Nine Grades [Of] Rebirths [In] Amitā[bha] Samādhi Assembly’s Dhāraṇī Sūtra
Nine Grades [Of] Rebirths’ Amitā[bha] Sūtra
特进试鸿胪卿大兴善寺三藏沙门大广智不空奉 诏译
[By] Special ‘Official’ Shìhónglúqīng, Great Arising [Of] Goodness Monastery’s Three Treasuries’ Śramaṇa Great [And] Vast Wisdom Non-Emptiness [Amoghavajra (不空金刚)] [with] received decree translated [from Sanskrit to Chinese]
At that time, Vairocana Thus Come [One, was] at Great Samādhi Door’s Great Vihāra, with [the] Great Bhikṣu assembly, [of] eighty-nine thousand persons together. All are Great Arhats, [and] those [with] wisdom [and] goodness complete, [with] all accomplished. Their names [are]
[01] 神力智辨观世音菩萨、
[01] Supernormal Power [and] Wise Discrimination Contemplator [Of The] World’s Sounds Bodhisattva,
[02] 得大势菩萨、
[02] Attainment [Of] Great Power Bodhisattva,
[03] 神通自在王菩萨、
[03] Supernormal Ease King Bodhisattva,
[04] 净光无垢陀罗尼菩萨、
[04] Pure Light Stainless Dhāraṇī Bodhisattva,
[05] 大力普闻菩萨、
[05] Great Power [With] Universal Listening Bodhisattva,
[06] 大庄严力菩萨、
[06] Great Adornment Power Bodhisattva,
[07] 无量光菩萨、
[07] Immeasurable Light Bodhisattva, [and]
[08] 慧善慧普光王菩萨。
[08] [With] Wisdom [And] Goodness Wise [And] Universal Light King Bodhisattva.

Such [and] other Great Bodhisattvas’ [and] Voice-Hearers’ great assemblies, went to [the] Buddha’s place, [and] said, ‘World-Honoured [One], Immeasurable Life [Buddha’s] Land [is] in nine grades [of] pure consciousnesses’ samādhi, [which] is then all Buddhas’ realm, [the] Thus Come [Ones’] dwelling place. [The] three periods’ all Buddhas from this accomplished right awakening, [to] complete [their] Three Insights, [and to] increase [and] grow [their] blessings [and] wisdom. These nine grades’ realms [are the]
[1.1] 上品上生真色地、
[1.1] High Grade’s High Birth’s True Form Ground,
[1.2] 上品中生无垢地、
[1.2] High Grade’s Middle Birth’s Stainless Ground,
[1.3] 上品下生离垢地、
[1.3] High Grade’s Low Birth’s Undefiled Ground,
[2.1] 中品上生善觉地、
[2.1] Middle Grade’s High Birth’s Good Awakening Ground,
[2.2] 中品中生明力地 、
[2.2] Middle Grade’s Middle Birth’s Insight Power Ground,
[2.3] 中品下生无漏地、
[2.3] Middle Grade’s Low Birth’s Without Outflows’ Ground,
[3.1] 下品上生真觉地、
[3.1] Low Grade’s High Birth’s True Awakening Ground,
[3.2] 下品中生贤觉地、
[3.2] Low Grade’s Middle Birth’s Virtuous Awakening Ground, [and the]
[3.3] 下品下生乐门地。
[3.3] Low Grade’s Low Birth’s Blissful Door Ground.
[Note 1: The causes, conditions and effects (因缘果) of the nine grades without the ground’s names are taught in the Contemplation Sūtra’s《观经》14th to 16th contemplations: https://purelanders.com/guanjing.]
These [are] named [as] nine grades’ pure consciousnesses’ True Suchness’ realms. These within sit twelve great maṇḍala’s great complete mirror wisdom’s treasure images. Their names [are]
[01] 一切三达无量光佛、
[01] All Three Insights’ Immeasurable Light Buddha,
[02] 遍觉三明无边光佛、
[02] Complete Awakening’s Three Insights’ Boundless Light Buddha,
[03] 智道三明无碍光佛、
[03] Wisdom Path’s Three Insights’ Unimpeded Light Buddha,
[04] 六真理智三明无对光佛、
[04] Six True Principles [Of] Wisdom’s Three Insights’ Incomparable Light Buddha,
[05] 色善三明光炎王光佛、
[05] Forms’ Goodnesses’ Three Insights’ Light’s Flame-King Light Buddha,
[06] 一觉三明清净光佛、
[06] One Awakening’s Three Insights’ Pure Light Buddha,
[07] 普门三明欢喜光佛、
[07] Universal Door’s Three Insights’ Joyful Light Buddha,
[08] 入慧三明智慧光佛、
[08] Entering Wisdom’s Three Insights’ Wisdom Light Buddha,
[09] 光色三明不断光佛、
[09] Lights’ [And] Colours’ Three Insights’ Uninterrupted Light Buddha,
[10] 明达三明难思光佛、
[10] Thorough Understanding’s Three Insights’ Difficult-[To]-Conceive Light Buddha,
[11] 五德三明无称光佛、
[11] Five Virtues’ Three Insights’ Unnameable Light Buddha, [and]
[12] 智力三明超日月光佛。
[12] Wisdom Power’s Three Insights’ Surpassing Sun [And] Moon Light Buddha.
