[05] [The Fifth Great Vow: Accordingly Rejoicing (For) Meritorious Virtues]
Furthermore, good man, speaking [of] that, [of] accordingly rejoicing [for] meritorious virtues, [of] all exhausting [the] Dharma Realm’s empty space’s realms, [the] ten directions’ three periods’ all Buddha lands’ extremely fine dust [motes’] number [of] all Buddha Thus Come [Ones]. From first giving rise [to the Bodhi] Mind, for all[-knowing] wisdom, diligently cultivating blessings’ accumulation, not sparing bodies [and] lives, passing unspeakably unspeakable Buddha lands’ extremely fine dust [motes’] number [of] kalpas. [In] each [and every] one kalpa within, relinquishing unspeakably unspeakable Buddha lands’ extremely fine dust [motes’] number [of] heads, eyes, hands [and] legs. [For] these such all difficult practices [and] ascetic practices, perfecting all kinds [of] pāramitās’ doors, realising [and] entering all kinds [of] Bodhisattvas’ wisdom grounds, accomplishing all Buddhas’ unsurpassable Bodhi and Parinirvāṇa, dividing [and] spreading [of] śarīras, [and] all good roots, I all accordingly rejoice.
And [for] other ten directions’ all worlds’ six realms’ four births’ all kinds, [of] all [their] meritorious virtues, and even [of] one dust [mote], I all accordingly rejoice. [For the] ten directions’ three periods’ all Voice-Hearers and Pratyekabuddhas, [those] having learning [and] no [more] learning, all [their] meritorious virtues, I all accordingly rejoice. [For] all those Bodhisattvas’ cultivated immeasurable difficult practices [and] ascetic practices, [with] aspiration seeking unsurpassable Right [And] Equal Bodhi, [their] vast [and] great meritorious virtues, I all accordingly rejoice.
Thus [with] empty space’s realms exhausted, sentient beings’ realms exhausted, sentient beings’ karmas exhausted, sentient beings’ afflictions exhausted, my this accordingly rejoicing [will] not have [a] complete end. [With] thought [to] thought [in] continuous succession, not having interruption. [With] body, speech [and] mind karmas, not having weariness.
Preceding Text:
[The Fourth Great Vow: Repenting (Of) Karmic Obstacles]
Following Text:
[The Sixth Great Vow: Requesting Turning (Of The) Dharma Wheel]
Complete Chapter: