
[26] Ten-Step Proof For Truthfulness Of Āmítuófó’s Pure Land Teachings 阿弥陀佛净土教理真实性之十步证明

Photo by Magda Ehlers on

[1] Perfect Being:

There will be a Buddha (佛陀), as the most awakened being (觉者), arising in each world ready.

[2] Pefect Buddha:

There was thus Śākyamuni Buddha (释迦牟尼佛), arising in our world, about 3,000 years ago.

[3] Perfect Buddhas:

There will thus be many other Buddhas, due to there being many worlds and periods, as taught by Śākyamuni Buddha.

[4] Perfect Virtues:

There will thus be Buddhas, all with perfect and complete (圆满) compassion (慈悲), wisdom (智慧) and skilful means (善巧方便).

[5] Perfect Schools:

There will thus be perfect Dharma schools called Pure Lands (净土), created by all Buddhas, for expediting our progress to Buddhahood (佛果).

[6] Pefect Recommendation:

There will thus be one key Pure Land, that is most highly recommended by all Buddhas to be reached, which is Āmítuófó’s (阿弥陀佛) Pure Land (净土).

[7] Perfect Path:

There will thus be a relatively Easy Practice Path (易行道) to reach it, which is with the Three Provisions (三资粮), since it is most recommended.

[8] Perfect Faith:

There will thus be relatively harder to believe (难信) aspects of the teachings, due to the path being easier, which is why there should be more diligent learning and sincere practice (修学).

[9] Perfect Signs:

There will thus be many yet consistent auspicious signs (瑞相) of reaching the Pure Land, that accord with Śākyamuni Buddha’s teachings in the sūtras (经).

[10] Perfect Records:

There will thus be many public cases (公案) of successful rebirth recorded, as testimonies of connection (感应), from the past to the present.

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