[Note 2: The twelve names of Amitā(bha) Buddha (Āmítuófó: 阿弥陀佛) in bold are taught in the Immeasurable Life Sūtra’s《无量寿经》12th Chapter: https://purelanders.com/dajing.]
Such all Buddha Thus Come [Ones] are [with] true forms complete, that all three periods’ Thus Come [Ones’] compassionate forms rely [on].
If [there] are sentient beings [who] desire [to be] born [in] such nine grades’ Pure Land, receive [and] regard [the] twelve perfectly wonderful [ones. In] days’ [and] nights’ three periods praising such nine grades’ Pure Land’s names, [and] praising [the] twelve Buddha names, [they will] immediately forever exit [the] three realms’ burning house, [to] definitely [be] born [in] True Suchness, depart [from] having outflows [and] forever enter [that] without outflows.
If people desire [to] enter such samādhi’s realm, [to be] complete [with the] Buddha’s wisdom, purify [your] minds [and] clean [your] bodies, [to] contemplate mindfully [the] great samaya’s true form’s true words.
咒曰:唵阿密㗚哆帝济伽蓝吽。」[归命 甘露(不灭)威光 运用 能生]
[The] mantra [is] Oṃ Amṛita Teje Hara Hūṃ (Ǎn Ā Mì Lì Duō Dì Jì Qié Lán Hōng).’
‘Good men, [in] such true words’ pure mantra, this sits all [the] ten directions’ [and] three periods’ all Buddha Thus Come [Ones’] ultimate principles [and] wisdom, [and the] twelve emptiness vows’ roots.
If my disciples desire [to] benefit [and bring] joy [to the] three realms, [to] benefit human [and] heavenly [beings], those writing [to] copy this sūtra, receive, uphold, study [and] recite [it, will]
[01] 增长福乐、
[01] increase [and] grow [in] blessings [and] joy,
[02] 增益智慧辨才、
[02] increase [and] grow [in] wisdom [and] eloquence,
[03] 增长寿命色力、
[03] increase [and] grow [in] lifespan [and] physical strength,
[04] 消除业障、
[04] eliminate karmic obstacles,
[05] 消灭万病、
[05] eliminate ten thousand sicknesses,
[06] 增长悲爱,
[06] increase [and] grow [in] compassion [and] loving-kindness, [and be]
[07] 无不具足色善。
[07] without incomplete forms’ goodnesses.
Moreover, those [with the] sincere mind writing [to] copy, studying [and] reciting [this, will be] delivered [in the] three periods [to] non-birth, [and] transform [the] three realms’ burning house. Those [who] recite [this will] attain rebirth [in the] Ultimate Bliss’ Land’s assemblies, [in the] nine grades’ Pure Land.’
[Note 3: Sincere mindfulness of Āmítuófó’s name (阿弥陀佛) has similar benefits as those listed above, by praising the nine grades’ Pure Land’s names, praising the twelve Buddha names, contemplating the mantra, copying, receiving, upholding, studying and reciting this sūtra.
This is so as Āmítuófó’s name is already an unsurpassable mantra, as taught in the the Sūtra In Which The Buddha Speaks Of Amitābha Buddha’s Fundamental Esoteric Spiritual Mantra《佛说阿弥陀佛根本秘密神咒经》》: https://purelanders.com/shenzhou. (See quote below.) Focused mindfulness of his name is also easier in terms of time and thus effort, when living and dying.]
At that time, [the] great assembly, hearing that [the] Buddha said, all [had] great joy, [as they] faithfully received [it for] practice.

Namo Amituofo : Translation by Shen Shi’an
(Suggestions for improvement are welcomed.)
Related Teachings:
阿弥陀佛: 十二光如来之加持力
Amitābha Buddha: The Twelve Lights’ Thus Come One’s Power Of Blessings