Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sūtra’s ‘Contemplator [Of The] World’s Sounds (Guānshìyīn) Bodhisattva’s Universal Door Chapter’
[In] Yáo-Qín [Dynasty by] Tripiṭaka Dharma Master Kumārajīva translated [to Chinese]
On 19 December 2023 by Upāsaka Shen Shi’an translated to English
At that time, Inexhaustible Intention [Akṣayamati: Wújìnyì] Bodhisattva immediately from [his] seat arose, bared [his] right shoulder, [with] joined palms towards [the] Buddha, then made this statement, ‘World-Honoured One, Contemplator [Of The] World’s Sounds [Avalokiteśvara: Guānshìyīn] Bodhisattva, with what causes [and] conditions, is named “Contemplator [Of The] World’s Sounds”?’

[The] Buddha told Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva, ‘Good man, if [there] are immeasurable thousands [of] millions [of] koṭis [of] sentient beings receiving all [kinds of] suffering [and] afflictions, [who] hear this Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva, [and] wholeheartedly recite [his] name, Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva [will] immediately regard these sounds, [and] all [will] attain liberation.

If [there] are those upholding Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva’s name, if entering great fires, [the] fires [will] not [be] able [to] burn [them], due to this Bodhisattva’s mighty supernormal powers thus.

If by great waters those drifted, reciting his name, [they will] immediately get [to] shallow places.

If [there] are thousands [of] millions [of] koṭis [of] sentient beings, for seeking gold, silver, lapis lazuli, tridacna, carnelian, coral, amber, pearls [and] other treasures, [with] entering of [the] great ocean, if black winds blow their ships, [to] drift [and] fall [on] rākṣasas’ ghost lands, among them, if [there] is even one person [who] recites that Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva’s name, all these persons [will] all equally attain liberation [from] difficulties of rākṣasas, with these causes [and] conditions, [he is] named “Guānshìyīn.”

If, again, [there] are people reaching, [about to] be harmed, [who] recite that Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva’s name, those held blades [and] staves [will] immediately [into] pieces break apart, and [they will] attain liberation.

If [the] three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world [is] full within, [with] yakṣas [and] rākṣasas, desiring [to] come [to] trouble people, hearing them recite that Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva’s name, all these evil ghosts [will] yet, not [be] able [to], with [their] evil eyes see them, moreover [to] do harm.

If, again, [there] are people, if having transgressions, or without transgressions, [with] handcuffs, shackles, stocks [and] chains restraining [and] binding their bodies, [who] recite that Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva’s name, all [will be] broken apart, [and they will] immediately attain liberation.

If [the] three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world [is] full within, [with] hateful robbers, [and there] is a chief merchant, handling [for] all merchants, embracing [and] holding [their] precious treasures, passing through [a] dangerous road. Within them, one person makes this proposal, “All good men, [do] not be afraid. You should wholeheartedly recite Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva’s name. This Bodhisattva [is] able [to be] with fearlessness given to sentient beings. You, if reciting that name, from these hateful robbers, [you] will attain liberation.”
All merchants, together give rise [to the] sound, saying, “Námó Guānshìyīn Púsà [Bodhisattva]!” Reciting his name thus, [they will] immediately attain liberation.
Inexhaustible Intention, Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva Mahāsattva’s mighty supernormal powers [are] imposing thus.

If [there] are sentient beings [with] many of lustful desires, [with] constant mindfulness reverent [of] Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva, [they will] then attain departure [from] desires.
If [with] much anger, [with] constant mindfulness reverent [of] Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva, [they will] then attain departure [from] anger.
If [with] much ignorance, [with] constant mindfulness reverent [of] Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva, [they will] then attain departure [from] ignorance.
Inexhaustible Intention, Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva has such kinds [of] great mighty supernormal powers, [which have] many [of] those benefits. Therefore, sentient beings should constantly [be with their] minds mindful [of him].

If [there] are women, if desiring [to] seek sons, prostrating [and] making offerings [to] Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva, [they will] then give birth [to] sons of blessed virtues [and] wisdom.
If desiring [to] seek daughters, [they will] then give birth [to] daughters of uprightness [and] noble forms, [who have in the] past planted virtuous roots, [and are by] all people loved [and] respected.

