How Many Manifestation Bodies Does Āmítuófó Have?
As can be seen in《龙舒净土文》大菩萨修行兼修净土法门四 (Lóngshū’s Pure Land Text: Fourth Essay On Great Bodhisattvas’ Practices Simultaneously With Cultivation Of Pure Land’s Dharma Door), this is taught —
‘敬礼… 现在西方极乐世界三十六万亿一十一万九千五百 (3,600,000,119,500) 同名同号阿弥陀佛,观世音菩萨,大势至菩萨…’
‘[R]everently prostrate to… the present Western Land Of Ultimate Bliss’ three hundred and sixty thousand [360,000] koṭis [with each being 10 million] of one hundred and nineteen thousand five hundred [119,500] similarly named and similarly titled Amitā[bha] Buddha [Āmítuófó], Contemplator Of The World’s Sounds Bodhisattva, Great Power Arrived Bodhisattva)…’
This means there are many manifestations of Āmítuófó from the Land Of Ultimate Bliss’ in many world systems. This number is not absolute or exhaustive as the very meaning of Āmítuófó’s name actually means ‘Immeasurable Buddha(s)’ (无量佛) or the ‘Buddha Of Immeasurability.’
The big number however, gives us a great sense of the inconceivably (不可思议) immeasurable nature of Āmítuófó’s great compassion (慈悲), wisdom (智慧), skilful means (方便) and all other meritorious virtues (功德).

As can be seen in《佛说阿弥陀经要解》(Essential Explanation Of The Sūtra In Which The Buddha Speaks Of Amitā[bha] Buddha), this is taught by 净土宗九祖澫益大师 (Pure Land Tradition’s 9th Patriarch Great Master Ǒuyì) —
’In Sanskrit, on “Amitā”, he is called “Immeasurable Life” [i.e. Amitāyus], also called “Immeasurable Light” [i.e. Amitābha]. In essence, of his meritorious virtues, wisdom, supernormal powers, path’s [spiritual] strength, Circumstantial and Direct Rewards’ adornments, speaking of the Dharma to transform and deliver, each and every one is immeasurable.’
As can be seen in the same text’s 修持法门六 (Sixth Essay On Practices’ Dharma Door), this is taught —
‘The Buddha said, “I have another method, for enabling you, with reciting of the Buddha’s name one time, attaining many numbers of grain [i.e. times of recitation].’ He then taught them [i.e. an old man and woman] with recitation of ‘Námó Xīfāng Jílèshìjiè Sānshíliùwàn Yì Yīshíyīwàn Jiǔqiān Wǔbǎi Tóngmíng Tónghào Āmítuófó’ [i.e. ‘Homage to and refuge for life in the Western Land Of Ultimate Bliss’ three hundred and sixty thousand koṭis of one hundred and nineteen thousand five hundred similarly named and similarly titled Amitā[bha] Buddha.” This is from the Treasure King Treatise.’
Thus, if with this understanding and faith, sincere recitation of the above does create meritorious virtues equivalent to recitation of the stated number of times or Buddha(s).
However, as mentioned, since ‘Āmítuófó’ literally means ‘Immeasurable Buddha(s)’ (无量佛), his name already can represent all Buddhas collectively, in terms of the one Dharma Body (法身) (shared by all Buddhas), which encompasses innumerable Buddhas’ Reward Bodies (报身) and their innumerable Manifestation Bodies (化身). If reciting with this faithfully, the meritorious virtues will surely surpass that from mindfulness of 3,600,000,119,500 Buddha(s) ‘only’. When weak on the deathbed, it is much more practical to only recite Āmítuófó with utmost sincerity, with focused Aspiration (愿) to reach his Pure Land.
Related Teachings:
Lóngshū’s Pure Land Text: Fourth Scroll:
Fifteen Essays On Practices’ Dharma Doors:
Fourth Essay On Great Bodhisattvas’ Practices Simultaneously With Cultivation Of Pure Land’s Dharma Door
Lóngshū’s Pure Land Text: Fourth Scroll:
Fifteen Essays On Practices’ Dharma Doors:
Sixth Essay On Practices’ Dharma Door
Essential Explanation Of The Sūtra In Which The Buddha Speaks Of Amitā[bha] Buddha
Explanation Of Amitābha Sūtra’s Name
The First Layer Of Profound Meaning
为何专念 一佛?
Why Focus Upon Mindfulness Of One Buddha?