
The Sūtra On Praises Of The Pure Land With Buddhas’ Protection And Reception《称赞净土佛摄受经》

[The] Sūtra [On] Praises [Of The] Pure Land [With] Buddhas’ Protection [And] Reception

大唐三藏法师玄奘奉 诏译
[By] Great Táng [Dynasty’s] Tripiṭaka Dharma Master Xuánzàng [With] Decree Translated

公元 2025 年优婆塞沈时安英译
[In] 2025 C.E [By] Upāsakā Shen Shi’an Translated [To] English [With Notes]

[For ease of detailed studying and editing, square brackets show necessary connective words used in translation, to be removed for final published version later, with addition of glossary and notes. Suggestions are welcome for more precise choice of words. Námó Āmítuófó.]

[Note 1: This is an alternative ‘version’ of ‘The Sūtra In Which The Buddha Speaks Of Amitābha Buddha’《佛说阿弥陀经》(Amitābha Sūtra), as translated from Sanskrit to Chinese in 650 C.E., that is said to had been translated more directly (直译), which would be a literal translation. The currently more popular version was translated by Tripiṭaka Dharma Master Kumārajīva (三藏法师鸠摩罗什) in 402 C.E., which was 248 years earlier, that is said to had been translated more by meaning (意译), which would be a form of summarised translation.

However, there is the possibility that they were translated from different Sanskrit versions, as analysed below, due to some significant differences. (For notes on other technical terms not explained here, do refer to this book:

From ‘The Land of Bliss: The Paradise of the Buddha of Measureless Light’ (1996) by Professor Emeritus of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Michigan Luis Oscar Gómez (1943-2017) (p.128-129), is an analysis that differs from the often ‘said’ two methods of translation above — 

‘[T]he Chinese translations [of the Shorter and Longer Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtras: Amitābha Sūtra and Immeasurable Life Sūtra respectively] selected for the present study do not differ radically from their Sanskrit counterparts. Most likely, the Chinese translators did not have access to exactly the same texts that today survive in Sanskrit, but their Indian sources must have been variants of the texts now represented by the surviving Sanskrit versions. [Note: … Indian (Sanskrit) versions used by the Chinese translators do not survive…] … 

Kumārajīva’s [344-413 C.E.] translation is the more elegant of the two [Shorter Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtras]. It is also closer to the extant [i.e. still existing] Sanskrit text. The other surviving translation of this text, by the translator-pilgrim Xuánzàng (602-664 C.E.), is more detailed and slightly longer than Kumārajīva’s. At times it appears to be a commentary glossing technical terms that might seem obscure to the Chinese reader. Yet, it is substantially the same as the surviving Sanskrit text and Kumārajīva’s translation.’]

Preface Section


Thus is [as] I [have] heard. [At] one time, [the] Bhagavān [was] at Śrāvastī, abiding [in] Jeta Grove [And] Giver[-To-The-]Lonely Garden, with [the] Great Bhikṣus’ assembly, [of one] thousand two hundred fifty persons together. All are Senior Monastic Voice-Hearers, [by] many expected [are] those known Great Arhats. They are named [the] honoured Śāriputra, Mahāmaudgalyāyana, Mahākāśyapa, Aniruddha, such [and] other many Great Voice-Hearers, then as [the] foremost.

[Note 2: ‘Bhagavān’ (薄伽梵), although often translated simply as ‘World-Honoured One’ (世尊), has six meanings — (i) One With Ease (自在), (ii) Prosperous One (炽盛), (iii) Dignity Adorned One (端严), (iv) Renowned One (名称), (v) Auspicious One (吉祥) and (vi) Honourable One (尊贵). Due to these multiple meanings, it was left untranslated here.

Note 3: Present are Great Arhats (大阿罗汉) who continue to learn and practise the Bodhisattva path to Buddhahood, via reaching of Pure Land, and to guide all other beings to the same goal.

