
[27] The Parable Of Curing Whip Wounds From The Sūtra Of A Hundred Parables《百喻经》之治鞭疮喻

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[The] Sūtra [Of A] Hundred Parables

(27) Parable [Of] Curing Whip Wounds


[In the] past, [there] was a person who [was] by [the] King whipped, [having] been whipped already, with horse dung applying it [on his wounds], desiring [to] quickly recover.


[There] was [a] foolish person [who] saw this, giving rise [to] joy, then making this statement, ‘I [have now] definitely gotten this method [for] curing wounds.’


Immediately returning home, [he] said [to] his son, saying, ‘You [should] whip my back, [as] I [have] gotten [a] good method [and] now desire [to] try it.’


[His] son for [him] whipped [his] back, [and] with horse dung applied it, assuming [it is a] skilful [means].


[The] world’s people [are] likewise thus, hearing [that there] are people saying cultivation [of] impurity’s contemplation immediately attains elimination [of the] five aggregates’ body’s wound, [they] then make this statement, ‘I desire [to] contemplate on female forms, and with [the] five desires [too].’

[Note 1: The five aggregates (五阴/蕴) are (i) form (色), (ii) feelings (受), (iii) perception (想), (iv) mental formation (行) and (v) consciousness (识).]


Yet [to] see [the] impurity, instead by females forms as those confused, reborn [in the cycle of] birth [and] death, [and] falling into [the] hells, [the] world’s foolish people [are] likewise thus.

[Note 2: There should not be blind faith in, with mimicking of others’ methods of practice without proper learning, contemplating and even appropriate questioning. Not only might these methods not work, they might even be harmful, creating new problems when they need not be there in the first place. Even if there is an actual skilful means of others found, it might not be skilful for one due to oneself having different spiritual capacities.

Only those who are ready to practise impurity’s contemplation are able to transcend attachment to the body and the five desires swiftly. They are able to contemplate the impure parts within the body directly. This is while those not ready, who contemplate living bodies’ exterior only might give rise to lust that further drives the rounds of rebirth, even possibly leading to lower rebirths if precepts are severely broken due to sexual misconduct.]

Namo Amituofo : Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an

Previous Parable:

[26] The Parable Of The Person Imitating A King’s Eye-Twitching

Next Parable:

[28] The Parable Of For The Wife Changing Her Nose

All Hundred Parables:

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