A Buddhist Transgressor’s Aspirational Prayer
Question: Is there an ‘equivalent’ of the ‘Sinner’s Prayer’ for Pure Land Buddhists?
Answer: There are many traditional aspirational prayers or ’Texts For Giving Rise To Aspiration’ (发愿文). Perhaps the below can be considered as a brief ‘Transgressor’s Aspirational Prayer’《罪者发愿文》.

‘To Āmítuófó (阿弥陀佛), who also represents all Buddhas (诸佛), I confess my transgressions against many in this and countless past lives, in thought, word and deed. May you witness my sincere repentance (忏悔) to all beings in every realm. May I make up for my mistakes and never repeat any of them.
With great compassion, you have lived and died for many more lives, sacrificing life and limb repeatedly for us, as a Bodhisattva (菩萨) to become a Buddha, to seek and share the swiftest path for our complete liberation (圆满解脱), through your most excellent Pure Land (净土), which I vow (愿) to reach by the end of this life.
I hereby renounce attachment, aversion and delusion (贪嗔痴), to take wholehearted refuge (一心归命) in you. May I have unshakable faith (信) by following your teachings with diligent learning and practice (行), in this and my next life, till Buddhahood (佛果) is attained, for the supreme welfare of one and all. Āmítuófó…’
(Note that the 3Rs of Repentance for the Three Poisons [三毒], Refuge in Āmítuófó and Resolution to accumulate the Three Provisions [三资粮] are expressed above.)