出生地: 陕西郃阳(今合阳)
往生年: 1940年
代表作品:《印光法师文钞》(正、续、三编); 《印光大师全集》七册、《印光法师嘉言录》(李圆净居士辑)、《上海护国息灾法会法语》等
Monastic Dharma Name: Shì Yìnguāng (Great Master)
Status: Thirteenth Patriarch Of The Pure Land Tradition (School)
Family Name: Zhào (Surname) Shàoyī (Name), Zirèn (Style Name)
Place Of Birth: Shǎnxī Province (present Héyáng County)
Year Of Birth: 1861 C.E.
Year Of Rebirth: 1940 C.E.
Best Known Works: Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings (First, Second, Third Compilation); Great Master Yìnguāng’s Complete Collection (Seven Volumes), Record Of Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Excellent Words (by Layperson Lǐ Yuánjìng compiled), Shànghǎi Dharma Assembly For Protection Of The Country And Cessation Of Disasters’ Dharma Words, and others

[Part One]
Great Master Yìnguāng was born in 1861, in Shǎnxī Province’s Héyáng County, in a Zhào family and was named Shàoyī. When young, he followed his brother to study Confucianism and was inclined to take on propagation of Confucianism as his personal responsibility, echoing the criticism of Hán and Ōu to refute Buddhism. Later, when by sickness besieged for several years, he began to awake to his past wrongdoings, as he suddenly reformed his former thoughts. With his world-transcending conditions matured, he renounced his householder life at Liánhuádòng Monastery at the southern peak of Mount Zhōngnán under Venerable Dàochún to become a monk. In the following year, he received full ordination at Shǎnxī Province’s Ānkāng County, in Shuāngxī Monastery.

When Great Master was six months old, he had an eye disease and was on the verge of losing his sight. Although he recovered later, his eyesight was already impaired. When slightly reddish, he would then be unable to see. After his renunciation, while at Húběi’s Liánhuá (Lotus Flower) Monastery, he served as its guest attendant. When he was helping to sun its sūtra books, he chanced upon an incomplete version of ‘Lóngshū’s Pure Land Text‘. He then came to know that the Dharma Door Of Mindfulness Of Buddha for rebirth in Pure Land is the essential path for liberation from the cycle of birth and death in this immediate life.
Whenever Great Master wrote too much, his eyes would turn red to become bloodshot. Due to this eye disease, he deeply awakened to the body as the root of suffering. Thus, whenever he had free time, he would focus on reciting the Buddha’s name (Āmítuófó: 阿弥陀佛). After the assembly went to sleep at night, he would again arise, to sit and recite the Buddha’s name. Even when writing, his mind also did not depart from the Buddha’s name. Therefore, although it was strenuous with the disease, he resolutely wrote on, and was still able to, with difficulty. The eye disease later completely healed. Due to this, he had profound faith that the meritorious virtues of reciting the Buddha’s name are inconceivable. Then was he with his personal practice transforming others, to first be with Pure Land as the destination for return, due to this, then beginning practice. Great Master cultivated the Pure Land path, over a long time and with complete sincerity. At 26, he arrived at the Pure Land’s practice centre at Mount Hóngluó’s Zīfú (Provision Of Blessings) Monastery to practise mindfulness of Buddha. Within three years, other than the Main Practice of mindfulness of Buddha, he studied the Great Vehicle’s sūtras. Through wonderful uniting with the Buddha’s mind, his cultivation of pure karma greatly advanced.

At 33, responding to the invitation of Venerable Huàwén of Mount Pǔtuó’s Fǎyǔ (Dharma Rain) Monastery to protect the treasury of sūtras, he went southwards and resided in an empty room in the sūtra repository tower of Fǎyǔ Monastery. For close to 20 years, he roused his resolve to diligently cultivate, and deeply entered the treasury of sūtras. Occasionally, perhaps receiving the monastery’s assembly’s strong invitation, he would then speak on the Pure Land sūtras. With speaking completed, he would soon after enter a solitary retreat. In his study room, he wrote, ‘With reciting of the Buddha’s name awaiting for death’. With this for self-encouragement, his learning and practice advanced by many folds. After Great Master’s renunciation, for more than 30 years, from the beginning to the end, he concealed to hide his talents. Not delighting in associating with many people, he also did not wish people to know his name. Over a long time, in day and night, he upheld Āmítuófó’s name, and soon attained Samādhi From Mindfulness Of Buddha.
