [One], I [have] already gathered [and] received [the] pure practices of adorning Buddha lands.”
[The] Buddha told [the] Bhikṣu, “You now can speak [of them, and] should know [that this] is [the] time, [to] give rise [to the] joyous approval [of] all [in the] great assembly. Bodhisattvas, [having] heard [them] already, [will] cultivate [the] practices [of this] Dharma, [to] condition [and] cause [the] fulfilment [of] immeasurable great vows.”
[The] Bhikṣu said [to the] Buddha, “[I] only [wish you to] be so kind, [to] listen [and] examine, as that I [have] vowed, will [be] completely spoken of.
[First Vow (Of) Land Without Three Evil Paths]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should my] land have those [as] hell-beings, hungry ghosts [and] animals, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of liberation from evil paths upon reaching Pure Land]
[Second Vow (Of) Not Again Further Born (In) Evil Paths]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, after [their] lives end, [have] those again further [born in the] three evil paths, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of liberation from evil paths after leaving Pure Land]
[Third Vow (Of) Each Attaining True Gold-Coloured Body]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, not all [be] those true gold [in] colour, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of purest majestic colour]
[Fourth Vow (Of) Body (And) Countenance Not Having Beauty (And) Ugliness]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, [have] bodies [and] countenances not [the] same, having those beautiful [and] ugly, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of equal physical majesty]
[Fifth Vow (Of) Those Born All Attaining Past Lives’ (Knowledge)]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, [have] those not knowing past lives, [to] at least know [a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas [of] all kalpas’ matters, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of knowledge of innumerable past lives]
[Sixth Vow (Of) All Attaining Heavenly Eye (With) Pervasive Sight]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, [have] those not attaining [the] heavenly eye, [to] at least see [a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas [of] all Buddha lands, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of sight of innumerable Buddha lands]
[Seventh Vow (Of) All Attaining Heavenly Ear (With) Pervasive Hearing]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, [have] those not attaining [the] heavenly ear, [to] at least hear that [a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas [of] all Buddhas say, [and] not all accept [and] uphold [them, I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of hearing of innumerable Buddhas’ teachings]
[Eighth Vow (Of) All Attaining Knowledge [Of] Others’ Thoughts]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, [have] those not attaining wisdom [from] seeing others’ minds, [to] at least know [a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas [of] all Buddha lands’ sentient beings’ thoughts within, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of knowledge of thoughts of beings in innumerable Buddha lands]
[Ninth Vow (Of) All Attaining Supernormal Teleportation (And) Flight]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, [have] those not attaining supernormal teleportation, in one thought moment, at least not able [to] surpass [a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas [of] all Buddha lands, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of swift travel to innumerable Buddha lands]
[Tenth Vow (Of) Non-Arising (Of) Greedy Calculation (With) Self’s View]
If I attain Buddhahood, [of] heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, if [there are] those giving rise [to] thoughts [of] greedy calculation [with their] bodies, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of liberation from attachment to body and self]
[Eleventh Vow (Of Abiding In The) Right Definite (Assembly To) Definitely Reach Nirvāṇa]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, [have] those not abiding [in the] Definite Assembly, [until] definitely reaching Nirvāṇa, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of the Right Definite Assembly for Buddhahood]
[Twelfth Vow (Of) Bright Light Everywhere Illuminating (In The) Ten Directions]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should my] bright light have [a] limit, at least not illuminating that [of a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas [of] all Buddha lands, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of immeasurable blessings from light everywhere]
[Thirteenth Vow (Of) Everlasting Lifespan Similar (To The) Buddha’s]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] lifespans have [a] limit, [of] at least that [of a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas [of] kalpas, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of immeasurable blessings for all time]
[Fourteenth Vow (Of) Voice-Hearers Numerous (And) Immeasurable]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] Voice-Hearers within [my] land, [be] able [to be] counted [and] measured, and even [if a] three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world’s sentient beings, [are] all accomplished [as those by] Conditions Awakened, [and] for [a] hundred thousand kalpas, all together calculating [and] comparing, [have] those knowing their number, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of birth in Pure Land for immeasurable Voice-Hearers]
[Fifteenth Vow (Of) Lifespan Cut Short Accordingly (As) Wished]
If I attain Buddhahood, heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, [will have] lifespans [that are] not able [to be] limited. Excluded [are] those [with] fundamental vows, [to have them] cut short [with] ease. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of immeasurable lifespan that can be shortened as wished]
[Sixteenth Vow (Of) Land Without Unvirtuous Names Within]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, even have those [who] hear unvirtuous names, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of liberation from all evil influences]
[Seventeenth Vow (Of) All Buddhas Proclaiming Name (With) High Praises]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] those ten directions’ worlds’ immeasurable all Buddhas, not all highly praise [and] proclaim my name, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of knowledge, recommendation and confidence of Amitābha Buddha’s most excellent vows and Pure Land through all Buddhas]
[Eighteenth Vow (Of Those With) Ten Thoughts All Born (In) My Land]
If I attain Buddhahood, [of the] ten directions’ sentient beings, [with the] sincere mind [of] joyful faith, desiring birth [in] my land, and even [with] ten thoughts, if [there are] those not born [there, I shall] not obtain Right Awakening. Only excluded [are those with the] Five Heinous [Transgressions, who] slandered [the] Right Dharma.
