Lóngshū’s Pure Land Text
[8] Eighth Scroll: Eighteen Essays [On] Present Life’s Connections [With] Responses
[The] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss, although [is] away [from] this [world, by] one trillion [百万亿] lands, discussing [on] its traces, [it is] then that extremely far. However, [the] wisdom nature of [the] Buddha, [is also] contained [in all the] empty space [in the] world, thus without where [it is] not present. Therefore, all sentient beings’ raising [of] thoughts [and] moving [of] steps, [are] all in [the] nature [of the] Buddha within. [With the] sincere mind [and] earnestness, [it is] without [those] not [with] responses efficacious. Thus, [with] this scroll narrating ‘Present Life’s Connections [With] Responses’.
[1] Seeing Killing [Of] Lives, [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha Attaining Blessings
‘Guānyīn’s [i.e. Contemplator (Of) Sounds Bodhisattva] Connections [With] Responses’ says, Ráo province’s [i.e. today’s Jiāngxī’s (江西) Póyáng (鄱阳)] military officer Zhèng Lín, [when] deceased, arrived [at the] nether world. With [a] mistake [of] pursuing [him to] come [here, he was] released [for] return. King Yama said, ‘[When] you return [to the] human world, make efforts [to] do good. [When] you see people killing lives, only [be] mindful [of] Āmítuófó[‘s name] [i.e. Amitā(bha) Buddha] and[/or] Guānshìyīn Púsà[‘s name] [i.e. Contemplator (Of The) World’s Sounds Bodhisattva]. Those [killed will] attain [better] rebirths, [and] you [will] also attain blessings.’ From this inferring, [it is] sufficient to see [that with] reciting [of] Āmítuófó[‘s name, this] can truly deliver [by] ‘pulling out’ those deceased. [It] can increase blessings, [to] extend lifespan, [and is] not only [for] after death’s birth [in the] Western [Pure Land].
[2] Chén Qǐ [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, [With] Ghosts Retreating
[In] my same prefecture Wàngjiāng [i.e. today’s Ānhuī province’s (安徽省) Ānqìng (安庆) [was] Chén Qǐ, [who] once rashly killed [a] person. Later seeing ghosts appear, Qǐ [was] fearful, [and] urgently recited Āmítuófó[‘s name, with which the] ghosts [did] not dare [to come] near. [As] Qǐ [was] mindful [of] Buddha endlessly, [the] ghosts thereupon [did] not appear. [He was] later constantly mindful [of] Buddha, [and when] approaching [life’s] end, sat [and] departed. [In the] latter half [of the] year, possessing his family’s granddaughter named Miàoguāng [i.e. Wonderful Light], [he] said, ‘I, because [of] mindfulness [of] Āmítuófó[‘s name, am] already born [in his] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss.’ [‘Her’] movements [and] spoken language, [was] exactly the same [as those] throughout [his] life, [as] relatives [and those who] knew each other, all came [to] see [him]. Until two [to] three days [later, his] family members said, ‘[It is a] pity [that] when you were alive, [you] never passed down [a] portrait [for] making offerings.’ Qǐ thereupon appeared, similar [to him], like [he was] throughout [his] life, only [with his] face carrying [a] young complexion, because [in the] Western [Pure Land, there is] long life without ageing. His head [was] like [the] coiled ‘topknot’ [of the] Buddha, because of [him] accomplishing Buddhahood gradually [there. A] Wàngjiāng person, Zhōu Xiànshū, for me spoke of [this].
[3] Zōu Bīnwáng [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, [From A] Dream Awakening
I once encouraged [a] Zhènjiāng person, Zōu Bīnwáng, with speak [of the] Western [Pure Land], moreover saying [that] if without time [to] spare, only [in the] early morning, [with] joined palms towards [the] West, reciting ‘Námó Āmítuófó’ ten times, [will] likewise attain [rebirth there]. Bīnwáng believed this. That night, [he] thereupon dreamt [to be] with a person, together going [to a] Dharma [assembly]. Just when fearful, thereupon reciting Āmítuófó until ten times, [he] then awakened. How [is it] not [the] Buddha with this strengthening his faith?
[4] Zhāng Jìzǔ [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, Delivering [The] Deceased
I once [was] with [a] Zhènjiāng person, Zhāng Jìzǔ. Speaking [on the] Western [Pure Land’s] matters, Jìzǔ believed them. [When] his wet nurse died, [he was] mostly with reciting [of] Āmítuófó[‘s name to] deliver [her]. One night, [he] dreamt [of] his wet nurse. Using [and] bearing her afterbirth clothes, [she] came [to] thank Jìzǔ and left [to] go. This [is the] efficacy of mindfulness [of] Buddha [for] deliverance.
[5] Liú Huìzhòng [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, Peacefully Sleeping
I [have an] old acquaintance, Liú Huìzhòng, [who is a] Húzhōu’s Chángxīng [i.e. today’s Zhèjiāng’s (浙江) Qiántáng (钱塘)] person. [As] with nightly dreams [having] much fear, I encouraged [him to be] with reciting [of] Āmítuófó[‘s name]. Huìzhòng [with] sincerity recited [it] aloud one hundred [and] eight times. That night, [he] thereupon [had] peaceful sleep. [The] next day, like before, [he] recited aloud. Since then, every [night, he] attained peaceful sleep. With this, [it can be] seen [that the] Buddha’s power [is] vast [and] great, without that not possible. This [in] my preface, [is that] so-called peaceful body [and] mind.
[6] Ruǎn’s Elder Brother’s Wife [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, [With] Eyes Clear
[In] my same prefecture Huáiníng county’s Yíngtián village is Ruǎn Niànsān. [His] elder brother’s wife [was] ill [with] both eyes going blind. [With] constant reciting [of] Āmítuófó[‘s name, they] thereupon attained opening [with] clarity. Of this, I personally saw.
[7] King Yama Encouraging [A] Grandmother [To Be] Mindful [Of] Buddha
[In] Zhènjiāng’s Jīntán county’s Zhūlín village [was] grandmother Jiǎng. [At the] age [of] perhaps seventy, [when] deceased, [she] arrived [at the] nether world. [As her] lifespan [had] yet [to be] exhausted, [she] then returned. King Yama asked, ‘[Are] you able [to] recite sūtras or not?’ [She] replied, ‘[I am] not able [to.’ The] King said, ‘[If] you [are] not able [to] recite sūtras, only recite Āmítuófó[‘s name].’ Since released [to] return, grandmother Jiǎng said, ‘[As] King Yama taught me [to be] mindful [of] Buddha, [this] is even more [so], without [that which] can [be] doubted.’ Thus constantly reciting this Buddha’s name, nearing [a] hundred [and] twenty years [old, her life] then ended. Her birth [in] Pure Land, definitely can [be] certain. How [can it] not [be] with her mindfulness [of] Buddha, then also extending [her] lifespan? [A] Jīntán person, Zhāng Yánzhī, for me spoke of [this].
晋江邵彪,字希文。为士人时,梦至一官府,人皆称「安抚」 。彪自喜曰:「岂非予及第后作安抚乎?」行至前,见一官员,问云:「汝知汝未及第因否?」对云:「不知。」令引彪去看,见一大镬煮蛤蜊,见彪,乃作人声,叫彪姓名。彪遂念阿弥陀佛。方念一声,蛤蜊皆变作黄雀飞去。彪后果及第,至安抚使。以此见杀生阻人前程,不可不戒;又见佛力广大,不可不敬。官职自有定分,不可苟求。
[8] Commissioner Shào [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, Liberating [From] Disaster
[In] Jìnjiāng [is] Shào Biāo, [with his] style name [of] Xī Wén. When as [a] scholar, [he] dreamt [of] arriving [at] a government residence, [with] people all calling [him] ‘Commissioner’. Biāo [was] personally joyful [and] said, ‘How [can this] not [be with] me passing [my] examination, later becoming [a] Commissioner?’ Walking [to] arrive [at the] front, [he] saw an official, [who] asked, ‘[Do] you know [the] cause [of] you yet [to] pass [your] examination [or] not?’ [He] replied, ‘[I do] not know [it].’ Leading Biāo [to] go [and] see, [he] saw a great cauldron boiling clams. Seeing Biāo, [they] then made human sounds, calling Biāo’s surname [and] name. Biāo thereupon recited Āmítuófó[‘s name]. Then reciting one time, [the] clams all changed [to] become yellow sparrows [and] flew away. Biāo consequently passed [his] examination, [and] reached [the post of] Commissioner [for] Pacification. With this, seeing [that] killing [of] lives obstructs people’s future prospects, [it] cannot [be] not abstained [from]. Also seeing [the] Buddha’s power’s vastness [and] greatness, [it] cannot [be] not respected. [As] official positions have [been] predetermined, [they] cannot [be] inappropriately sought.