In his later years, other than greatly propagating the Dharma, he would at his convenience, have solitary retreats at Sūzhōu’s Bàoguó (Repayment Of The Country) Monastery. In 1937, at Sūzhōu’s Mount Língyán to have a mindfulness of Buddha retreat for a spiritual breakthrough, when Great Master replied to a Japanese person’s enquiry about his recent activities, he replied. ‘Since reaching Língyán, of whatever famous scenic place, of all, I will not go to visit them, with my aspiration hoping to be reborn in Pure Land, not with famous scenic places bothered thus.’ This was enough to prove that Great Master, with all of his life’s travels and teachings, and with his conduct propagating the Dharma, he was only mindful of impermanence, and resolutely sought rebirth in Pure Land.

In 1911, when Great Master was 52, layperson Gāo Hènián obtained several of Great Master’s articles for publication in Shànghǎi Buddhist Studies Journal, with his signed name as Chángcán (Constantly Ashamed and/or Repentant). Although no one knew who he was, yet his words with Prajñā were already enough to inspire readers’ good roots to grow. When Xú Wèirú, Zhōu Mèngyóu and many other laypersons saw them, they repeatedly searched and collected Great Master’s articles, to be published as ‘Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’, which was by the Commercial Press, Zhōnghuá Book Company and the Buddhist circle widely circulated. Great Master’s virtuous name, due to this, then became famous locally and overseas.

With his ‘Collected Writings’, they truly marked the beginning of Great Master’s propagation of the Dharma. Due to reading of his ‘Collected Writings’, then greatly admiring the Great Master’s morality, good men and faithful women who desired to line up by his door and walls to be his disciples by the day increased to be many. Perhaps sailing by sea and climbing steps up mountains, then requesting to be accepted as disciples, or with letters to and fro then requesting to be given Dharma names. In more than 20 years, of those who took refuge through Great Master, their numbers cannot be counted. Thus, relying on his teachings for practice, of those eating as vegetarians, practising recitation of the Buddha’s name, and diligently cultivating pure karma, men and women who were able to attain rebirth in the Western Pure Land were too numerous to mention one by one.

All great Bodhisattvas who ride on their vows to come again, are different with those who respond to the occasion, and those who respond to disasters. Those encountering eras of great peace are those responding to the occasion then born. Those encountering chaotic periods are those responding to disasters then born. Within the Pure Land Tradition’s masters, Great Master Huìyuǎn and Great Master Yìnguāng were those responding to disasters then born. Great Master was born in the Qīng Dynasty’s Xiánfēng’s 11th year, just when the Anglo-French garrison troops attacked and broke through Běijīng. Thereafter, were incessant fights between warlords, Japanese bandits’ invasion of China and so on. At this time, with China in chaos and turmoil, and the country’s people at that time with worries, suffering and extreme distress, Great Master highly raised the Dharma torch of worldly Dharma for practising good, and the world-transcending Dharma of mindfulness of Buddha for seeking birth in Pure Land, to comfort the broken spirits of the country’s people, resolutely and sincerely urging devotees to understand causes, to be cautious of their effects, when in times of emergencies with difficulties, suffering and distress, to sincerely uphold the sacred name of Námó Guānshìyīn Púsà (Homage to and refuge in Contemplator Of The World’s Sounds [Avalokiteśvara] Bodhisattva), to latently eliminate distress and difficulties when they are yet to bud, with the Buddha’s teachings pull up those in raging waves already fallen, to reduce and lighten the suffering and difficulties of the people. It is difficult to, with words, speak of his formless and utmost virtues. Comparing them with meritorious virtues that can be seen, that can be heard, they are also difficult to be with them inferred.

