[282] With [The] Respectful [And] Sincere Mind, Uphold Precepts [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha
[Precepts and] rules, not only point [to] coarse deeds. If not holding respect [and] retaining sincerity, [this is] considered [to] be violating [precepts and] rules [too].
[Note 1: As precepts and rules (戒律) do not only guide our sometimes superficial words and deeds, also guiding our intentional thoughts that give rise to them, our minds should have respect and sincerity for all beings, who are those the precepts and rules serve to protect.]
Moreover, [the law of] cause [and] effect [is] also as [the] guiding principle [and] framework within [precepts and] rules. If people [do] not know cause [and] effect, and conceal causes [with] ignorance [of their] effects, all [are] as violating [of precepts and] rules.
[Note 2: The precepts and rules are structured according to the law of karma (业) (i.e. cause and effect: 因果), so as to avoid creating evil karmas (恶业) that give rise to suffering, and to create good karmas (善业) that give rise to joy. To hide evil karmas created while deluded about their bitter fruits (of suffering) thus goes against the spirit and letter of the precepts and rules.]
Of people mindful [of the] Buddha, [when] raising minds [and] moving thoughts, [if] constantly with [the] Buddha united, then [is this with the] Vinaya, Teachings, Chán [and] Pure Land [traditions, on] one path together walking [i.e. practising].
[Note 3: As those with sincere mindfulness of the Buddha are aligning to their Buddha-nature (佛性) with the Buddha’s blessings, they will naturally and increasingly be aligned to the precepts and rules, that are common in all other Buddhist traditions too, such as those listed. After all, the Vinaya Tradition [律宗] is not the only one connected to observation of precepts and rules.]
[Note 4: Briefly, the Vinaya Tradition (律宗) focuses on strict upholding of the precepts (持戒), to purify the three karmas (三业) of body, speech and mind. The Teachings Tradition (教宗) focuses on studying the sūtras’ teachings (经教), to rely on their teachings to cultivate contemplation (依教修观). The Chán Tradition (禅宗) focuses on Self-powered (自力) meditation (禅修) to see one’s nature (见性). The Pure Land Tradition (净土宗) focuses on the Practice (行) of mindfulness of Buddha (念佛), with profound Faith (深信) and sincere Aspiration (切愿), for reaching his Pure Land, to most swiftly expedite progress to Buddhahood for one and all.]
Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng
Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings (First Compilation): Reply Letter [To] Xiè Chéngmíng;
Record [Of] Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence (282nd Short Section): 8th [Chapter]: Explanations [On] Common Doubts [And] Confusions: Discussions [On] Precepts [And] Rules (2nd Short Section)
[Ref: #282 / 8.8.2]
Namo Amituofo : Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an
Related Text:
Record Of Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence