
[01] The First Great Vow: Paying Respects To All Buddhas (Of Universal Virtue Bodhisattva’s Practices’ And Vows’ Chapter)《普贤菩萨行愿品》第一大愿:礼敬诸佛

[01] [The First Great Vow: Paying Respects (To) All Buddhas]


Universal Virtue Bodhisattva [to] Good Wealth said, ‘Good man, speaking [of] that, [of] paying respects [to] all Buddhas, [of] all exhausting [the] Dharma Realm’s empty space’s worlds, [the] ten directions’ three periods’ all Buddha lands’ extremely fine dust [motes’] number [of] all Buddha World-Honoured [Ones], I, with Universal Virtue’s practices’ [and] vows’ powers thus, [with] profound mind [of] faith [and] understanding, like facing [them] before [my] eyes, all with pure body, speech [and] mind karmas, constantly cultivate paying [of] respects. [At] each [and every] one Buddha’s place, all appearing [with] unspeakably unspeakable Buddha lands’ extremely fine dust [motes’] number [of] bodies. [With] each [and every] one body, everywhere paying [respects to] unspeakably unspeakable Buddha lands’ extremely fine dust [motes’] number [of] Buddhas.


[When] empty space’s realms exhaust, my paying [of] respects then exhausts. With empty space’s realms inexhaustible thus, my this paying [of] respects [will] not have [a] complete end. Thus, and even [until] sentient beings’ realms exhaust, sentient beings’ karmas exhaust, sentient beings’ afflictions exhaust, my paying [of] respects then exhausts. Yet, [as] sentient beings’ realms, and even afflictions [do] not have ending thus, my this paying [of] respects [will] not have [a] complete end. [With] thought [to] thought [in] continuous succession, not having interruption. [With] body, speech [and] mind karmas, not having weariness.

Preceding Text:

[Ten Kinds (Of) Vast (And) Great Practices (And) Vows]

Following Text:

[The Second Great Vow: Praising (The) Thus Come (Ones)]

Complete Chapter:

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