[115] Guiding My Mother To Pure Land Despite Dementia
I had introduced Pure Land teachings to my Mother three to four years ago. When I first persuaded her to recite Āmítuófó’s (阿弥陀佛) name, she said she was not interested. Although disappointed, I continued to share about Āmítuófó and his Pure Land (净土) whenever I visited.
After two to three months, she relented and agreed to Niànfó (念佛: practise mindfulness of Buddha). Unfortunately, she soon said she was no longer interested. Despite another setback, I persisted for a few weeks.
She relented and heeded the advice again. (She even reminded me to Niànfó before.) Initially, she practised Niànfó daily. Slowly, as the early signs of dementia kicked in, she forgot to do so. Thus, I told the helper to remind her to Niànfó whenever she forgot.
This continued till May last year. All of a sudden, she forgot everything. It was a severe sign of dementia. Other aspects of her health started to deteriorate gradually. As a reminder to Niànfó, I placed a Niànfó device (念佛机) that played Āmítuófó’s name around the clock in her room: https://purelanders.com/mp3.

My Mother passed away peacefully in late Oct 24. We did support-chanting (助念) for a few hours and offered guidance (开示) regularly in between, to remind her that as she has already passed on, she should follow us to Niànfó sincerely, till she sees Āmítuófó, to follow him (and no one else) to his Pure Land (念佛、见佛、跟佛).

[Note: Those with dementia will be free from it after death as their consciousnesses will no longer be functioning through their unwell brains. Thus, offering of ample guidance and support-chanting to them (with their now clear minds) immediately after death is important, as they might soon be reborn elsewhere; not in Pure Land.]
She looked like she was asleep and her expression was pleasant (i.e. 面相如生: with facial appearance as if alive). When encoffining about 17 hours post-departure, the undertaker mentioned that her body was soft and flexible (i.e. 身心柔软: with body and mind gentle and soft).
During the wake, we continued offering guidance and support-chanting daily, as taught by Bro. Shi’an: https://purelanders.com/wake. There was also invitation of Pureland Practice Fellowship to offer an hour of the above recitation at the wake.
On cremation day, we said our final goodbye. When the casket was automatically pushed towards the furnace, my sister-in-law saw a vision of her wearing mustard (dark yellow) clothing with two black buttons in front. She was smiling happily.
🙏 Āmítuófó 🙏
29 October 2024
Alvin Lee
Related Dementia Testimonies:
[32] How My Grandmother’s Angry Scowl Became A Beautiful Smile
[62] Walking To Āmítuófó’s Golden Light
[69] How I Guided My Mother Despite Her Dementia To Niànfó
[74] How My Aunt Departed Blissfully Despite Severe Dementia
[89] An Amnesiac With Mindfulness Of The Buddha, Without Sickness Yet With Good Departure
Related Teachings:
Pure Land Practice For Those With Dementia
Verses On Supporting The Deceased