Other than using the formats of words with Prajñā and teaching of sūtras to speak the Dharma for propagating the Pure Land Dharma Door, Great Master also established Mount Língyán (Spirit Rock) Monastery as a ten-directional practice centre for cultivation of the Pure Land path. Personally and definitively establishing the terms of its constitution, it was truly as this Dharma-Ending Age’s model monastery. Great Master even contributed his allowance to encourage others to donate, to widely print sūtra books for circulation, founding Hónghuàshè (Great Transformation Society). For more than 20 years, all kinds of Buddhist books that were printed numbered not less than 4 to 5 million, with more than 1 million pictures of Buddha images, with this propagation of the Dharma to transform, that was voluminous and widespread, in China and beyond.
Great Master was hardworking and frugal all his life, paying attention to cherishing of his blessings. His food, clothing, lodging and others were all extremely simple and coarse, as he strongly rejected the exquisite. He ate only to allay hunger, not seeking that to suit his taste. With clothing chosen only to keep out the cold, he rejected the flamboyant. When having offerings of delicious food and beautiful clothing, not only declining and not accepting them, he would then transfer them, to give them to others. If the offered items are ordinary objects, he would then order them to be turned over to the storeroom, with everyone together shared, definitely not with them for personal use. Sprinkling water and sweeping to wash and clean his room, everything was by himself handled. When receiving invitations to go out to speak and teach, although for him preparing a sedan chair, he would also be not willing to sit on it, seeing riding on it as losing his blessings thus. Great Master personally practised thriftiness. However, when treating people, he was with extremely great kindness. For all good men and faithful women who made offerings to him, he would, all on their behalf, widely plant them in fields of blessings. Using them to circulate sūtra texts, and to supply relief for the hungry and poor. Whenever hearing of wherever encountering disasters and in states of emergency, he would do his best to promote donations. With compassion sympathising with sentient beings having suffering and difficulties, it was utmost, without that to be added.
Great Master’s Pure Land thought, from the above, succeeded the blood lineage of ancient Buddhas and Patriarchs, for the below, agreed with the roots and capacities of recent times’ sentient beings, with word by word returning to the source, word by word for seeing the truth. Truly as a great treasury of bright light that flows to present sincere and true Dharma words, his teachings were granted as a treasure for the present era’s sentient beings, that must be urgently discussed and kept in mind. As Great Master knew each Buddhist tradition deeply and widely, his worldly and world-transcending knowledge and learning was deep, and with mindfulness of Buddha’s practice already having reached samādhi, thus are his words with the power to gather, receive and protect, that is extremely strong. As Great Master’s Pure Land thought is vast and rich, now gathering their essentials, they are as below, briefly presented.
With attentive studying of Great Master’s ‘Collected Writings’, one can at any time feel Great Master’s mind, to be with painstaking sincerity and benevolence, for delivering us and other sentient beings, to depart from suffering’s ocean of birth and death. From the perspective of correspondence between the Buddha’s teachings and sentient beings’ roots, Great Master already provided the most excellent choice for us. According to Great Master, medicine is without the noble and lowly, as that which heals sickness is good. The Dharma is without the good and bad, with that suiting capacities then wonderful. In times of the past, humans’ roots were excellent, with knowledge abundant like forests, with the cultivating of any one Dharma teaching, all then were able to realise the path.
In this immediate world now, with humans’ roots coarse and inferior, the knowledgeable are rare and few. If abandoning the Pure Land path, one is then without cause for liberation. The Pure Land Dharma Door universally covers those of high, medium and low roots, unifying and gathering all teachings of the Vinaya, Sūtra and Chán traditions. It is like timely rain that moisturises all living beings, and like the great ocean that receives all rivers. Of the partial and complete, sudden and gradual, of all Dharma teachings, none do not from this Dharma realm flow. With the Great and Small Vehicles, skilful and true, of all practices, none do not also return to this Dharma realm. Not needing to sever confusions and evil karma, yet attaining in advance the position of one lifetime to replacement, immediately in this one life attain perfect Bodhi. If the nine realms’ sentient beings depart from this door, those above will not be able to completely accomplish the Buddhas’ path. If the ten directions’ all Buddhas abandon this Dharma teaching, for those below, they will not be able to universally benefit sentient beings.
