
[48] Why All Should Practise Niànfó Diligently Now? 为何应当现在精进念佛?


Question: [If] ten mindful [recitations or] one mindful [recitation] both attain birth [in Āmítuófó’s Pure Land], why [is there] need [for one to] seven days [of mindful recitations, as taught in the Amitābha Sūtra]?  


Answer: If without normal times’ seven days’ efforts [or skills of Practice], how can [there] be, when approaching [the] end [of life], ten mindful [recitations or] one mindful [recitation]?


Even for [the] lowest [of the] low grade’s people [with] heinous evils, [they also are [with] previous causes’ ripening, thus inducing, [when] approaching [the] end [of life, the] meeting [of] good [spiritual] friends, to hear [and] thus [give rise to] Faith [and] Aspiration [for Practice].


[As] these matters, within ten thousand [people, is] without one, how can [there be] taking of chances?


[As] ‘Doubts [And] Questions [On] Pure Land’ reproves this most detailedly, today’s people must not not read [it]. 

– 净土宗九祖澫益大师

– Pure Land Tradition’s 9th Patriarch Great Master Ǒuyì
(Essential Explanation [Of The] Sūtra [In Which The] Buddha Speaks [Of] Amitā[bha] Buddha)

Namo Amituofo: Translation by Shen Shi’an

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Next Section: How Is Rebirth In Pure Land Immediate?

Complete English Translation Of ‘The Essential Explanation On The Amitābha Sūtra As Spoken By The Buddha’

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