[Attainment of birth in Pure Land with ten thoughts of sincere faith and aspiration]
[Nineteenth Vow (Of Those With) Diligent Cultivation All Received (And) Guided (By) Me]
If I attain Buddhahood, [of the] ten directions’ sentient beings, [for] those [who] give rise [to the] Bodhi Mind, cultivate all meritorious virtues, [with the] sincere mind give rise [to the] aspiration, desiring birth [in] my land, when approaching life’s end, if [I do] not, with [a] great assembly surround [and] appear before these persons, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of reception and guidance for birth in Pure Land for those with Bodhicitta, cultivation of meritorious virtues and sincere aspiration]
[Twentieth Vow (Of Those With) Continual Mindfulness Definitely Attaining Rebirth]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should the] ten directions’ sentient beings, [who] hear my name, [be] continually mindful [of] my land, plant all virtuous roots, [with the] sincere mind dedicating, desiring birth [in] my land, [have] those not [with this] fruit fulfilled, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of birth in Pure Land with continual mindfulness, planting of virtuous roots and sincere dedication]
[Twenty-First Vow (Of) Each Complete (With) Thirty-Two Forms]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, not all [be] those accomplished fully [with the] thirty-two great human’s forms, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of great human’s forms]
[Twenty-Second Vow (Of) Bodhisattvas (Attaining The) Position [Of] One Life (To) Replacement]
If I attain Buddhahood, other directions’ Buddha lands’ all Bodhisattva assemblies, [who] come [to be] born [in my] land, [will] ultimately [and] definitely reach [the] Position [Of] One Life [To] Replacement. Excluded [are] those [with] fundamental vows, [who with] ease [at] places manifest, for sentient beings thus, wear [the] armour [of] great vows, accumulate [and] amass virtuous roots, [to] deliver [and] liberate all. Travelling [to] all Buddha lands, cultivating Bodhisattva practices, [and] making offerings [to the] ten directions’ all Buddha Thus Come [Ones]. Inspiring [and] transforming Ganges’ sands [of] immeasurable sentient beings, enabling [them to be] established [on the] unsurpassable right [and] true path, transcending practices of ordinary peers [of] all grounds, manifesting in the present, cultivating [of the] virtues of Universal Virtue [Bodhisattva]. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of Buddhahood in next life and ease to most greatly practise the Bodhisattva path anywhere]
[Twenty-Third Vow (Of In) One Instant Universally Offering (To) All Buddhas]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] Bodhisattvas within [my] land, [who] receive [the] Buddha’s supernormal power, [to] make offerings [to] all Buddhas, [in the] short time of one meal, [have] those not able [to] everywhere reach innumerable [and] immeasurable koṭis [of] nayutas [of] all Buddha lands, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of ability to swiftly make offerings to all Buddhas]
[Twenty-Fourth Vow (Of) Offering Instruments Naturally All As Wished]
If I attain Buddhahood, Bodhisattvas within [my] land, before all Buddhas, [will] appear [with] their virtuous roots, [and] all those sought [and] desired instruments of offering. If not [with] those as wished, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of ability to make offerings as desired to all Buddhas]
[Twenty-Fifth Vow (Of) Bodhisattvas Expounding All-Knowing Wisdom]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] Bodhisattvas within [my] land, [have] those not able [to] expound all-knowing wisdom, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of ability to expound complete wisdom]
[Twenty-Sixth Vow (Of) Bodhisattvas Attaining Vajra Bodies]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] Bodhisattvas within [my] land, [have] those not attaining vajra Nārāyaṇa bodies, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of indestructible and strong body]
[Twenty-Seventh Vow (Of) Ten Thousand Things All (Being) Excellent (And) Special]
If I attain Buddhahood, heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, [and] all [its] ten thousand things, [will be] majestic [and] pure, brilliant [and] magnificent, [with] bodies [and] countenances excellent [and] special, exhausting fineness [and] utmost wonders, [that are] not able [to be] stated [and] measured. [Should] all its sentient beings, and even those [who have] reached [and] attained [the] heavenly eye, have [the] ability [to] understand [them] clearly, [and] distinguish their names [and] numbers, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of life with immeasurable pure and excellent adornments]