The Pure Land Dharma Door is the most wonderful and most profound, with starting of its practice easy, yet with its success rate high, with exerting of efforts little, yet with attaining of results swift, this completely relies on the Buddha’s power. Universally covering the three roots, regardless of the rich or honoured, poor or lowly, old or young, male or female, wise or foolish, monastics or laypeople, of scholars, farmers, artisans, merchants and all other people, as all are able to practise it, all can be reborn in the Pure Land. Thus is it with thousands of sūtras and ten thousand treatises, that everywhere point to it for return. Of former nobles and past virtuous ones, everyone inclined towards it.
The Pure Land Dharma Door is thus truly the essential path of the Thus Come Ones, for universally delivering sentient beings, and the wonderful Dharma for sentient beings to, in this immediate life, exit suffering. In the world of the present, even if ancient Buddhas who have already accomplished Right Awakening manifest, they definitely will not separately, away from ‘having harmonious human relationships, to the utmost fulfilling responsibilities, and paying of attention to the Pure Land Dharma Door’, have other teachings that are promoted. Even if Great Master Bodhidharma is present in this period, he will also be relying on this Dharma Door with the Buddha’s power, for teaching and guiding, with this timing as the cause and condition, and with true existence (absolute reality) as the root.
[Part Two]

Great Master looked up towards and succeeded Great Master Yǒngmíng’s instructions of his ‘Chán And Pure Land’s Fourfold Explanations’, with it in modern times brought up in detail. He realistically saw through, that the Chán Tradition is not suitable for modern times, as there is the disadvantage of being difficult to be liberated from the cycle of birth and death with it. Great Master said, ‘Of Chán contemplation, this one Dharma Door, it is not that easy for nowadays’ people to learn. Even if learning, also only accomplishing words’ knowledge, definitely not able to have sudden understanding of one’s mind, to personally see self-nature, Why is this thus? First, thus without a good-knowing friend raising on upholding with what choice (of focus for contemplation). Second, thus with learners not knowing the purpose of Chán, naming this as Chán contemplation, this truly is a mistake. With the ancients’ timely words, attached to as the true Dharma, causing later generations’ disciples to imitate them, slighting the Buddhas and insulting the Patriarchs, is to pull out effects and expel causes only.’ ‘Thus knowing that today’s people, with Chán and Teachings, these two Dharma Doors, to open their eyes is still difficult, moreover to have true realisation.’
‘Those who have loving-kindness, compassion and aspiration profound, and those with the mind for liberation from the cycle of birth and death sincere, should follow Great Masters like Huìyuǎn, Zhìzhě, Yǒngmíng and Liánchí, to focus their devoted efforts on mindfulness of Buddha for birth in his Pure Land, this one Dharma Door.’ ‘It is really so, that with all Dharma Doors, they all rely on Self-power, while the Dharma Door Of Mindfulness Of Buddha relies simultaneously on the Buddha’s power. Relying on Self-power, if not with afflictions and confusions severed completely, one is not able to surpass, to exit the three realms. Relying on the Buddha’s power, if with Faith and Aspiration true and sincere, then able to highly ascend the nine lotus grades. Those people nowadays, desiring to, in this present life, end the great matter of birth and death, if renouncing this one Dharma Door, are thus absolutely without hope.’ These earnest and urgent words, that are resolute and decisive, are truly thus, sincere and truthful words, spoken with the utmost of loving-kindness and compassion.