Note 4: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, these 12 Arhats are listed by name too — (i) Mahākātyāyana (摩诃迦旃延), (ii) Mahākauṣṭhila ( 摩诃俱絺罗), (iii) Revata (离婆多), (iv) Śuddhipanthaka (周利槃陀伽), (v) Nanda (难陀), (vi) Ānanda (阿难陀), (vii) Rāhula (罗睺罗), (viii) Gavāṃpati (憍梵波提), (ix) Piṇḍola-Bhāradvāja (宾头卢颇罗堕), (x) Kālodayin (迦留陀夷), (xi) Mahākapphiṇa (摩诃劫宾那) and (xii) Vakkula (薄拘罗). If it is a ‘summarised’ version, why would it carry so many more names, instead of less? This means it could be translated from another Sanskrit version.]


Furthermore, with immeasurable Bodhisattva Mahāsattvas together, all abiding [in] non-retrogression’s position, [with] immeasurable meritorious virtues all those adorned. They are named Wonderful Auspiciousness Bodhisattva, Unable[-To-Be-]Defeated Bodhisattva, Constant Diligence Bodhisattva, Never Resting Bodhisattva, such [and] other many Great Bodhisattvas, then as [the] foremost.

[Note 5: ‘Wonderful Auspiciousness’ (妙吉祥) is an alternative name of Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva (文殊菩萨).

Note 6:
‘Unable-To-Be-Defeated’ (不能胜) and ‘Unconquerable’ (Ajita: 阿逸多) are alternative names of Maitreya Bodhisattva (弥勒菩萨). 

Note 7:
‘Constant Diligence’ (常精进) is an alternative name of Nityodyukta Bodhisattva.

Note 8:
 ‘Never Resting’ (不休息) is an alternative name of Anikṣiptadhura Bodhisattva, whose name is similar in meaning with Gandhahastin Bodhisattva (乾陀诃提菩萨) in the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra.]


Furthermore, are Śakra, Great Brahmā Heaven’s King, [the] Endurance World’s Lord, [the] World-Protecting Four Kings, such foremost hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas’ number [of] many heavenly [beings’] sons’ assemblies, and [the] rest [of the] world’s immeasurable heavenly [beings], humans, asuras [and] others, for hearing [the] Dharma thus, [who] together came [to the] assembly [and] sat.

[Note 9: ‘Śakra’ (帝释) is Śakro-Devānām-Indra (释提桓因), the King of the Trāyastriṃśa (忉利天) gods in the second nearest Desire Realm (欲界) heaven.

Note 10:
‘Great Brahmā Heaven’s King’ (Mahābrahmā-Deva-Rāja: 大梵天王) is the greatest Brahmā Heaven King (梵天王) of the Endurance World (堪忍界: Sahā World: 娑婆世界), also known as Brahmā Sahāmpati (梵摩三缽天), who resides in the highest or 18th Form Realm (色界) heaven (Akaniṣṭha: 阿迦尼吒: Highest; Not Below; Above All). This heaven is also known as the Heaven Of Ultimate Form (色究竟天). He should not be confused with Mahā Brahmā (大梵天) who resides in Mahā Brahmā Heaven, the third lowest form heaven, (or as Baka [Crane] Brahmā), who mistakenly thought he created the world. Śakra and Great Brahmā Heaven’s King are the most virtuous god kings of the Desire and Form Realms respectively.

Note 11:
The ‘World-Protecting Four Kings’ are the Four Great Heavenly Kings (四大天王) of the nearest Desire Heaven (Cāturmahārājika: 四大王: Four Great Kings).

Note 12:
In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, only Śakra is listed as Śakro-Devānām-Indra, as a chief god present.]


At that time, [the] World-Honoured [One] told Śāriputra, ‘[Do] you now not know? From here, [in the] western direction, away [from] this world, passing [a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas [of] Buddha lands, is [a] Buddha’s land named “Ultimate Bliss”. Within it [is the] World-Honoured [One] named “Immeasurable Life” and “Immeasurable Light”, Thus Come [One, One] Worthy [Of Offerings], Completely [And] Perfectly Awakened [One, with the] Ten Epithets complete, now presently in that [land] tranquilly abiding [and] upholding [it], for all sentient [beings] preaching [that] extremely profound, refined [and] wonderful of [the] Dharma, [to] enable attaining [of] excellent benefits [with] peace [and] bliss.

