Brahma Net Sūtra’s Bodhisattva Precepts’ Text
南无千华台上卢舍那佛 (三称)
Námó Thousand Flowers’ Dais Above’s Rocana Buddha (Three Recitations)
Note [1] Námó (南无): ‘Homage to’ and ‘refuge for life in.’
Note [2] Rocana Buddha (卢舍那佛): The Reward Body Buddha (报身佛) of Śākyamuni Buddha (释迦牟尼佛). He is portrayed here to be sitting on a thousand petalled lotus flower dais (莲花台), with these petals representing many world systems where the Buddha manifests in.

[The] Three Categories [Of] Pure Precepts [are] difficult [to] attain hearing [of, with the] passing of immeasurable koṭis [of] kalpas. [To] study [and] recite, receive [and] uphold [them are] likewise thus, [with] those as spoken cultivating practices even more difficult.
Note [3] Three Categories Of Pure [Bodhisattva] Precepts (三聚[菩萨]净戒): These include (i) Precepts That Gather Discipline And Ceremonies (摄律仪戒), (which are Precepts for avoiding all evils), (ii) Precepts That Gather Good Dharmas (摄善法戒). (which are Precepts for practising all good), and (iii) Precepts That Gather Sentient Beings (摄众生戒), (which are Precepts for guiding all beings to Buddhahood).
Note [4] Uphold Well: Since these Precepts are so difficult to attain properly, they should be studied well, so as to uphold them well.
Brahma Net Sūtra’s Bodhisattva Precepts’ Preface

All Buddhas’ [Bodhisattva] disciples [and] others, [with] joined palms [and the] sincere mind listen, [as] I now desire [to] speak [on] ‘All Buddhas’ Great Precepts’ Preface’, [may the] assembly gathered silently listen. [Those who] personally know [they] have transgressions should repent, [with] repentance then [with] peace [and] bliss, without repentance, [with] transgressions increasing [in] depth. Those without transgressions [should be] silent. [With] silence thus, [it] should [be] known [that the] assembly [is] pure.
Note [5] Repentance (忏悔): When listening to the above communally (or alone) twice a month, this is the moment to openly confess and express repentance on any transgressions transpired since the previous recitation of these Precepts, if not already done.

All Great Virtuous [Ones], attentively listen. After [the] Buddha’s Parinirvāṇa, within [the] Dharma-Semblance [Age, there] should [be] reverence [of the] Prātimokṣas. The Prātimokṣas are the same as these Precepts. Those upholding these Precepts, [are] like [those in the] dark meeting brightness, like [those] poor attaining treasures, like those sick attaining recovery, like convicts bound exiting [from] prisons, like far travellers attaining return. [It] should [be] known [that] these Precepts, are the same as this assembly [and] others’ Great Teachers. If [the] Buddhas [are] abiding [in the] world, [they are] without difference [from] these too.
Note [6] After the Buddha’s Parinirvāṇa (佛灭度后): After Śākyamuni Buddha relinquished his Manifestation Body (化身) in our world at the age of 80.
Note [7] Dharma-Semblance Age (像法时期): After the Buddha’s Parinirvāṇa, is the Right Dharma (正法) Age, which lasted for five hundred years, followed by one thousand years of the Dharma-Semblance Age, when the Right Dharma begins to be expressed with deviations, to merely resemble what is Right.
Note [8] Prātimokṣas (波罗提木叉): The Precepts, which are moral guidelines that accordingly comply (随顺) ‘towards liberation’ (解脱) from all afflictions (烦恼).

[The] fearful mind [is] difficult [to] arise, [and the] good mind [is] difficult [to] give rise. Thus [does a] Sūtra say, ‘[Do] not slight [a] small transgression, with [it] as [being] without disaster. [With] water drops although tiny, [they can] gradually fill [a] big vessel. [In a] kṣaṇa creating [a] transgression, [is the] misfortune [of] falling [into the] Uninterrupted [Hell]. Once losing [this] human body, [for] ten thousand kalpas not again [with it. A] strong form [does] not stop, similar to [a] running horse. Human life’s impermanence, surpasses [those] of mountains [and] rivers. Today although surviving, tomorrow [is] likewise difficult [to] guarantee.’
Note [9] Reflection: There should be the mind that fears doing of evil, which leads to suffering. There should be the good mind, which leads to doing of good, that leads to True Happiness, the end of suffering.
Note [10] Kṣaṇa (刹那): One instant, the shortest unit of time spoken of in Buddhism.
Note [11] Uninterrupted Hell (无间地狱): the longest lasting hell for the most evil, with seamless (i.e. uninterrupted) and thus most suffering. If a heinous transgression (逆罪) is created, even if in an instant, it can lead to rebirth there, followed by a slow ‘climb’ to ascend in the paths (道), to regain a human rebirth.

[The] assembly [and] others, [should be with] each one wholehearted, cultivating diligently, [be] cautious not [to be] lazy, idle, drowsy [and] unrestrained. [At] night then gathering [the] mind, [to] retain mindfulness [of the] Triple Gem, [do] not with nothing pass [time], in vain establishing [that with] fatigue, later giving rise [to] deep regrets.
Note [12] Mindfulness of Āmítuófó (阿弥陀佛): This already encompasses mindfulness of the Triple Gem in essence, as he represents all Buddhas too, thus with all their Dharma teachings, leading the Saṃgha too, (as explained at https://purelanders.com/shenzhou).
Note [13] Diligence: Do not be half-hearted and lax in learning and practising of the Dharma, since they will have long-term benefits. Do not expend too much time and efforts on the worldly, since they will transpire shortly.
[The] assembly [and] others, [should be with] each one wholehearted, respectfully relying [on] these Precepts, according [with the] Dharma [to] cultivate practices, [you] should [thus] learn.

Take refuge [for] life [in] Rocana [Buddha, and the] ten directions’ Vajra Buddhas. Likewise prostrate [to the] Past Treatise Master, [the] Future Awakened Maitreya Honoured [One].
Note [14] Vajra (金刚): Used to describe the Buddhas as the Buddhahood they have realised is firm and indestructible, thus true and eternal. (There is reference to Maitreya Bodhisattva [弥勒菩萨] as this is from another preface, for another set of Bodhisattva Precepts related to him.)
Now speaking [of the] Three Categories [Of] Precepts, [that] Bodhisattvas all together hear, [these] Precepts [are] like [a] great bright lamp, able [to] eliminate long night’s darkness.

[These] Precepts [are] like [a] true treasure mirror, illuminating [the] dharmas completely without remainder. [These] Precepts [are] like [a] maṇi gem, [that] rains objects [to] aid [the] poor.
Note [15] Maṇi Gem (摩尼珠): Observation of the Precepts functions with them like a wish-fulfilling gem (如意珠) collectively as the meritorious virtues (功德) created can bear fruits in terms of that wished for. However, as the Precepts are committed to, what wished for must and will accord with the Dharma (如法).
Departing [from this] world [to] quickly accomplish Buddhahood, [it is] only [with] this Dharma as [the] most supreme. Therefore, all Bodhisattvas, should diligently protect [these] Precepts.
Note [16] Quick Accomplishment: The swiftest path to Buddhahood is via rebirth for completing training in Pure Land (净土). With these Bodhisattva Precepts observed well, progress will be expedited in this life, also leading to a High Grade (上品) of birth there, thus further and fully expediting progress to Buddhahood then.
The above continues at https://purelanders.com/2024/06/28/brahma-net-sutra-bodhisattva-precepts-text-ten-heavy-pratimok%e1%b9%a3a-precepts-ten-heavy-prohibitive-precepts.
Complete Sūtra:
Brahma Net Sūtra’s Bodhisattva Precepts’ Text