
Sūtra In Which The Buddha Speaks On Comparison Of All Buddha Lands’ Meritorious Virtues《佛说较量一切佛刹功德经》

西天译经三藏朝散大夫试光禄卿明教大师臣法贤奉  诏译
[By] India’s Sūtra-Translating Tripiṭaka Cháosàn Senior Minister, Engaged Guānglù Lord, Wise Teachings’ Great Master [And] Official Fǎxián, [With] Received Imperial Order Translated

公元 2022 年优婆塞沈时安译(与注)
In 2024 C.E. By Upāsakā Shen Shi’an Translated [To English] (And Annotated)

[For ease of detailed studying and editing, square brackets show necessary connective words used in translation, to be removed for final published version later, with addition of glossary and notes. Suggestions are welcome for more precise choice of words. Námó Āmítuófó.]


Thus is [as] I [have] heard. [At] one time, [the] Buddha [was] at Rājagṛha City’s Dharma Wilderness’ Bodhi Place [For Realising The] Path, sitting [on the] throne of Vajra Maṇi Treasure Lion, [where there] were Bodhisattva Mahāsattva assemblies surrounding, again having ten Buddha lands’ hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas [of] assemblies listening [to the] Buddha speak [the] Dharma.


At that time, [the] assembly within has a Bodhisattva Mahāsattva, named Inconceivable Light King, then from [his] seat arose, [who] observed [the] appearance [of the] great assembly’s all Bodhisattvas, and to [the] assembly said,

「汝诸佛子,今当谛听!此 [1] 娑婆世界满一大劫,较量时分,是彼 [2] 西方极乐世界无量寿佛刹一昼夜。

‘You all Buddhas’ disciples, now should attentively listen. This [1] Sahā World’s filling [of] one great kalpa, comparing [its] time, is that [2] Western Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss, Immeasurable Life Buddha Land’s one day [and] night.

佛子!彼 [2] 极乐世界一大劫,较量时分,是 [3] 阿儞弭沙世界缚日啰(二合)娑誐啰钵啰摩哩那曩如来佛刹一昼夜。

Buddhas’ disciples, that [2] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’s one great kalpa, comparing [its] time, is [3] Animiṣā World’s Vajra Kaṣāyadhvajā Thus Come [One’s] Buddha Land’s one day [and] night.

佛子!彼 [3] 阿儞弭沙世界一大劫,较量时分,是 [4] 不退轮光明世界敷莲花身如来佛刹中一昼夜。

Buddhas’ disciples, that [3] Animiṣā World’s one great kalpa, comparing [its] time, is [4] Non-Retrogressing Wheel’s Bright Light’s World’s Covered [With] Lotus Flowers’ Body Thus Come [One’s] Buddha Land within, [its] one day [and] night.

佛子!彼 [4] 不退轮光明世界一大劫,较量时分,是 [5] 无尘世界法王如来佛刹中一昼夜。

Buddhas’ disciples, that [4] Non-Retrogressing Wheel’s Bright Light World’s one great kalpa, comparing [its] time, is [5] Dustless World’s Dharma King Thus Come [One’s] Buddha Land within, [its] one day [and] night.

佛子!彼 [5] 无尘世界一大劫,较量时分,是 [6] 灯光世界师子如来佛刹中一昼夜。

Buddhas’ disciples, that [5] Dustless World’s one great kalpa, comparing [its] time, is [6] Lamp Light World’s Lion Thus Come [One’s] Buddha Land within, [its] one day [and] night.

佛子!彼 [6] 灯光世界一大劫,较量时分,是 [7] 善光世界毗卢遮那如来佛刹中一昼夜。

Buddhas’ disciples, that [6] Lamp Light World’s one great kalpa, comparing [its] time, is [7] Good Light World’s Vairocana Thus Come [One’s] Buddha Land within, [its] one day [and] night.

佛子!彼 [7] 善光世界一大劫,较量时分,是 [8] 难胜世界法敷身如来佛刹中一昼夜。

Buddhas’ disciples, that [7] Good Light World’s one great kalpa, comparing [its] time, is [8] Difficult-[To]-Defeat World’s Dharma Covered Body Thus Come [One’s] Buddha Land within, [its] one day [and] night.