Inexhaustible Intention, Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva has such powers. If [there] are sentient beings [who] revere [and] prostrate [to] Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva, [their] blessings [will] not [be] in vain. Therefore, sentient beings should all accept [and] uphold Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva’s name.
Inexhaustible Intention, if [there] is [a] person [who] accepts [and] upholds sixty-two koṭis [of] Ganges Rivers’ sands [of] Bodhisattvas’ names, again [to the] end [of] life, makes offerings [of] drinks, food, clothing, bedding [and] medicine, what [do] you think of [this]? Is [this] good man [or] good woman’s meritorious virtues great [or] not?’
Inexhaustible Intention said, ‘Extremely great, World-Honoured [One]!‘
[The] Buddha said, ‘If again, [there] is a person, [who] accepts [and] upholds Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva’s name, and even [at] one time, prostrates [and] makes offerings, these two persons’ blessings [are] exactly equal [and] without difference, [for] thousands [of] million koṭis [of] kalpas, [they] cannot [be] exhausted.
Inexhaustible Intention! Accepting [and] upholding Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva’s name, attains such immeasurable [and] boundless benefits of blessed virtues.‘
Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva [to the] Buddha said, ‘World-Honoured [One, of] Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva, how [does he] travel [in] this Sahā World? How then, [does he] for sentient beings speak [the] Dharma? [With the] power of skilful means, how [does] he practise [them]?’

[The] Buddha told Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva, ‘Good man, if [there] are lands’ sentient beings, [who] should, with Buddhas’ bodies attain liberation, Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva [will] immediately appear [with] Buddhas’ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with Pratyekabuddhas’ bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] Pratyekabuddhas’ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with Voice-Hearers’ [Śrāvakas] bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] Voice-Hearers’ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with Brahma Kings’ bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] Brahma KIngs’ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with Śakras’ bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] Śakras’ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with Ease Heavenly [Beings’] [i.e. Īśvaradevas’] bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] Ease Heavenly [Beings’] bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with Great Ease Heavenly [Beings’] [i.e. Maheśvaras‘] bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] Great Ease Heavenly [Beings’] bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with heavenly great generals’ bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] heavenly great generals’ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with Vaiśravaṇas’ bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] Vaiśravaṇas’ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with minor kings’ bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] minor kings’ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with elders’ bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] elders’ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with laypersons’ bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] laypersons’ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with officials’ bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] officials’ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with brahmins’ bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] brahmins’ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with Bhikṣus, Bhikṣuṇīs, Upāsakas [and] Upāsikās’ bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] Bhikṣus, Bhikṣuṇīs, Upāsakas [and] Upāsikās’ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with elders, laypersons, officials [and] brahmin women’s bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] women’s bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with young boys [and] young girls’ bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] young boys [or] young girls’ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with heavenly [beings] [i.e. devas], dragons [i.e. nāgas], yakṣas, gandharvas, asuras, garuḍas, kiṃnaras, mahorāgas [and] humans-[yet]-not-humans’ bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] them, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.

[If] they should, with Vajradharas’ bodies attain liberation, [he will] immediately appear [with] Vajradharas‘ bodies, and for [them] speak [the] Dharma.
Inexhaustible Intention, this Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva [has] accomplished such meritorious virtues, with all kinds [of] forms, travelling [through] all lands, [to] liberate sentient beings. Therefore, you [and] others should wholeheartedly make offerings [to] Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva. This Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva Mahāsattva, in the midst of terror [and] urgent difficulties, [is] able [to] give fearlessness. Therefore, [in] this Sahā World, all name him as [the] “Giver Of Fearlessness.”‘
Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva [to the] Buddha said, ‘World-Honoured [One], I will now make [an] offering [to] Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva.’
[He] immediately unfastened [from his] neck, [a] necklace [of] many precious gems, worth [a] hundred thousand liǎngs [of] gold, and with [it for] giving him, made this statement, ‘Benevolent One, accept this Dharma offering, [this] necklace [of] precious treasures.’
Then, Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva [was] not willing [to] accept it. Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva again [to] Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva said, ‘Benevolent One, [with] sympathy [for] me [and] others thus, accept this necklace.’
At that time, [the] Buddha told Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva, ‘[You] should, [with] sympathy [for] this Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva and [the] fourfold assembly, [with] heavenly [beings], dragons, yakṣas, gandharvas, asuras, garuḍas, kiṃnaras, mahorāgas, humans-[yet]-not-humans [and] others thus, accept this necklace.’
Immediately, Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva, [with] sympathy [for] all [in the] fourfold assembly with regard to heavenly [beings], dragons, human-[yet]-not-humans [and] others, accepted this necklace. Dividing [it] as two parts, [with] one part offered [to] Śākyamuni Buddha, [and] one part offered [to] Abundant Treasures [Prabhūtaratna: Duōbǎo] Buddha’s pagoda.
‘Inexhaustible Intention, Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva has such ease [of] supernormal powers, [with which he] travels [in this] Sahā World.’
At that time, Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva with [a] verse asked,
‘World-Honoured [One, with] wonderful forms complete,
I now again ask that,
“[This] Buddha’s disciple, [with] what causes [and] conditions,
[is] named as ‘Guānshìyīn’?”
[The] Honoured [One], complete [with] wonderful forms,
[in] verse answered Inexhaustible Intention,
“You [should] listen [to] Guānyīn’s practice,
[of] skilfully responding [at] all directions’ places.
[With] great vows deep like [the] ocean,
passing through kalpas inconceivable,
attending [to] many thousands [of] koṭis [of] Buddhas,
giving rise [to] great [and] pure vows.
I, for you, [will] briefly speak [of them]:
Hearing [his] name and seeing [his] form,
[with the] mind’s mindfulness not in vain passed,
[this is] able [to] eliminate all existing suffering.

If, arising [from] harmful intentions,
pushed [to] fall [into] great fire pits,
[with] mindfulness [of] that Guānyīn’s power,
[the] fire pits [will] change into pools.

Perhaps drifting [in the] great ocean,
[with] dragons, fish [and] all ghostly difficulties,
[with] mindfulness [of] that Guānyīn’s power,
[the] waves [will] not [be] able [to] drown.

Perhaps on Sumeru’s peak,
by people [as] those pushed [to] fall,
[with] mindfulness [of] that Guānyīn’s power,
like [the] sun, [they will in] space abide.

Perhaps by evil persons chased,
falling down Vajra Mountain,
[with] mindfulness [of] that Guānyīn’s power,
[they are] not able [to] harm one hair.

Perhaps encountering hateful robbers [who] surround,
[with] each holding [a] knife [to] do harm,
[with] mindfulness [of] that Guānyīn’s power,
all [will] immediately give rise [to the] compassionate mind.

Perhaps encountering suffering [from] kings’ dfficulties,
facing execution, almost [at] life’s end,
[with] mindfulness [of] that Guānyīn’s power,
[the] knife [will] immediately [into] pieces break apart.

Perhaps imprisoned [in] stocks [and] chains,
[with] hands [and] feet by handcuffs [and] shackles,
[with] mindfulness [of] that Guānyīn’s power,
[there will be] release [to] attain liberation.

[Of] curses [and] all poisons,
those desired [to] harm [the] body,
[with] mindfulness [of] that Guānyīn’s power,
[will] return [to be] received by [their] originating persons.

Perhaps encountering evil rākṣasas,
poisonous dragons, all ghosts [and] others,
[with] mindfulness [of] that Guānyīn’s power,
immediately [will] all not dare [to] harm.

If evil beasts surround,
[with] sharp fangs [and] claws [that are] terrifying,
[with] mindfulness [of] that Guānyīn’s power,
[they will] swiftly flee [to] boundless directions.

[Of] venomous snakes and scorpions,
[with] vapours poisonous [like] smoke [and] fire burning,
[with] mindfulness [of] that Guānyīn’s power,
immediately [with that] sound, [will] naturally go back.

[Of] clouds, thunder drumming, lightning,
falling hail [and] dropping [of] great rain,
[with] mindfulness [of] that Guānyīn’s power,
[they will] immediately attain dissipation [and] scatter.
Sentient beings because of suffering from disasters,
[with] immeasurable suffering forced [on their] bodies,
[with] Guānyīn’s wonderful wisdom’s power,
[he is] able to save [them from the] world’s suffering.
Complete [with] supernormal powers,
widely cultivating wisdom [and] skilful means,
[in the] ten directions’ all lands,
[in] no world [does he] not appear [with his] bodies.
All kinds [of] all evil realms,
[of] hell-beings, ghosts [and] animals,
[the] suffering [of] birth, ageing, sickness [and] death,
then gradually, all [will be] enabled [to be] eliminated.
[With] truth contemplation, purity contemplation,
vast [and] great wisdom contemplation,
compassion contemplation and loving-kindness contemplation,
constantly aspire [and] constantly look up at [him].