That Great Master propagated Pure Land practice and pushed away the Chán contemplation is really not a sectarian view. It is truly thus, with the benevolent mind of compassion for delivering this Dharma-Ending Age’s sentient beings. Of the Chán Door, Great Master was well-informed, also extremely familiar and learned. With focused propagation of the Pure Land Tradition, he was also secretly protecting the Chán Tradition. If sincerely able to wholeheartedly uphold recitation of Āmítuófó’s name, from thought to thought corresponding, with mindfulness reaching its utmost point, without a Buddha to be mindful of, this then is Cáoxī’s scenery. Great Master once said, ‘With Contemplator Of The World’s Sounds (Avalokiteśvara) Bodhisattva’s skill of reversing hearing to hear self-nature, to cultivate Great Power Arrived (Mahāsthāmaprāpta) Bodhisattva’s pure karma of gathering in the six roots, for pure mindfulness in continuous succession, this then is Pure Land yet Chán practice, Chán with Pure Land practice, in principle originally without two.’ Yet, of the effectiveness of the Chán Tradition depending on Self-power, compared with the Pure Land Tradition relying on the Buddha’s power to depart from the cycle of birth and death, they are then as different as the sky from the earth.
Having relied on the Pure Land Tradition’s Dharma benefits that are attained easily, promptly and opportunely, thus was Great Master unwilling to serve as a good-knowing friend to support the Chán Tradition, yet with a simple and unadorned style widely propagated the Pure Land Tradition. Great Master’s many lay disciples included those who received higher education with studies abroad in Europe and the United States. Yet, Great Master definitely would not with them and others have impractical discussions on the philosophy of the Buddha’s teachings, on the abstruse wonders of the Chán Tradition. He would only encourage each to have the focused mind with mindfulness of Buddha. Those disciples and contemporaries, having heard Great Master’s words, also all faithfully accepted to practise it, certainly not daring to slight the Dharma Door Of Mindfulness Of Buddha, to give rise to doubts and contentions. From this, it is enough to see Great Master’s abundant virtues of personal practice for transforming others.
Great Master was born in a chaotic world, which spoke of unfiliality and impropriety, with extreme clamour that raised the dust. For redeeming from disasters’ misfortunes, Great Master greatly promoted Confucian education’s eight virtues of filial piety, fraternal respect, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, righteousness, integrity and shamefulness, for human relations with fathers benevolent and children filial, husbands and wives mutually respectful, so as to lead the people’s virtues to belong to those pure and honest. On this foundation above, he greatly advocated the Pure Land Tradition, and greatly promoted the Buddha’s teachings, enabling sentient beings to understand the Buddha-nature that they originally possess, to be born in the lotus country of Ultimate Bliss.
Great Master, within worldly Dharma’s education to transform, placed extra emphasis on bringing out the Confucian teachings, and within world-transcending Dharma, leaned towards praise of the Pure Land Dharma Door. With Confucian teachings as foundation are these four lines, ‘To be with harmonious human relationships, to the utmost fulfil responsibilities, end evil thoughts, maintain sincerity, of all evils not do, and of all good practise them.’ Desiring to learn the Buddha path for liberation from the ordinary and vulgar, if not emphasizing on these four lines, is thus like having a tree without roots, hoping it can flourish to be lush; like having a bird without wings, hoping he can fly high. With the Pure Land principal thought as its core are these four lines, ‘Truly for liberation from the cycle of birth and death, give rise to the Bodhi Mind, and with profound Faith and Aspiration, uphold the Buddha’s name.’ Thin Ground’s ordinary beings, desiring to in this present life, immediately be liberated from the cycle of birth and death, if not relying on these four lines, thus become those without the cause yet desiring the fruit, yet to plant yet thinking of harvesting, of ten thousand people, it is without reason for anyone to attain thus. If able to, with these eight lines, completely bear them, all definitely can be born to enter the land with noble and virtuous ones, in the end ascending on the country of Ultimate Bliss. These eight lines’ words fully embody and exemplify Great Master’s combined propagation of the two teachings of Confucianism and Buddhism, with worldly and world-transcending Dharma, each manifesting their special characteristics. This kind of Dharma propagation is the Pure Land Tradition’s prompt and opportune localisation in recent times.
Great Master’s life encountered a period of successive wars with misfortunes bound, with outer worries and inner difficulties, then with floods and droughts as natural disasters, simultaneously coercing and repeatedly arriving. Great Master, with his compassionate mind sorrowful, widely advocated speaking of karmic retribution. He often said, ‘That law of cause and effect (i.e. karma), is for worldly and world-transcending sages, to peacefully govern the world, and the great skilful means for delivering and liberating sentient beings. In the world nowadays, if not with promoting of karmic retribution, although the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and noble sages together arise in the world, they will also not know what else is that appropriate.’ ‘Promoting the law of cause and effect, is the urgent task for saving the country and saving its people. There must be enabling of everyone to all know, that if presently having such a cause, the future will then have such an effect. As doing good has good rewards, and doing evil has evil retribution, if desiring to rescue the ways of the world and the minds of its people, it must be from this starting.’ ‘Thus then with promoting of karmic retribution, then looking up towards and succeeding the minds of the heavens’ and earth’s sages, with this accomplishing completely the morality of the world’s people, to be with benevolence and righteousness.’
‘Discussing on the Buddha’s teachings, from ordinary beings’ ground, and even to the Buddha fruit, all Dharma teachings are all not outside of cause and effect. Worldly Dharma teachings are likewise thus.’ The ‘Book Of Changes’ and ‘Book Of History’ are extremely truthful and sincere in bringing out the meanings of cause and effect clearly. ‘Often seeing ignorant and foolish people, having done slight good, then expecting great blessings, once encountering adversity, then saying doing good obtains misfortune, that there is no cause and effect, from this retrogressing and regretting their initial minds, slandering the Buddha’s teachings instead.’ How would they know that karmic effects’ rewards and retribution thread through the three periods’ past, present and future, that all created karma, is definitely without that not with reward and retribution?
At the same time, cause and effect (i.e. karmic destiny) can also due to the mind be transformed. ‘For example, a person who has created evil karma, should for a long time fall into hell, for long kalpas receiving suffering. If that person later gives rise to great shame and the Great Bodhi Mind, changes his evil ways and cultivates good, recites sūtras and the Buddha’s name, with personal practice transforming others, seeking birth in the Western Pure Land, due to this thus, in this present life, perhaps by people slighted and scorned, perhaps slightly attaining sickness and suffering, perhaps briefly receiving poverty, with all those matters not according to wishes, those earlier created karma to long fall into hell for long kalpas receiving suffering, will immediately then be eliminated, and still again, be able to be liberated from the cycle of birth and death, to surpass the ordinary and enter the noble.’ Yuán Liǎofán warily and cautiously cultivated good karma for all of his life, and changed his ‘fixed’ karma, to recast his destiny. This then fully exemplifies humans’ nature of taking initiative with regard to destiny, that so-called ‘humans’ power is able to conquer nature’. With earlier causes not enough to be relied on, with present causes’ goodness’ power then eliminating earlier causes. That disasters and blessings are without doors, only by people personally attracted, this is true and not false.
Great Master painstakingly warned the world’s people to have fear of evil karmic effects. Otherwise, they will have to be prepared, to be filled with evil causes (and their evil effects). Diligently cultivating good causes, then together attaining good rewards. Furthermore, encouraging all people, with all that cultivated good, to not seek future life’s blessed rewards (in the human and heavenly paths), only with them dedicating for seeking birth in the Western Pure Land Of Ultimate Bliss, to be forever liberated from rebirths’ ocean of suffering, then with this for completing practice. Great Master while living, distributed several million copies of ‘Ānshì’s Complete Book’, ‘Liǎofán’s Four Lessons’ (and many other books). This is enough to see Great Master’s compassionate mind for strong promotion of understanding cause and effect.
‘Sincerity and reverence are truly as the extremely wonderful secret for surpassing the ordinary and entering the noble, to be liberated from the cycle of birth and death.’ Those sincere will be with focused minds single-minded. Those reverent will be with minds neither drifting nor scattered. ‘With wholeheartedness utmost with reverence, thus will concentration’s power by the day strengthen, false thoughts by the day be eliminated, and pure karma by the day grow.’ ‘If lazy without the slightest reverence, although planting a distant cause, yet having the transgression of irreverent slighting, this has consequences which cannot be imagined.’
‘If desiring to attain the Buddha’s teachings’ true benefits, we must, with reverence within seek them. Having one part of reverence, thus eliminates one part of transgressive karma, increasing one part of blessings and wisdom. Having ten parts of reverence, thus eliminates ten parts of transgressive karma, increasing ten parts of blessings and wisdom. If without reverence, yet leading to irreverent slighting, thus will transgressive karma increase even more, and blessings and wisdom decrease even more.’
Great Master, for Wú Bìhuá, in a letter said, ‘There is one secret for success [to reach Pure Land], to earnestly inform one another. It is to have wholehearted sincerity and utmost reverence, which is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!’ With wholehearted reverence mindful of the Buddha, it should be known that this person is no longer the Sahā World’s long-staying guest, and already is the Land Of Ultimate Bliss’ esteemed guest.
With sincere reverence and shame, they have the effectiveness of mutually supporting each other. Able to personally have shame, giving rise to the repentant mind. With the repentant mind arisen, sincere reverence will follow it. If able to every day have shame, and constantly repent, then with the mind of sincere reverence abundant thus, none cannot be tamed. With it actively manifesting in the present, then with true Faith, sincere Aspiration and diligent Practice, without expectation, yet definitely with naturally gathered power. With the mind of shame, breaking ignorant desires. With wisdom’s light, seeking the return path. Great Master suited our sickness to prescribe the right medicine, with himself setting an example, he called himself Constantly Ashamed (and/or Repentant) Monk. With limitless compassion, granting this as a good plan for this Dharma-Ending Age’s sentient beings.

Great Master’s Pure Land thought is also with much on having the mind of joy and revulsion, ‘With Aspiration to depart from the Sahā World, like a prisoner who desires to exit prison, absolutely without the mind of reluctance and attachment. With Aspiration for birth in the Western Pure Land, like a passing guest who wishes to return to one’s homeland, how can there be the thought of wasting time?’ Wholeheartedly with the body and mind taking refuge, relying on Āmítuófó. ‘Āmítuófó has great power, that is able to pull out the Sahā World’s bottomless cesspit’s unpardoned prisoners, to directly depart from within, with all resettled in the homeland of Ultimate Bliss, enabling them to enter the Buddha’s realm, with that the same as what the Buddha benefits from.’
Great Master’s Pure Land thought is extensive, great and rich. From within, it can be seen and known, that Great Master’s ordinary style of teaching and transforming is pure, concise and to the point, yet never unfathomable. Although extensively proficient in the Three Treasuries and worldly learning, yet from the extensive returning to the crucial, all with mindfulness of Buddha as refuge. With regard to recent generations’ resurgence of the Pure Land Tradition, his merits are extremely great. Great Master gathered past patriarchs’ virtuous conduct into his one body, arose in this world, to greatly propagate the Dharma to transform, giving sentient beings within disasters and difficulties, a raised and never-extinguishing Dharma torch. More than half a century later today, his Collected Writings’ Dharma words, character and demeanour still possess profound power to teach, transform and gather. We, this Dharma-Ending Age’s ordinary sentient beings, also should bear in mind Great Master’s instructions, to be mindful of the Buddha, for seeking birth in his Pure Land. Hopefully, not letting down Great Master’s compassionate mind, of riding upon his vows to come again.
Great Master was indifferent to fame and wealth for all of his life. He was simple and unadorned, with nothing unusual. When interacting with people coming and going, he would not discuss with abstruse and witty words, on supernormal powers, the unusual and special. All were with mostly ordinary words, with fame and gain not on his mind. Of examples numerous, here are some listed.
First, in 1922, when Great Master was 62, the current President Xú inscribed and bestowed a horizontal plaque with the words ‘With Awakening Penetrative, Complete And Bright’, and officially sent it to Mount Pǔtuó, with incense and flowers making offerings. It was an extremely large-scale event at that time. Great Master handled it with detachment calmly. When having those congratulating, Great Master replied that, ‘It is like a pavilion in empty space. As I am personally without true virtues, and feel repentant endlessly, where did the glory come from?’ The day after, there was not again another word mentioned about the plaque.
