[117] How Mindfulness Of Buddha Saved Us Just In Time
Testimony: Hi Shi’an Laoshi, this is just a simple sharing on how Āmítuófó (阿弥陀佛: Amitābha Buddha) saved my husband and I from a near accident.
Yesterday evening, my husband and I decided to go to the stadium for a walk. He drove the lorry out from the multi-storey carpark while I waited below. When I boarded, he told me the brakes seemed ‘funny’ today, but could not figure out what was wrong. I thought it was just a small issue as the lorry is quite old and there were problems here and there.
I did not put on the seat belt as the front seat area was with many work tools, making it difficult to find the buckle. I only pulled the belt over without securing it, in case traffic police passed by. I also thought that the stadium was just 10 minutes away. (There should be buckling up even in inconvenient and if travelling for short distances.)
When the lorry was about to turn right to the way out, the brakes stopped working. The lorry went haywire. The only thing I knew I should do was to Niànfó (念佛: mindfulness of Buddha). The lorry then swayed to the left instead of the right. The wheels bumped onto a curb, where there is a small slope with trees and a lamp post. As I really thought we are going to crash into the trees, I did Niànfó as loudly as possible without stopping.
The lorry finally stopped at the lane which was a dead end, with a lorry parking in front. An elderly uncle was cycling along the pathway when we hit the curb. When the lorry stopped, I quickly alighted to take a look at him. Thankfully, he was alright. We got a scolding from him, and we apologised, while trying to explain about the brake issue.
Today, when my husband reflected, he said that it must have been Āmítuófó who protected us. [1] First, he would usually turn right, but yesterday, he somehow turned left instead, instinctively yet unknowingly, as his mind went blank then, as it he was guided by someone else. [2] Second, the lorry nearly hit the trees, uncle and other lorry, yet it stopped just in time. [3] Third, I was reciting Āmítuófó’s name sincerely, loudly and repeatedly, which was the only special thing done.
I still have the image of how near it was when the lorry was about to hit the trees. Niànfó is really very important. Sometimes, when I am out late for some family gatherings, I would skipped Niànfó. However, from now onwards, I will practise Niànfó every day.
Reply: Yes, it is best to have the disciplined practice of Niànfó daily. After all, ‘mindfulness of Buddha eliminates karmic obstacles’ (念佛消业障), which we have plenty of, from this present and many past lives together. Also, ‘mindfulness of Buddha protects with peace and safety’ (念佛保平安), as it eliminates the obstacles that give rise to dangers from karmic obstacles.
It should be noted that even if there is only one person reciting the Buddha’s name, as the intention is for helping everyone in the situation, and as the meritorious virtues (功德) from this practice are great, those near will also be safe.
This principle is reflected in the following teaching in ‘Contemplator Of The World’s Sounds (Guānshìyīn) Bodhisattva’s Universal Door Chapter’《观世音菩萨普门品》. Although it refers to mindfulness of the Bodhisattva in practice, it all the more applies to mindfulness of Buddha too, especially since Āmítuófó is the Bodhisattva’s teacher.
[1] 若有百千万亿众生,为求金、银、琉璃、砗磲、玛瑙、珊瑚、琥珀、真珠等宝,入于大海,假使黑风吹其船舫,飘堕罗刹鬼国,其中若有乃至一人称观世音菩萨名者,是诸人等皆得解脱罗刹之难…
[1] If there are thousands of millions of koṭis of sentient beings, for seeking gold, silver, lapis lazuli, tridacna, carnelian, coral, amber, pearls and other treasures, with entering of the great ocean, if black winds blow their ships, to drift and fall on rākṣasas’ ghost lands, among them, if there is even one person who recites that Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva’s name, all these persons will all equally attain liberation from difficulties of rākṣasas…
The above teaching explains why you, the passenger, as the one reciting ‘s Āmítuófó’s name, was able to protect both yourself and your driver. Of course, as the below teaching explains, it would be best if everyone ‘on the same (proverbial) boat’ are encouraged to recite sincerely together. Not only will there be more direct physical protection for all, there will be personal mental peace of mind for fearlessness too.
[2] 若三千大千国土满中怨贼,有一商主将诸商人赍持重宝,经过险路,其中一人作是唱言:『诸善男子!勿得恐怖,汝等应当一心称观世音菩萨名号,是菩萨能以无畏施于众生。汝等若称名者,于此怨贼当得解脱。』众商人闻,俱发声言:『南无观世音菩萨!』称其名故,即得解脱。
[2] If the three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world is full within, with hateful robbers, and there is a chief merchant, handling for all merchants, embracing and holding their precious treasures, passing through a dangerous road. Within them, one person makes this proposal, “All good men, do not be afraid. You should wholeheartedly recite Guānshìyīn Bodhisattva’s name. This Bodhisattva is able to be with fearlessness given to sentient beings. You, if reciting that name, from these hateful robbers, you will attain liberation.” All merchants, together give rise to the sound, saying, “Námó Guānshìyīn Púsà [Bodhisattva]!” Reciting his name thus, they will immediately attain liberation.
(The key differences between the two chapter quotes are that the [1] first is about [1.1] many people being saved from [1.2] great dangers, by [1.3] one person who recites the Bodhisattva’s name, while the [2] second is about [2.1] those people being saved from [2.2] greater dangers, by [2.3] one person who urges them to recite the Bodhisattva’s name together.)
Thank you for sharing your experience! May it encourage your husband to have more faith in Āmítuófó.
Reply to reply: Yes. Lately, he had some disputes with the religious place he is volunteering at, which has since split into two groups. With the near miss, maybe Āmítuófó was also trying to encourage him to focus on Niànfó.
Námó Āmítuófó : Gen
(pen name used for privacy)
26 December 2024