[Note 13: 1 koṭi (俱胝; 亿) is about 10 million. 1 nayuta (那庾多; 那由他) is about 100 billion. Together, ‘a hundred thousand koṭis of nayutas’ is 1 trillion times 100 billion, or 10 to the 23rd power of worlds away. This contrasts with ‘a hundred thousand koṭis’ (十万亿), which is 1 trillion, in the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, (by 100 billion times more), which might had abbreviated the distance. However, as the teaching shows below, the physical distance, which represents great spiritual estrangement, is not an issue with swift connection to the Buddha and swift reception by him.

Note 14:
Having the Ten Epithets (十号) represents complete awakening and functioning as a Buddha — (i) Thus Come One (Tathāgata: 如来), (ii) One Worthy Of Offerings (Arhat: 应供), (iii) Rightly All-Knowing One (正遍知: Samyak-saṃbuddha), (iv) Knowledge And Practice Adequate One (明行足: Vidyā-caraṇa-saṃpanna), (v) Well-Gone One (善逝: Sugata), (vi) World-Knowing One (世间解: Lokavida), (vii) Unsurpassable One (无上士: Anuttara), (viii) Tamer Of Men (调御丈夫: Puruṣa-damya-sārathi), (ix) Heavenly And Human Beings’ Teacher (天人师: Śāsta deva-manuṣyāṇaṃ) and (x) Awakened One (Buddha: 佛); Blessed One (Bhagavān: 薄伽梵); World-Honoured One (Lokanātha: 世尊). See slightly different wording of the Ten Epithets in passage above Note 72

Note 15: 
In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, the Ten Epithets are not listed.

Note 16:
The Land Of Ultimate Bliss is also called the Land Of Peace And Bliss (安乐国), where there is ‘attaining of excellent benefits with peace and bliss (得殊胜利益安乐).]

Main Principles Section


Moreover, Śāriputra, [with] what cause [and] what condition, [is] that Buddha’s land named as “Ultimate Bliss”? Śāriputra, due [to] that land within, all [its] sentient [beings’] kinds, not having all physical [and] mental worries [and] suffering, only having immeasurable pure happiness [and] bliss, therefore [is it] named as [the] “Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss”.

[Note 17: ‘Happiness’ is physical joy.

Note 18: ‘Bliss’ is mental joy.

Note 19:
 In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, suffering and bliss is stated in general, without division into the physical and mental — ‘without all kinds of suffering, and only receive all kinds of bliss’ (无有众苦,但受诸乐). With more detail here, ‘immeasurable pure happiness and bliss’ (无量清净喜乐) is stated.]

又,舍利子,极乐世界净佛土中,处处皆有七重行列妙宝栏楯、七重行列宝多罗树,及有七重妙宝罗网,周匝围绕,四宝庄严, 金宝、銀宝、吠琉璃宝、颇胝迦宝,妙饰间绮。舍利子,彼佛土中有如是等众妙绮饰,功德庄严甚可爱乐,是故名为极乐世界。

Moreover, Śāriputra, within [the] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land, everywhere are seven layers [of] lined rows [with] wonderful treasure balustrades, seven layers [of] lined rows [with] treasure tāla trees, and seven layers [of] wonderful treasure nets, surrounded [with] four treasures’ adornments, [of] gold treasure, silver treasure, vaiḍūrya treasure [and] sphaṭika treasure, wonderfully adorning between elegantly. Śāriputra, [as] that Buddha land within has such [and] other all wonderful [and] elegant adornments, [by] meritorious virtues adorned, extremely lovely [and] blissful, therefore [is it] named as [the] “Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss”.

[Note 20: ‘Tāla’ (多罗) is palmyra or fan-palm.

Note 21: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, the ‘species’ of trees is not stated.

Note 22: ‘Vaiḍūrya’ (吠琉璃) is lapis lazuli (琉璃).

Note 23: ‘Sphaṭika’ (颇胝迦) is crystal (玻璃).

Note 24: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, the ‘many wonderful and elegant adornments’ (众妙绮饰) which are ‘extremely lovely and blissful’ (甚可爱乐) is not stated or repeated for emphasis.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, within [the] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land, everywhere are seven wonderful treasures’ ponds, [with] eight meritorious virtues’ waters fully [filling] them within. How [are they] named as “eight meritorious virtues’ waters”? [They are], first, clear [and] pure, second, cool [and] refreshing, third, sweet [and] pleasant, fourth, light [and] soft, fifth, moisturising, sixth, peaceful [and] harmonious, seventh, when drunk, eliminates hunger, thirst, [and] other immeasurable faults [and] suffering, [and] eighth, [when] drunk already, definitely able [to] grow [and] nurture all roots’ four great [elements], increase all kinds [of] excellent good roots, [and] many blessings [of] sentient beings [who] constantly joyfully receive [and] use [them].