[Twenty-Eighth Vow (Of) Bodhisattva Path’s Tree Universally Seen]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] Bodhisattvas within [my] land, and even those [with] few meritorious virtues, [be] not able [to] know [and] see its place [for realising the] path’s tree’s immeasurable lights [and] colours, that [are as] high [as] four million lǐs, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of Dharma knowledge and insight from Bodhi Tree]
[Twenty-Ninth Vow (Of) Receiving Sūtras (With) Universal Attainment (Of) Wisdom (And) Eloquence]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] those Bodhisattvas within [my] land, if receiving [and] studying sūtras’ Dharma, reciting, memorising, upholding [and] speaking [it], yet not attain eloquence [and] wisdom, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of wisdom and eloquence]
[Thirtieth Vow (Of) Wisdom (And) Eloquence Not Having Limits]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] Bodhisattvas within [my] land, [of their] wisdom [and] eloquence, if those can [be] limited, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of unlimited wisdom and eloquence]
[Thirty-First Vow (Of) Pure Land (With) Illumination (And) Sight (Of The) Ten Directions]
If I attain Buddhahood, [my] land [will be] pure, [with] all [of it] illuminating [for] seeing [the] ten directions’ all immeasurable, innumerable [and] inconceivable all Buddha worlds, similar to [in a] clear mirror, seeing their faces’ images. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of clear sight of all Buddha lands]
[Thirty-Second Vow (Of) Majestic Adornments Surpassing (Those Of) All Heavenly (Beings)]
If I attain Buddhahood, from [the] ground to above, reaching to [the] sky, palace halls, high towers, ponds, streams, flowers, trees, [and] all those ten thousand things [in my] land, [will] all [be] with immeasurable varied treasures, [and a] hundred thousand kinds [of] fragrances, thus together composed. [These] majestic adornments [are] unique [and] wonderful, surpassing [those of] all heavenly [beings]. Their fragrances universally perfume [the] ten directions’ worlds. Bodhisattvas [who] smell [them, will] all cultivate Buddha practices. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of inspiration by sight and smell to cultivate Buddha practices]
[Thirty-Third Vow (Of) Receiving Light (That) Touches Body (For) Obtaining Benefits]
If I attain Buddhahood, [of the] ten directions’ immeasurable [and] inconceivable all Buddha worlds’ kinds of sentient beings, those [who] receive my bright light [that] touches their bodies, [will have] bodies [and] minds gentle [and] soft, surpassing [those of] heavenly beings. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of physical and mental peace and bliss by light]
[Thirty-Fourth Vow (Of) All Attaining Dharma Forbearance (And) Dhāraṇīs]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should the] ten directions’ immeasurable [and] inconceivable all Buddha worlds’ kinds of sentient beings, [who] hear my name, [have] those not attaining Bodhisattvas’ Non-Arising [Of] Dharmas Forbearance [and] all profound dhāraṇīs, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of Non-Arising Of Dharmas Forbearance and all dhāraṇīs]
[Thirty-Fifth Vow (Of) Joyful Faith (For) Eternal Departure (From) Female Body]
If I attain Buddhahood, [in the] ten directions’ immeasurable [and] inconceivable all Buddha worlds, [if] there are women, [who] hear my name, [with] joyful faith, give rise [to the] Bodhi Mind, [and] loathe [their] female bodies, after [their] lives end, [are] again as those [with] female appearances, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of liberation from female body]
[Thirty-Sixth Vow (Of) Diligent Cultivation (With) Definite Accomplishment (Of The) Buddha Path]
If I attain Buddhahood, [of the] ten directions’ immeasurable [and] inconceivable all Buddha worlds’ all Bodhisattva assemblies, [who] hear my name, after [their] lives end, [they will] constantly cultivate pure practices, until [they] accomplish [the] Buddha path. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of constant pure practices until Buddhahood]
[Thirty-Seventh Vow (Of) Heavenly (And) Human (Beings) Moved (To) Take Refuge]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should the] ten directions’ immeasurable [and] inconceivable all Buddha worlds’ all heavenly [and] human people, [who] hear my name, [with] five [parts of the] body thrown [to the] ground, prostrate [to] pay homage, [with] joyful faith, cultivate Bodhisattva practices, [of] all heavenly [beings and the] world’s people, [there will be] none not paying respects [to them]. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of respect by all heavenly and human beings]
