[4] Not [Being] Mindful [Of The] Buddha Is [To Be] Mindful [Of The] Nine Realms
[Of the] Dharma Door [Of] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, it [has] come [to us from] long ago.
With our one thought’s mind-nature, [it is] just like empty space, constantly eternal [and] unchanging. Although constant [and] unchanging, yet repeatedly [from] thought [to] thought, according [with] conditions.
[If] not according [with] conditions of [the] Buddhas’ realm, then according [with] conditions of [the] nine realms.
[Note 1: The nine dharma realms (九法界) are listed at Note 1 of https://purelanders.com/2022/03/19/1-the-one-vehicles-unsurpassable-great-teaching.]
[If] not according [with] conditions of [the] Three Vehicles, then according [with] conditions of [the] six paths.
[Note 2: The Three Vehicles (三乘) are listed at Note 8 of https://purelanders.com/2022/03/19/1-the-one-vehicles-unsurpassable-great-teaching. The six paths (六道) are listed at Note 3 of https://purelanders.com/2022/03/30/great-master-yinguangs-brief-explanation-of-the-praises-of-the-six-thus-buddhas.]
[If] not according [with] conditions of human [and] heavenly [beings], then according [with] conditions of [the] three realms.
[Note 3: The three realms (三途) are listed at Note 3 of https://purelanders.com/2022/03/30/great-master-yinguangs-brief-explanation-of-the-praises-of-the-six-thus-buddhas.]
Due [to] their conditions of defilements [and] purity not [being the] same, leading to their retribution [and reward] of suffering [and] joy [being] totally different.
Although with [the] original essence completely without change, yet its [different] forms [and] functions [are] certainly already [like the] wide gap [between the] sky [and a deep] abyss.
For example, like [the] empty sky, [with the] sun illuminating then bright, [with] clouds gathering then dark. Although [with the] original essence of empty space, not because [of] clouds [and the] sun, then with increase [and] decrease, yet having [many] forms of appearance [and] obstruction, [that] certainly cannot [be in the] same year then spoken.
[The] Thus Come [One], with this meaning thus, universally enable sentient beings [to have the] condition [to be] mindful of Buddha. Thus saying, ‘If sentient beings’ minds, recollect [Amitābha] Buddha, [or are] mindful [of the] Buddha[‘s name: “Āmítuófó” (阿弥陀佛)], manifesting [in the] present [or in the] future, [they] will definitely see [the] Buddha, [with the] Buddha not far away.’
[Note 4: The above quote is from the ‘Great Power Arrived Bodhisattva’s Perfect Penetration With Mindfulness Of Buddha’《大势至菩萨念佛圆通章》at https://purelanders.com/yuantong.]
Also saying, ‘All Buddha Thus Come [Ones], are [the] Dharma Realm’s Body, [who] enter all sentient beings’ minds’ thoughts within. Therefore, when you [and] others [have] minds [with] thoughts [of the] Buddha, this mind is the same as [his] thirty-two forms, [and] eighty appearance-following excellences. [It] is [the] mind [that] becomes Buddha, [and it] is [the] mind [that] is Buddha. All Buddhas’ right all-knowing ocean, from [the] mind’s thought arises.’
[Note 5: The above quote is from the ‘Contemplation Sūtra’《观经》at https://purelanders.com/guanjing.]
Those according [with] conditions of [the] Buddha’s realm, [are] then [with, ‘It] is [the] mind [that] becomes Buddha, [and it] is [the] mind [that] is Buddha.’
If according [with] conditions of sentient beings’ each realm, [they are] then [with, ‘It] is [the] mind [that] becomes [a] sentient being, [and it] is [the] mind [that] is [a] sentient being.’ Of those understanding this, yet not mindful [of the] Buddha, [there is] yet [to] be [any of them].
[This] one Dharma [Door Of] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, [is] thus with [the] Thus Come [One’s] ten thousand virtues’ great name as condition. Then [with] this ten thousand virtues’ great name, [it is] thus [for] that realisation [of the] unsurpassable awakening path, of [the] Thus Come [One’s] fruit’s ground.
Due [to] this, with [the] fruit’s ground’s awakening, as [the] causal ground’s mind, thus attaining [that with the] cause possessing [the] effect’s ocean, [and the] effect pervading [the] cause’s source. ‘Like persons perfumed [by] incense, [whose] bodies have fragrance.’
[Note 6: The above quote is from the ‘Great Power Arrived Bodhisattva’s Perfect Penetration With Mindfulness Of Buddha’《大势至菩萨念佛圆通章》at https://purelanders.com/yuantong.]
Like [a] wasp that ‘prays’ [over a] green ‘worm’ [and vice versa, over a] ‘long’ [time], then [with the latter] transforming [to] it. [In this] immediate life becoming Buddhas, transforming [the] ordinary [to] accomplish [the] noble, its capability, power [and] function transcend, [to be] above that [of] one lifetime’s teachings’ all Dharma Doors.
With all Dharma Doors, all rely [on] Self-power, [to] sever confusions [and] realise [the] true, then attaining liberation [from the cycle of] birth [and] death. [The] Dharma Door [Of] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, [is with] Self-power, [and] Other-power, [with these] two all complete.
Thus, those [who have] already attained severance [of] confusions [and evil] karma, [will] quickly realise [the] Dharma Body. Those complete [with] confusions [and evil] karma, [can] carry [their] karma [to be] reborn [in the Pure Land]. This Dharma [Door is] extremely common. Although [as] foolish men [and] foolish women, [they are] also able [to] attain its benefits.
Yet again, extremely profound [and] wonderful, even if [there are] Equally Awakened Bodhisattvas, [they are] not able [to] exceed [its] scope. Thus without one person [who] cannot cultivate [it], also without one person not able [to] cultivate [it].
[With] starting [of practice] easy, yet [with] success high, [with] exerting [of] efforts little, yet [with] attaining [of] results fast. Truly as [the] Thus Come [One’s] one lifetime’s teachings within, its Special Dharma Door, [it] definitely cannot [be] with common teachings’ principles, then for discussing [and] classifying [it].
[This] Dharma-Ending [Age’s] sentient beings, [are with] blessings thin [and] wisdom shallow. [If] not cultivating this Dharma [Door], desiring [to] rely [on] Self-power [to] sever confusions [and] realise [the] true, for liberation [from the cycle of] birth [and] death, [this is] then [with] ten thousand difficulties [of] ten thousand difficulties.
Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng
Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings (First Compilation): Preface [For] ‘Qīzhēn [Monastery’s] Long-Term Residents’ Yearlong Mindfulness [Of] Buddha’;
Record [Of] Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence (1st Short Section): 1st [Chapter]: Praise [Of The] Pure Land [Dharma Door Being] Transcendental [And] Supreme (2nd Short Section)
[Ref: #4 / 1.4]
Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an
Related Text:
Record Of Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence