Why Wholeheartedness Matters More Than Single-Mindedness
Question: How important is it to cultivate single-mindedness (or single-pointedness; one-pointedness) and how should it be done?
Answer: Pure Land practitioners (净土行者) should aim for wholeheartedness (一心 in terms of the heart). This is not exactly the same as single-mindedness (一心 in terms of the mind).
With wholeheartedness, which is sincerity (至心) in Faith (信) and Aspiration (愿) in the Practice (行) of mindfulness of Buddha (念佛) to reach his Pure Land (净土), single-pointedness in terms of concentration (定) will arise naturally upon connection to Āmítuófó (阿弥陀佛). (Sincerity binds the Three Provisions [三资粮] of Faith, Aspiration and Practice together.)
This great boost, as empowered by the Buddha, is one of the factors that make mindfulness of Buddha the ‘unsurpassable profound and wonderful meditation’ (无上深妙禅).
If however aiming for single-pointedness only, wholeheartedness will never arise. Wholeheartedness (or sincerity) is crucial for connecting to Āmítuófó, for blessed peace and bliss (安乐) of body and mind (身心) to arise.
This explains why many older and simpler folks who neither learnt nor practised conventional self-powered (自力) meditation (that aims for single-mindedness) can still reach Pure Land, as they knew how to be sincere, thus connecting to Āmítuófó’s immeasurable Other-power (他力).
This is while younger and more complicated folks who tend to worry about concentration miss the point to be sincere first. The Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng (净土宗十三祖印光大师) also taught about the above principles in his teachings below.
Having Faith [And] Aspiration, Yet [To] Attain Single-mindedness, [One] Also Can [Attain] Birth [In] Pure Land
[The] Dharma Door [Of] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha [i.e. reciting of Āmítuófó’s name (阿弥陀佛)] emphasises [on] Faith [and] Aspiration [i.e. Vow]. Having Faith [and] Aspiration, yet [to] attain single-mindedness [i.e. concentration in Practice (行), one] also can [attain] rebirth [in] Pure Land. [Having] attained single-mindedness, if without Faith [and] Aspiration, [one] also cannot attain rebirth [in Pure Land].
Extremely many common people [who] emphasise [on] single-mindedness, [and do] not emphasise [on] Faith [and] Aspiration, are already missing these essentials. Yet, again [and] again giving rise [to the] one doubt [with] fear of not attaining rebirth [in Pure Land] since yet [to] attain single-mindedness, [this is] then completely opposite [of] true Faith [and] sincere Aspiration. This kind [of] thinking, seems [to] be good thinking [but it is not].
In fact, from this, [it is] then beneficial [to] increase Faith [and] Aspiration, so that [there is] single-mindedness [as wholehearted (i.e. utmost sincere) Practice with Faith and Aspiration naturally leads to single-mindedness. This] then is good thinking.
If due [to] not attaining single-mindedness, constantly retaining [the] one thought of not [being] able [to be] reborn [in Pure Land, this] then becomes bad thinking. [This] cannot [be] not known!
Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng
(Reply [To] Layperson Zhū Dédà)
Namo Amituofo : Translation by Shen Shi’an
Related Teachings:
Mindfulness Of Buddha Is The Unsurpassable Profound And Wonderful Meditation Door
Buddha Mindfulness Is Supreme Meditation
How Do Niànfó Practitioners Reach Āmítuófó’s Pure Land?
(The True Meaning Of Wholeheartedness Without Being Scattered)
The Three Provisions For Rebirth In Pure Land
Three Essentials For Gathering The Mind