Second, before Great Master approached life’s end for rebirth, he sent a letter to Dharma Master Désēn stating, ‘As Yìnguāng is without true virtues, if with praises eulogising Yìnguāng, this is then collecting excrement, on Yìnguāng’s head above piling it. I request that you with all those having affinity, to speak of this.’
Third, Shànghǎi Girls’ Senior Middle School had a student named Yáng Xìnfāng, who in a dream, experienced Contemplator Of The World’s Sounds Bodhisattva teaching, pointing out that Venerable Yìnguāng is Great Power Arrived Bodhisattva’s manifestation body. She immediately went to Sūzhōu to pay respects to him, to tell him about this dream. Great Master reproached and said, ‘Do not blindly speak! Do not blindly speak! With the ordinary abusing the noble, this attracts others’ slander. Of this dream, furthermore, I do not allow you to speak of it to others. Otherwise, you are not my disciple!’
The above-mentioned three examples are only a few of Great Master’s innumerable ‘ordinary’ examples of his indifference to fame and wealth for all of his life. From them, it can be proven and known that his virtuous conduct is not that average persons can hope to reach. With a generation’s patriarch’s model demeanour, within the ordinary, he expressed his brilliance.

On his knowing in advance, the time of his departure for Pure Land, there were many traces of evidence. In 1940’s winter, Great Master manifested slight illness. He quickly ordered to conduct the ceremony for Dharma Master Miàozhēn’s ascent to the Abbot’s seat. On the third day’s night, Great Master to the great assembly taught, ‘The Pure Dharma Door, is without any other unusual or special requisite. Only needing earnestness with utmost sincerity [in mindfulness of Āmítuófó name], with which there is none not receiving the Buddha’s reception and guidance, to bring one’s karma to be reborn [in his Pure Land].’ On the fourth day’s morning at 1.30 am, from his bed he arose and sat, saying, ‘With mindfulness of the Buddha, seeing the Buddha, one will definitely be born in his Western Pure Land.’ Having spoken completely, he immediately loudly recited the Buddha’s name. At 2:15 am, Great Master sat beside his bed and asked for water. After washing his hands, he stood up and said, ‘Receiving Āmítuófó’s reception and guidance, I am departing now. Everyone must be mindful of the Buddha, must give rise to Aspiration, and must be born in his Western Pure Land.’ After he finished, he then sat upright on a chair, and moved his lips slightly to recite the Buddha’s name. At around 3 am, when Venerable Miàozhēn arrived, Great Master instructed, ‘You must maintain this place for realising the path. You must propagate the Pure Land Tradition. Do not imitate those with exaggerated manners.’ Thereafter, not again speaking, only with lips moving to recite the Buddha’s name. This went on until 5 am. Like entering meditative concentration, as if smiling, within the great assembly’s recitation of the Buddha’s name, he was serenely reborn. Great Master was 80 years old, and had been ordained for 60 years.

On the 15th day of the second month the next year, a hundred days after Great Master manifested departure, a cremation ceremony was held. More than a hundred five-coloured śarīras (relics) were obtained, which were refined, round, bright and clear, also having big and small śarīra flowers, blood śarīras and others, together with more than a thousand pieces. Disciples of the fourfold assembly enshrined them in a relic pagoda at the southeast of Mount Língyán’s Shígǔ.
Great Master was with diligent cultivation of pure karma for all of his life. His ‘last’ continuing action, having already appeared with birth in the Western Pure Land’s auspicious signs, with them bequeathing examples, was moreover to leave śarīras for revealing the Dharma Body’s indestructible forms. This is enough to prove that Great Master has great compassion for delivering sentient beings, with his inexhaustible great vows. He was later by the world’s people honoured as the Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch. Great Master’s writings include ‘Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ first, second and third compilations, the Bǐngzǐ year’s (1936) ‘Cessation Of Disasters’ Dharma Words’ and others, with them still circulating in the world today.
完整中文原文 Complete Chinese text: donglin.org
图片 Pictures: 任新宇 《净土》
英译 English translation: purelanders.com
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