佛子!彼 [8] 难胜世界一大劫,较量时分,是 [9] 谟贺世界一切通意王如来佛刹中一昼夜。

Buddhas’ disciples, that [8] Difficult-[To]-Defeat World’s one great kalpa, comparing [its] time, is [9] Vyūhā World’s All Supernormal Mind King Thus Come [One’s] Buddha Land within, [its] one day [and] night.

佛子!彼 [9] 谟贺世界一大劫,较量时分,是 [10] 现圆光世界赞叹如来佛刹中一昼夜。

Buddhas’ disciples, that [9] Vyūhā World’s one great kalpa, comparing [its] time, is [10] Appearance [Of] Complete Light World’s High Praises Thus Come [One’s] Buddha Land within, [its] one day [and] night.

佛子!如是,一切世界依劫算数过十佛刹百千俱胝那由他微尘数劫已,有世界名 [11] 莲花吉祥,彼佛世尊名贤吉祥,是彼佛刹中一昼夜。

Buddhas’ disciples, thus, [with] all worlds, relying [on] kalpas’ calculation, passing ten Buddha lands’ hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas [of] fine dust [motes’] number [of] kalpas already, is [a] world named [11] Lotus Flowers’ Auspiciousness, [with] that Buddha World-Honoured [One] named Virtuous Auspiciousness, is that Buddha Land within, [its] one day [and] night.

[Note 1: The above are examples of the relative experience of time in different worlds, with it being increasingly ‘compressed’ in the next. (Connected with time, space in terms of the big and small is also relatively experienced.) It should be noted that the only grades of lotus flowers’ transformed births (莲花化生) in the [2] Land Of Ultimate Bliss (极乐世界) that take kalpas (劫) are the two lowest ones – in terms of 6 and 12 kalpas. Although these time periods seem long, after time conversion, they are only experienced as 6 and 12 days in the Pure Land respectively. If those of these two grades do not reach this Pure Land, and fall into the hells instead, there will be experience of extremely long time periods of suffering, in terms of many actual kalpas. For more on all grades of birth in the Pure Land, see]


Buddhas’ disciples, [in] those [lands] is [the] Bodhisattva ground named Universal Practices’ Ground, [with] practices [of] such immeasurable Bodhisattva practices.

[Note 2: All Bodhisattvas in all Buddha lands cultivate with Universal Virtue Bodhisattva’s (普贤菩萨) practices and vows (行愿), as can be seen at]

佛子!若复有人于此《较量一切佛刹功德经》受持、读诵、为他解说,彼人命终,十方佛刹恒河沙数诸佛如来悉皆现前,满彼有情一切所愿。 」

Buddhas’ disciples, if again, [there are] people with this “Comparison [Of ] All Buddha Lands’ Meritorious Virtues’ Sūtra”, received [and] upheld, studied [and] recited, for others explaining [it, when] those persons’ lives end, [the] ten directions’ Buddha lands’ Ganges River’s sands’ number [of] all Buddha Thus Come [Ones will] all appear before [them], fulfilling those sentient [beings’] all those aspired [for].’

[Note 3: As the name of Amitā(bha) Buddha (阿弥陀佛: Āmítuófó) means ‘Immeasurable Buddhas’, he represents all Buddhas of the ten directions too. With the Three Provisions (三资粮) of Faith, Aspiration and Practice (信愿行), with wholehearted mindfulness of his name, when approaching life’s end, he will appear before one, to receive and guide to his [2] Land Of Ultimate Bliss (极乐世界). Through this one Pure Land, according with that aspired, all other Pure Lands can be reached, for sight of all other Buddhas too, to make offerings to them, and to learn the Dharma from them. As one can only first be reborn in one Pure Land from here, and with this Pure Land being the easiest to reach, it thus makes sense to first choose this Pure Land. This is one of the excellent reasons why all Buddhas will teach to urge birth there, as exemplified in the Amitā(bha) Sūtra《阿弥陀经》.]


[The] Buddha, [having] spoken this sūtra already, Inconceivable Light King Bodhisattva and all [in the] great assembly, [having] heard that [the] Buddha said, [were] all greatly joyful, [as they] faithfully accepted [to] practise [it].

[Note 4: The Bodhisattva was speaking, as empowered by the Buddha, and/or as endorsed by him silently. Thus, the above is equivalent to that spoken by the Buddha.]

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The Sūtra On Revelation Of Boundless Buddha Lands’ Meritorious Virtues

The Sūtra On Praises Of The Pure Land With Buddhas’ Protection And Reception

The Pure Land Tradition’s Five Sūtras

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