
Recent Streamlining Of Death Certification 最近死亡证明的简化

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The below changes, which allow direct death certification online, have been updated at in the ‘Important Guidelines (3): After Dying‘ section.

以下允许直接网上证明死亡的更改已在 ‘重要指示 (3): 往生后’ 部分更新。

[6] Death Notification: Medical personnel should be notified after the above support-chanting, as extended after end of breathing, so as to not touch the body too soon, which might disturb the consciousness.

[6] 死亡通知:断气后,应当继续把以上的助念指示做足,才通知医护人员前来证明死亡,以免太早触摸遗体,而干扰到神识。

[7] Death Administration: The following procedure is in the Singapore context. (For updates and details, please see

[7] 死亡行政处理:以下是新加坡的程序。(欲知最新详情,请看

(a) Death at Home from Natural Cause

(a) 家中自然死亡

Contact family doctor of deceased or any doctor who can make a house call and certify death online. With the certificate number, next-of-kin can download the digital Death Certificate from

联系往生者的家庭医生,或能到家中上网证明死亡的医生。有了证书编号,近亲可从 下载电子死亡证书。

(b) Death at Home from Unnatural Cause

(b) 家中非自然死亡

If unable to certify death, contact police for body to be sent to mortuary. Retrieval of body is usually on the next day (with medical documents, medicine and identity card of the deceased).


(c) Death in Hospital from Natural Cause

(c) 医院中自然死亡

After death is certified, next-of-kin can download the digital Death Certificate from

证明死亡后,近亲可从 下载电子死亡证书。

(d) Death in Hospital from Unnatural Cause

(d) 医院中非自然死亡

If unable to certify death, body will be sent to mortuary. Retrieval of body is usually on the next day (with medical documents, medicine and identity card of the deceased).


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