Āmítuófó’s Forty-Eight Great Vows’ Essence
Vow #1—#11

[Twelfth Vow (Of) Bright Light Everywhere Illuminating (In The) Ten Directions]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should my] bright light have [a] limit, at least not illuminating that [of a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas [of] all Buddha lands, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of immeasurable blessings from light everywhere]
[Thirteenth Vow (Of) Everlasting Lifespan Similar (To The) Buddha’s]
If I attain Buddhahood, [should] lifespans have [a] limit, [of] at least that [of a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas [of] kalpas, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of immeasurable blessings for all time]
Vow #14—#31

[Thirty-Second Vow (Of) Majestic Adornments Surpassing (Those Of) All Heavenly (Beings)]
If I attain Buddhahood, from [the] ground to above, reaching to [the] sky, palace halls, high towers, ponds, streams, flowers, trees, [and] all those ten thousand things [in my] land, [will] all [be] with immeasurable varied treasures, [and a] hundred thousand kinds [of] fragrances, thus together composed. [These] majestic adornments [are] unique [and] wonderful, surpassing [those of] all heavenly [beings]. Their fragrances universally perfume [the] ten directions’ worlds. Bodhisattvas [who] smell [them, will] all cultivate Buddha practices. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of inspiration by sight and smell to cultivate Buddha practices]

[Thirty-Third Vow (Of) Receiving Light (That) Touches Body (For) Obtaining Benefits]
If I attain Buddhahood, [of the] ten directions’ immeasurable [and] inconceivable all Buddha worlds’ kinds of sentient beings, those [who] receive my bright light [that] touches their bodies, [will have] bodies [and] minds gentle [and] soft, surpassing [those of] heavenly beings. If it [is] not thus, [I shall] not obtain Right Awakening.
[Attainment of physical and mental peace and bliss by light]
Vow #34—#48
Related Sūtra:
[07] Seventh Chapter On Giving Rise To Great Vows
Of Immeasurable Life Sūtra