Be Mindful Of Buddha With Certain Faith And Sincere Aspiration
If desiring quick liberation [from the] suffering of rebirth, nothing is better than upholding [the] name [to be] mindful [of] Buddha, [to] seek birth [in his] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss.
If desiring quick liberation [from the] suffering of rebirth, nothing is better than upholding [the] name [to be] mindful [of] Buddha, [to] seek birth [in his] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss.
[With] Faith attaining certainty, [and] Aspiration attaining sincerity, although scatter-mindedly mindful [of] Buddha, [this] also definitely [attains] rebirth.
[Note: The urgent practical emphasis should be on having deep unshakeable Faith with sincere Aspiration, as expressed in mindfulness of the Buddha’s name; not on great concentration, as often mistaken.]
[With] Faith not true, [and] Aspiration not intense, although single-minded [and] not scattered, [this] also [does] not attain rebirth.
Pure Land Tradition’s 9th Patriarch Great Master Ǒuyì
(Spirit Peak Tradition’s Treatise)
Namo Amituofo : Translation by Shen Shi’an