The Buddha’s Thrice Speaking On Quick Realisation Of Unsurpassable Complete And Perfect Bodhi’s Method
As the Buddhas’ disciples, our foremost goal is namely to quickly realise Unsurpassable Bodhi [i.e. Supreme Awakening Of Buddhahood]. For quicker accomplishment, have quicker seeking of the Buddha path, for quicker transforming of sentient beings, with quicker birth in Āmítuófó‘s Pure Land. The Buddha already, in the Sūtra On Praises Of The Pure Land With Buddhas’ Protection And Reception, thrice explained. Being born in the Land Of Ultimate Bliss, is namely for quickly realising Unsurpassable Bodhi, the method that we should accept.

Verses On Quick Realisation Of Bodhi
The Western Land Of Ultimate Bliss naturally and constantly has immeasurable and boundless all wonderful kinds of music, with their sounds and tunes harmonious and elegant, extremely lovely and blissful. Hearing these wonderful sounds, evil afflictions will be eliminated, and immeasurable good Dharmas will gradually, one by one, increase and grow, for quick realisation of Unsurpassable Complete And Perfect Bodhi.
With those by immeasurable meritorious virtues all adorned, all great beings, together gather and meet, receive and use such immeasurable meritorious virtues, with the Great Vehicle’s Dharma joy constant and without retrogression, with immeasurable practices and vows, from thought to thought increase and advance, for quick realisation of Unsurpassable Complete And Perfect Bodhi.
In day and night, during the six periods be close to, for making offerings to Immeasurable Light And Life’s Amitā Buddha [Āmítuófó], travelling in the ten directions to make offerings to all Buddhas, at all Buddhas’ places hear the Dharma and receive predictions with blessings and wisdom’s provisions swiftly attain perfection, for quick realisation of Unsurpassable Complete And Perfect Bodhi.

Sūtra Text On Quick Realisation Of Bodhi
[1] 渐次增长善根而速证菩提
[1] Gradually One By One Increase And Grow Good Roots, Yet Quickly Realising Awakening
Within the Land Of Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land, it naturally and constantly has immeasurable and boundless all wonderful kinds of music, with their sounds and tunes harmonious and elegant, extremely lovely and blissful. All sentient beings’ kinds who hear these wonderful sounds, will have all evil afflictions all eliminated, and immeasurable good Dharmas will gradually, one by one, increase and grow, to quickly realise Unsurpassable Complete And Perfect Bodhi.
Śākyamuni Buddha
(The Sūtra On Praises Of The Pure Land With Buddhas’ Protection And Reception)

[2] 生极乐,速成佛
[2] Be Born In In The Land Of Ultimate Bliss, To Quickly Accomplish Buddhahood
If all sentient beings hear of that western Immeasurable Life Buddha’s [Āmítuófó] pure Buddha land [of Ultimate Bliss], with immeasurable meritorious virtues all those adorned, all should vow to be born in that Buddha land. Why is that so? If born in that land, they will attain being with those by such immeasurable meritorious virtues all adorned, all great beings and others, together gathering and meeting, to receive and use such immeasurable meritorious virtues, all that adorn the pure Buddha land, with the Great Vehicle’s Dharma joy constant and without retrogression, with immeasurable practices and vows, from thought to thought increasing and advancing, to quickly realise Unsurpassable Complete And Perfect Bodhi.
Śākyamuni Buddha
(The Sūtra On Praises Of The Pure Land With Buddhas’ Protection And Reception)

[3] 生西方者,疾得圆满
[3] Those Born In The Western Pure Land, Will Swiftly Attain Perfection
Be born in the Western Land Of Ultimate Bliss, to receive and use all kinds of meritorious virtues’ adornments of the pure Buddha land, with the Great Vehicle’s Dharma joy. In day and night, during the six periods be close to, for making offerings to Immeasurable Life Buddha [Āmítuófó], travelling in the ten directions to make offerings to all Buddhas, at all Buddhas’ places hearing the Dharma and receiving predictions, with blessings and wisdom’s provisions swiftly attaining perfection, to quickly realise Unsurpassable Complete And Perfect Bodhi.
Śākyamuni Buddha
(The Sūtra On Praises Of The Pure Land With Buddhas’ Protection And Reception)

Related Sūtra:

The Sūtra On Praises Of The Pure Land With Buddhas’ Protection And Reception
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