[With] undefiled pure light,
wisdom’s sun destroying all darkness,
able [to] subdue disasters [of] wind [and] fire,
universally [and] brightly illuminating [the] world.
[With] compassionate body [and] precepts’ thunder shaking,
[and] loving-kindness’ mind [like a] wonderful great cloud,
dropping ambrosia [of] Dharma rain,
[that] eliminates afflictions’ flames.

Contesting trials through official places,
[with] terror within battle formations,
[with] mindfulness [of] that Guānyīn’s power,
all enemies [will] all retreat [and] scatter.
[As the] wonderful sound, ‘Guānshìyīn’,
[is a] pure sound, ocean tides’ sound,
superior [to] other worldly sounds.
therefore, [there] should [be] constant mindfulness [of him].

Thought [after] thought, [do] not give rise [to] doubt,
[that] Guānshìyīn [is a] pure noble [one],
when suffering [with] afflictions [and] dying [with] adversities,
[he is] able [to] be [that for] relying on.
Complete [with] all meritorious virtues,
[with] compassionate eyes seeing sentient beings,
[and] blessings gathered [like the] ocean immeasurably,
therefore, [there] should [be] prostration [to him].“‘
[Sanskrit ‘Universal Door Chapter’s Text’s Additional Verses]
[With] loving-kindness [and] compassion saving [the] world,
[in the] future accomplishing Right Awakening,
able [to] eliminate suffering [of] worries [and] fear,
prostrate [to] Guānshìyīn.
[Just as Guānyīn Bodhisattva is an ancient Buddha (古佛), and will again manifest becoming a Buddha, emulate him and be mindful of him, to eliminate the suffering of one and all.]
[The] honoured Dharma Treasury [Dharmākara: Fǎzàng] Bhikṣu,
[in the] chief seat [of the King of] World [At] Ease [Lokeśvara(rāja)] [Buddha],
cultivated practice [for] several hundreds [of] kalpas,
[and] realised unsurpassable pure awakening.
[Dharma Treasury Bhikṣu became Amitābha Buddha (阿弥陀佛: Āmítuófó) and Guānyīn Bodhisattva’s teacher, with his Pure Land thus accomplished.]
[Guānshìyīn] constantly attends [on his] left [and] right sides,
fanning [to] cool [the] honoured Amitā[bha Buddha],
[while] manifesting samādhi’s illusory power,
[to] make offerings [to] all Buddhas.
[We can do this Āmítuófó’s Pure Land too, to increase and perfect blessings by making offerings, and wisdom by learning, to become Buddhas too.]
[In the] Western Pure Land,
[the] Land [Of] Peaceful Nurturing [And] Ultimate Bliss,
Amitā[bha Buddha] abides [in] that land,
[as its] honoured Supreme Tamer [Of] Men.
[We too can learn from Āmítuófó in his Pure Land, like Guānyīn Bodhisattva does.]
That land [is] without women,
without sight [of] impure dharmas.
[the] Buddha’s disciples now reborn [there],
thus enter [the] lotus flower treasury.
[Being without women means to be without gender differences or discrimination. To be born in the Pure Land is to be born in Āmítuófó’s land of purity, which is the spiritual ideal of the Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sūtra《妙法莲华经》.]
[On] that Immeasurable Light Buddha’s
pure [and] wonderful lotus flower dais,
[his] lion seat emits hundreds [of] light,
like [that of] Śāla Tree King [Śālendrarāja] [Buddha].
[Āmítuófó’s light shines in all directions to bless and receive beings.]

Such [is the] World-Honoured [One],
[in the] three realms without [an] equal peer,
[with] respectful praise [of him] accumulate meritorious virtues,
[to] quickly accomplish [as the] most excellent persons.“‘
[The most excellent persons are those who practise mindfulness of Āmítuófó to reach his Pure Land, to quickly attain enlightenment, and to help all others to do likewise.]
At that time, Earth-Upholding [Dharaṇiṃdhara: Chídì] Bodhisattva immediately from [his] seat arose, [went] before [the] Buddha [and] said, ‘World-Honoured [One], if [there] are sentient beings [who] hear this Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva Chapter’s actions of ease, [of how his] Universal Door manifests supernormal powers, [it] should [be] known [that] these persons’ meritorious virtues [are] not little.’
[When the] Buddha [has] spoken this Universal Door Chapter, [the] eighty-four thousand sentient beings within [the] assembly all gave rise [to the] unequallable Anuttarā Samyak Saṃbodhi Mind [i.e. Bodhi Mind: the aspiration for attaining Unsurpassable Equally Perfect Enlightenment; Buddhahood].
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