[144] [With] Becoming Buddha As Cause, [And] Being Buddha As Effect
[The] Sūtra [On] Contemplation [Of] Immeasurable Life Buddha says, ‘[It] is [the] mind [that] becomes Buddha, [and it] is [the] mind [that] is Buddha.’
That ‘becomes Buddha’, [is] called [to] visualise [the] Buddha’s image, [with] recollection [and] mindfulness [of the] Buddha’s virtue and with [the] Buddha’s name.
That ‘is Buddha’, [is] called, when visualising him, [with] recollection [and] mindfulness, [with] the Buddha’s forms’ excellences majestic, blessed virtues, wisdom [and] supernormal path’s powers, all appearing within [the] minds of those [with] visualisation, recollection [and] mindfulness. Like [a] mirror’s reflected image, matching [the] form without two.
Then, [with the] mind [that does] not become Buddha, then [with the] mind [that] is not Buddha. [With the] mind [that] becomes [the] Three Vehicles, then [with the] mind [that] is [the] Three Vehicles. [With the] mind [that] becomes [the] six paths, then [with the] mind [that] is [the] six paths.
[Note 1: The Three Vehicles (三乘) towards Buddhahood are those of (i) Voice-Hearers (声闻), (ii) Pratyekabuddhas (辟支佛) and (iii) Bodhisattvas (菩萨).]
[Note 2: The Six Paths (六道) are those of (i) hell-beings (地狱众生), (ii) hungry ghosts (饿鬼), (iii) animals (畜生), (iv) human beings (人), (v) asuras (阿修罗) and (vi) heavenly beings (天人).]
[The] original essence of [the] mind, [is] like a sheet [of] white paper. [The] good [and] evil causes [and] effects of [the] function of [the] mind, [are] like painting [the] Buddha, painting [the] hells, each according [to the] mind appearing. Their original essence, although [is the] same, their attainments [are] totally different.
故 [《尚书》] 曰:「唯圣罔念作狂,唯狂克念作圣。」
Thus [the Book of Documents] says, ‘Only [with the] “noble” not thinking [of doing good, then] becoming unruly, only [with the] unruly subduing [their] thoughts, [then] becoming noble.’
[How] can we not [be] cautious of that mindful [of and] that done?
Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng
Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings (First Compilation): Thousand Buddhas’ Paintings’ Praises And Preface;
Record [Of] Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence (144th Short Section): 3rd [Chapter]: Guidance [On] Practice Methods: Fifth, Reviews [On] Practices’ Each Method (7th Short Section)
[Ref: #144 / 3.5.7]
Namo Amituofo : Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an
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[08] The Eighth Contemplation: Image’s Contemplation (Of Contemplation Sūtra)
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Record Of Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence