愚者执断或执常[111] Those Foolish [Are] Attached [To] Nihilism Or Eternalism...
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How A ‘Father’ Can Directly Carry A Child Home 父如何直提子回家
[10A] Top Ten Difficulties In This Defiled Land Vs Ease In That Pure Land (1) 十大秽土与净土难易之分别(一)
An Open Letter To Buddhist Practitioners
[13] The Thirteenth Contemplation: Mixed Contemplation (Of Contemplation Sūtra) 《观经》第十三观:杂想观
Āmítuófó’s Immeasurable Light And Life 阿弥陀佛之无量光寿
Mindfulness Of Buddha Is Unsurpassable Śamatha & Vipaśyanā Meditation 念佛是无上止观禅修法
Why Have Proper Self-Restraint When Alone? 为何克己慎独?
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念佛能养气调神[116] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha [Is] Able [To] Conserve Energy [And] Harmonise [The] Spirit...
提防财色横逆之烦恼[104] Guard Against Afflictions [Of] Wealth, Sex [And] Violent Opposition...
常欲见好境,易着魔发狂[123] Constantly Desiring [To] See Good Realms, Easily Possessed [By The] Demonic [To]...