
[8] Repentance Master Cíyún’s Early Morning’s Ten Recitations’ Method 慈云忏主晨朝十念法


That Ten Recitations’ Door, [is with] every day [in the] early morning, dressed [and] adorned already after, facing [the] West upright standing, [with] joined palms repeatedly reciting ’Āmítuófó‘, [with the] end [of] one breath as one recitation, thus [with] these ten breaths named as Ten Recitations.


Only according [to the] breath [being] long [or] short, not limiting [the] Buddha[‘s name’s] number [of times], only [with that] long, only [with it] longer, [with the] breath’s utmost as measure.


This Buddha[‘s name’s] sound [should] not [be] high [and] not low, not slow [and] not hasty, mediating [to] attain [the] middle.


Like this [with] ten breaths, continuous [and] not interrupted, [with the] intention [on] enabling [the] mind [to] not [be] scattered, [with] focused diligence as effort.


Thus naming this as those Ten Recitations, manifesting these [by] relying on [the] breath [to] bind [the] mind.

作此念已,[念《慈云忏主净土文》] 发愿回向云:

[Having] done these recitations already, [recite ‘Repentance Master Cíyún’s Pure Land Verses’ to] give rise [to] Aspiration and Dedication, saying,


‘I, disciple, ___ [name], wholeheartedly [take] refuge [for] life [in the] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ Amitā[bha] Buddha (Āmítuófó). May [he] with [his] pure light illuminate me, [and his] kind vows gather me.


I, now, [with] Right Mindfulness, recite [the] Thus Come [One’s] name, passing ten thought moments, for [the] Bodhi path, seek birth [in his] Pure Land.


[The] Buddha’s past fundamental vow [states], ‘If [there] are sentient beings, [who] desire birth [in] my land, [with the] sincere mind [of] joyful faith, even with ten thoughts [of Āmítuófó’s name], if [there are] those not born [there, I shall] not attain Right Awakening. Only excluded [are those with the] Five Transgressions, [who] slander [the] Right Dharma.’


I now, personally recollect, [that in] this life since, [have] not created heinous transgressions, [and] not slandered [the] Great Vehicle. May these ten thoughts attain entry within [the] Thus Come [One’s] great vows’ ocean, [to] receive [the] Buddha’s kind power, [with] all transgressions eliminated, [and] pure causes increased.


If, [when] approaching, about [to be at life’s] end, [may I] personally know [the] time [of] arrival, [my] body [be] without sickness’ suffering, [and] mind [be] without greedy attachment, [with] thoughts not inverted [and] scattered, like entering meditative concentration.


[May the] Buddha and [his] noble assembly, [with his] hand holding [a] golden dais, come [to] welcome [and] receive me, like [in] one thought moment, [with] birth [in his] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss.


[When the] flower blossoms, seeing [the] Buddha, immediately hearing [the] Buddha Vehicle, suddenly awakening [to the] Buddhas’ wisdom, [and] widely delivering sentient beings, [to] fulfil [the] Bodhi vow.’


([Having] made this vow already, prostrating [is] perhaps not needed, [but with] prostrating also alright, [this] only must [be practised to the] end [of] this one life. [It] must not [be for] one day temporarily abandoned. Only will [those] not abandoning [this], so long as [with] this mind, attain birth [in] that land.)

[注:「作此愿已…… 尽此一生」:原作「作此愿已便止,不必礼拜,要尽此一生」,改文甚好。]

[Note: ‘(Having) made this vow already… (to the) end (of) this one life’: (In the) original work, ‘(Having) made this vow already then stopping, not needing prostrating, (this) must (be practised to the) end (of) this one life’, (with the) amended text (being) extremely good.]

Namo Amituofo : Translation by Shen Shi’an

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