[Thirty-Eighth Vow (Of) Wonderful Clothing Naturally On Body]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, desire [to] attain clothing, according [to their] thoughts, [it will] immediately arrive, like that [the] Buddhas praise, [this] wonderful clothing [that] corresponds [with the] Dharma, [will] naturally [be] on [their] bodies. [If it is] that [which] has need [for] cutting, sewing, pounding, dyeing [and] washing, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of immediate wonderful clothing]
[Thirty-Ninth Vow (Of) Receiving Bliss (The) Same As (Those With) Outflows Ended]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] heavenly [and] human [beings] within [my] land, [of] their received happiness [and] bliss, [be] not equal to those [of] Bhikṣus [with] outflows ended, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of happiness and bliss similar to Arhats]
[Fortieth Vow (Of) Seeing All Buddha Lands Accordingly (As) Wished]
If I attain Buddhahood, [of] Bodhisattvas within [my] land, accordingly [as] wished, [with] desires [to] see [the] ten directions’ immeasurable majestic [and] pure Buddha lands, [they will] immediately as aspired, within [the] treasure trees, all [be] illuminated [and] seen, similar to [in] clear mirrors, seeing their faces’ images. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of immediate sight of all Buddha lands]
[Forty-First Vow (Of) Hearing Name (Leading To) All Roots (Being) Complete]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] other directions’ lands’ all Bodhisattva assemblies, [who] hear my name, reaching to attaining [of] Buddhahood, [have] those [with] all roots lacking, ugly [and] incomplete, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of majestic and complete sense faculties]
[Forty-Second Vow (Of) All Attaining Pure Liberation]
If I attain Buddhahood, other directions’ lands’ all Bodhisattva assemblies, [who] hear my name, [will] all reach [and] attain Pure Liberation Samādhi. Abiding [in] this samādhi, once giving rise [to a] moment [of] intention, [they can] make offerings [to] immeasurable [and] inconceivable all Buddha World-Honoured [Ones], yet not losing [their] concentrated minds. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of Pure Liberation Samādhi to swiftly make offerings to all Buddhas]
[Forty-Third Vow (Of) Hearing Name (Leading To) Birthplace (Being) Honourable]
If I attain Buddhahood, [of] other directions’ lands’ all Bodhisattva assemblies, [who] hear my name, after [their] lives end, [they will be] born [in] honourable families. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of honourable rebirth]
[Forty-Fourth Vow (Of) Cultivating Practices (For) Complete Virtuous Roots]
If I attain Buddhahood, other directions’ lands’ all Bodhisattva assemblies, [who] hear my name [with] joyful enthusiasm, [will] cultivate Bodhisattva practices, [to] complete [their] virtuous roots. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of complete virtuous roots]
[Forty-Fifth Vow (Of) All Attaining Samādhi (For) Sight (Of) Buddhas]
If I attain Buddhahood, other directions’ lands’ all Bodhisattva assemblies, [who] hear my name, [will] all reach [and] attain Universal Equality Samādhi. Abiding [in] this samādhi, reaching to accomplishing [of] Buddhahood, constantly seeing immeasurable [and] inconceivable all Buddhas. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of Universal Equality Samādhi for sight of all Buddhas]
[Forty-Sixth Vow (Of) Naturally Attaining Hearing (Of The) Wonderful Dharma]
If I attain Buddhahood, Bodhisattvas within [my] land, according [to] their aspirations, [of] that desired [to] hear Dharma, [they will] naturally attain hearing [of it]. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of hearing the Dharma as desired]
[Forty-Seventh Vow (Of) Immediately Attaining Non-Retrogression’s Ground]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] those other directions’ lands’ all Bodhisattva assemblies, [who] hear my name, not immediately attain to non-retrogression, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of non-retrogressive progress towards Buddhahood]
[Forty-Eighth Vow (Of) Immediately Attaining All Forbearances Completely]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] those other directions’ lands’ all Bodhisattva assemblies, [who] hear my name, not immediately attain to [the] First Forbearance, Second [and] Third Dharma Forbearances, [and] of all Buddhas’ Dharma, [be] not able [to] immediately attain non-retrogression, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.”’
[Attainment of all Dharma Forbearances and non-retrogressive realisation of all Dharma teachings]
Previous Chapter:
[06] Sixth [Chapter On] Dharma Treasury‘s Causal Ground
Next Chapter:
[08] Eighth [Chapter On] Speaking Verses [Of] Personal Wishes
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