[9] [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, [With] Rheumatism’s Sickness Not Flaring Up
I [was] recently attached [to a] boat arriving [at] Zhènjiāng, [when at the] flood gates within, [as there was] lack [of] water, [it was] not able [to] move. Then at Jīnshān, [I] borrowed four sūtras, [with them] being [the] Amitā[bha] Sūtra. Desiring [to] compare [and] correct [them, for] publication [and] propagation, when raising [the] brush, [my] right hand had rheumatism, [with] its fingers self-dropping [it, with] writing words inconvenienced. I then raised [the] fingers [and] recited Āmítuófó[‘s name] and[/or] Guānshìyīn Púsà[‘s name] several times, praying [with a] request [to] eliminate [the] rheumatism, with [this for] accomplishing writing [of] these sūtras. [With the] prayer completed, [the] fingers thereupon [did] not drop [the brush], with [this] until [writing to the] end [of the] book covers, without [having] illness. With this, [it can be] seen [that the] Buddha [and the] Bodhisattva [are] already before [our] eyes, only [with] people’s faithful minds not reached only.

[10] Within Dreams, [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, Liberating [From] Fear
When I [am] in [a] dream sleeping, having fear within, [with] reciting [of] Āmítuófó[‘s name and[/or] Guānshìyīn Púsà[‘s name, I have] not yet once not immediately [become] peaceful [and] calm, or [to] immediately awaken tranquilly. [It is] sufficient with [this, to] see [the] speed of [the] Buddha’s and [the] Bodhisattva’s majestic supernormal [power, to be] like this. Only [with] preparation [of the] faithful mind, [there will be] efficacy, without [those] not responded [to].
[11] [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, [With] House Not Crushing [To] Death
[There] is an old woman [with] both [eyes] blind, [who was by her] small son led [to] walk, [who] constantly recited Āmítuófó[‘s name]. One day, resting in [an] old house below, [the] house suddenly collapsed [and] fell. [The] small son walked over, [and the] old woman was [found] below, then having two wooden [posts] leaning [on] each other, protecting [the] old woman [from] above, resulting [in] not [being] crushed [to] death. This [is the] efficacy of mindfulness [of] Buddha. Layperson Miàodìng for me spoke of [this].
[12] [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, [With] Chronic Malaria’s Sickness Thereupon Healing
[There] is [a] government official, Lǐ Zǐqīng, [who] temporarily resided [at] Xiùzhōu [i.e. today’s Zhèjiāng’s (浙江) Jiāxìng (嘉兴)]. [He was] quite fond [of] Taoism, [but] once followed [to] learn from me. [In the] year before, [for a long [time, he] suffered [from] chronic malaria. I said [to] him, ‘[I] only fear [that] Zǐqīng [does] not believe. If believing this, [it will] definitely [be] efficacious.’ I then with a prescription given, ordered [him to], when [the sickness is] going [to] flare up, [have] focused reciting [of] Āmítuófó[‘s name], then taking this medicine. Zǐqīng followed this. [On] that day, [he was] thereupon healed [in] eight parts. [The] next day, again [practising] thus, [he was] thereupon completely healed. Zǐqīng due [to] this, [had] deep faith [in] Buddhist principles, [and was] constantly with [a] ‘Pure Land Text’ placed in [his] sleeve within.
