Dharma Words Of [The] Elder Venerable Xūyún’s Encouragement [Of] Those Cultivating Chán [To Be] Mindful [Of The] Buddha:
Guidance [When Retreat For] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha [Is] About [To] End
[i] Mindfulness [Of The] Buddha [Is] Complete [With The] Six Pāramitās

About upholding mindfulness [of the] Buddha[‘s name (Āmítuófó: 阿弥陀佛), this] one Dharma [Door, it is] complete [with the] Six Pāramitās [i.e. Perfections].
[In the] past, [when the] World-Honoured [One] abided [in this] world [for] forty-nine years [to] speak [the] Dharma, [it was] all, because [of circumstances at those] times then [with] transforming, responding [to] capacities then [with] teaching, likewise not departing [from these] six kinds [of] Pāramitās’ doors.
Thus, then [1] seeing greedy-minded sentient beings, teaching them with Generosity.
[2] Seeing evil-minded sentient beings, teaching them with Upholding [Of] Precepts.
[3] Seeing those angry-minded sentient beings, teaching them Forbearance.
[4] Seeing lazy sentient beings, teaching them Diligence.
[5] Seeing confused-minded sentient beings, teaching them with Meditative Concentration.
[6] Seeing ignorant-minded sentient beings, teaching them with Prajñā [i.e. Wisdom].
Therefore, [with] Generosity delivering greed, Upholding [Of] Precepts delivering evils, Forbearance delivering anger, Diligence delivering laziness, Meditative Concentration delivering scattered confusions, Prajñā delivering ignorance, these thus [are the] meanings of [the] Six Pāramitās [as] remedying Dharma Doors.
[ii] One Line [Of] Āmítuófó’s [Name] Contains [The] Six Pāramitās
Now [with] mindfulfulness only [of] this one line [of] Āmítuófó’s [name (Āmítuófó: 阿弥陀佛), it is] then able [to] contain these six kinds [of] Pāramitās’ doors. Why?

Of persons mindful [of the] Buddha, [1] [with] wholehearted mindfulness [of the] Buddha, [with the] ten thousand conditions put down, [and with] accepting [and] rejecting both forgotten, [this] is Generosity Pāramitā.
[2] [With] wholehearted mindfulness [of the] Buddha, [with] all evils eliminated, [and with the] ten thousand goodnesses from [it] arising, [this] then is Upholding [Of] Precepts Pāramitā.
[3] [With] wholehearted mindfulness [of the] Buddha, [with] one’s mind gentle [and] soft, [and with] anger not arising, [this] then is Forbearance Pāramitā.
[4] [With] wholehearted mindfulness [of the] Buddha, not resting [and] not ceasing, forever not retrogressing, [this] then is Diligence Pāramitā.
[5] [With] wholehearted mindfulness [of the] Buddha, without all confused thinking, [with] flowing thoughts dispersed completely, [this] then is Meditative Concentration Pāramitā.
[6] [With] wholehearted mindfulness [of the] Buddha, [with] Right Mindfulness distinct [and] clear, not receiving evil confusions, [this] then is Prajñā Pāramitā.
[iii] [Those With] Chán [And] Pure Land [Practices] Both Cultivated Must First [Be] Mindful [Of The] Buddha

[In] present times, [there] are people [who do] not recognise [the] function [of] mindfulness [of the] Buddha[‘s name (Āmítuófó: 阿弥陀佛)], instead seeing that as [a] superficial [and] simple Dharma Door. [This is] actually [with] wrong understanding [that is] not little, [with] oneself harmed, harming others.
一句佛不念,单单参个「[念佛是] 谁 (?)」字话头。殊不知念佛法门,兴于禅宗之前,因时人但知口念,不识其心,故教以念佛带参禅。
[If with the] one line [of the] Buddha’s [name] not mindful [of], only contemplating ‘Who [is mindful of the Buddha?]’, [this] one word head, [this is] actually not knowing [that the] Dharma Door [Of] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, flourished before [the] Chán Tradition, because [of circumstances at those] times, [with] people only knowing [to be with their] mouths reciting, not recognising their minds, thus teaching [them to be] with mindfulness [of] Buddha and Chán contemplation.
Of those persons [who are] diligent, [that] precious [is] of contemplative investigating, pursuing, asking [and] seeking. If [there] are masters of high roots [and] sharp wisdom, then [are they] able [to] directly undertake [them].
If [there are] persons of dull roots [with] gradual [progress, they] must first [have] mindfulness [of] Buddha. Waiting [till their] mindfulness reaches not [being] mindful yet [being] mindful, [being] mindful yet not [being] mindful, [then] again towards ‘no thought’ within giving rise [to] singular contemplative investigation, further examining this ‘Who is mindful [of the] Buddha?’
Those examining [the] ‘Who’ word head, should first [be] with mindfulness [of] Buddha as [its] condition [for] arising, later with Chán contemplation as [the] end, [as] conditioned [by] mindfulness [of] Buddha, then [with] Chán contemplation, [this is] therefore named as [with] Chán [and] Pure [Land] together cultivated.
[iv] That Able [To Be] Mindful [With] That Mindful [Of Are] Not Two [And Are] Without Difference

Ancient people previously have [an] analogy saying, [that] of persons mindful [of the] Buddha[‘s name (Āmítuófó: 阿弥陀佛)], like [a] mother [and] child recollecting one another, naturally [will they be] close [to and] intimate [to] one another. [The] mother [is an] analogy [for] that Buddha mindful [of, and the] child [is an] analogy [for those] persons able [to be] mindful. Of [those] persons able [to be] mindful, [they] then have sentient [beings’] bodies [and] minds. Of that Buddha mindful [of, this] then is self-nature’s Āmítuófó [too].
Self-nature Āmítuófó together [with] sentient [beings’] bodies [and] minds, [are] not separated [by the] slightest bit. Of persons able [to be] mindful, with that Buddha mindful of, [they are] not two [and are] without difference.
[They] must have long-term diligence [of wholeheartedness], to the point [of being] skilful, collected [to] become one piece [i.e. unified as a whole]. Perhaps [with the] mouth reciting, or [the] mind mindful, or having thought, or no thought, [with] mindfulness until [from] thought to thought [in] continuous succession, without having interruption, towards here [with] contemplative investigation, if able [to] attain an entry point, connected [to the] one hub, then knowing [that the] Chán [and] Pure Land [doors are] not two, probably [with] mindfulness [of] Buddha having benefits, then not betraying [this] one seven[-day mindfulness of Buddha retreat’s] hardship.
Immediately now, [with this] seven[-day mindfulness of] Buddha [retreat] going [to] end, does] everyone also have attainment [of] that entry point, [with] connection [to the] hub or not? If [there are] those [who] have [it, they] must personally undertake [that] appropriate. Those perhaps yet thus, still must earnestly [be] mindful [of the] Buddha'[s name].
Elder Venerable Xūyún
Pointers, Outlines [And] Summaries
Namo Amituofo : Translation by Shen Shi’an
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