[13] [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, [With] Chronic Sicknesses All Healing
[A] Liáng family’s daughter’s two eyes [were] together blind. [With] reciting [of] Āmítuófó[‘s name for] three years, [with] continual mindfulness unending, both eyes [attained] opening [with] clarity. Also, [a] Féng family’s wife [was] likewise [with] mindfulness [of] Buddha, [with a] chronic sickness thereupon healed. See [the] Fifth Scroll.
[14] [When] Embroidering [A] Buddha [Image], [With] Śarīras Spurting Out
Gànzhōu’s [official] Liánzhōng Grand Master’s respectable person (Note: ‘Respectable persons’ [are] connected [to] titled nobles’ wives, [as their] conferred names. [The] Sòng [dynasty] designated [those as] Zhōngsàn Grand Masters and above, [to be with their] wives conferred [as] ‘respectable persons’), embroidered [a one] zhàng [and] six [chǐs tall] bodily [image of] Āmítuófó. [With] embroidering then reaching halfway, śarīras spurted out. Her relative Zhèng Féngyuán, for me spoke of [this]. [Note: With one zhàng being 170 centimetres, and one chǐ being 17 centimetres, the image was 2.72 metres tall, which is said to be the height of the Buddha in our world, as calculated in this ‘link‘.]
[15] Buddha Statue Constantly Having Śarīras
[In] Zhēnzhōu’s [official] Zhōng Líshǎo’s residence, his [mother], Rèn family’s madam, cultivated [to be born in the] Western [Pure Land. She] carved [an] Āmítuófó statue, [that was] four cùns [and] eight fēns [tall, to be put on a] shrine, [that was] decorated extremely majestically. [He] constantly, [on his] crown, carried [it to] practise [the] path. That statue, [from the] eyebrows’ between, constantly spurted out śarīras, [as] big as glutinous rice, [with] radiant light illuminating people. [This is] from ‘Treasure Gems’ Collection’. [Note: With one cùns being 3.33 cm, and one fēn being 0.33 cm, the statue was 15.96 cm tall.]
[16] Dreaming [Of] Buddha, Thereupon Attaining Intelligence [And] Eloquence
Suí [Dynasty’s] Chán Master Huìsī, because [of] dreaming [of] Āmítuófó, and of [him] speaking [the] Dharma, he [was] later [with] intelligence [and] eloquence [that] surpassed people, [with] auspicious signs [that are] not singular. [This is] from ‘[Pure Land] Rebirths’ Biographies’《净土往生传》.
[17] [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, Curing Sicknesses [And] Attaining Healing
[In] recent years’ Xiùzhōu [i.e. today’s Zhèjiāng’s (浙江) Jiāxìng (嘉兴)], [is] a monastic, [who] constantly recited Āmítuófó[‘s name], for people curing [their] sicknesses. [There] are those sick, [who] invited [him to] go towards [them, who] constantly attained complete healing. Xiùzhōu’s people [are] all able [to] speak of [this].
[18] [With] Mindfulness [Of] Buddha, [With] Grandson Avoiding Disaster
[In] my village settlement within, [there] is an old man. Every [time, whenever] having [problematic] matters, [he will] definitely, [with] joined palms, reach [his] forehead, [and] recite Āmítuófó[‘s name]. His grandson [was] then two [to] three years [old]. Because [he] followed [his] mother [to] arrive [at the] countryside, [she] suddenly lost him. [The] old man looked for [him, and] inquired after [him, but did] not see [him]. Several days later, [a] person told [him], ‘[He is] at [the] mountain stream’s [other] side.’ Sure enough, [he] searched [and] got [to] him. Seeing [his] footprints everywhere on [its] shore, [yet as] that stream [was] extremely deep, [it is] not known [that] this grandson, [with] what condition, crossed [to be] there. Also, [it has been] long, yet [his grandson was] without illness. People believed [this to be with] his grandfather’s sincere recitation [of] Āmítuófó[‘s name], that connected [them safely together].
Namo Amituofo : Translation by Shen Shi’an
Suggestions for improvement are welcomed. More translations are available at amituofo.com, purelanders.com and TheDailyEnlightenment.com.
Sòng [Dynasty’s] Wáng Rìxiū
Lóngshū’s Pure Land Text:
Fifth Scroll: Eighteen Essays [On] Present Life’s Connections [With] Responses
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