All these treasure ponds’ beds [are] spread [with] golden sand, [and their] four sides surrounding have four stairways, [with] four treasures adorned, extremely lovely [and] blissful. All ponds’ surroundings have wonderful treasure trees, [and in] between adorning [the] lined rows [are] fragrant aromas, [with] seven treasures adorned, extremely lovely [and] blissful. Speaking [of] those seven treasures, [they are], first, gold, second, silver, third, vaiḍūrya, fourth, sphaṭika, fifth, red pearls, sixth, aśmagarbha treasure, [and] seventh, musāragalavḥ treasure. All these ponds within constantly have all kinds [of] varicoloured lotus flowers, measuring like chariot wheels, [with] blue forms [of] blue appearances, blue lights [and] blue reflections, yellow forms [of] yellow appearances, yellow lights [and] yellow reflections, red forms [of] red appearances, red lights [and] red reflections, white forms [of] white appearances, white lights [and] white reflections, [these] four forms [of] four appearances, four lights [and] four reflections. Śāriputra, [as] that Buddha land within has such [and] other all wonderful [and] elegant adornments, [by] meritorious virtues adorned, extremely lovely [and] blissful, therefore [is it] named as [the] “Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss”.

[Note 25: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, the eight meritorious virtues’ waters’ (八功德水) qualities and functions are not stated.

Note 26: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, this is not stated — ‘All ponds’ surroundings have wonderful treasure trees, in between adorning the lined rows are fragrant aromas, with seven treasures adorned, extremely lovely and blissful.’ (诸池周匝有妙宝树,间饰行列香气芬馥,七宝庄严甚可爱乐。)

Note 27:
 In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, this is also stated — ‘Above are towering pavilions, also with gold, silver, lapis lazuli, crystal, tridacna, red pearls and carnelian thus adorning them.’ (上有楼阁,亦以金、银、琉璃、玻璃、砗磲、赤珠、玛瑙而严饰之。).

Note 28:
‘Aśmagarbha’ (阿湿摩揭拉婆宝) is carnelian (玛瑙).

Note 29:
‘Musāragalavḥ’ (牟娑落揭拉婆) is tricdacna (砗磲).

Note 30:
Like the lotus flowers, all objects in the Pure Land are self-luminous, while illuminating others.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, within [the] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land, [it] naturally [and] constantly has immeasurable [and] boundless all wonderful [kinds of] music, [with their] sounds [and] tunes harmonious [and] elegant, extremely lovely [and] blissful. All sentient [beings’] kinds [who] hear these wonderful sounds, [will have] all evil afflictions all eliminated, [and] immeasurable good Dharmas [will] gradually, one by one, increase [and] grow, [to] quickly realise Unsurpassable Complete [And] Perfect Bodhi. Śāriputra, [as] that Buddha land within has such [and] other all wonderful [and] elegant adornments, [by] meritorious virtues adorned, extremely lovely [and] blissful, therefore [is it] named as [the] “Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss”.

[Note 31: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, the above functions of the music are not stated, although implied — ‘naturally all give rise to minds with mindfulness of the Buddha, mindfulness of the Dharma, and mindfulness of the Saṃgha’ (自然皆生念佛、念法、念僧之心).]


Moreover, Śāriputra, within [the] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land, completely everywhere [is the] great ground [with] true gold composed, [with] its touch gentle [and] soft, fragrant [and] clean [with] bright light, [with] immeasurable [and] boundless wonderful treasures [in] between adorning. Śāriputra, [as] that Buddha land within has such [and] other all wonderful [and] elegant adornments, [by] meritorious virtues adorned, extremely lovely [and] blissful, therefore [is it] named as [the] “Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss”.

[Note 32: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, the gentle softness and fragrant brightness of the gold ground are not stated. There is a common misconception that gold is metallically hard and cold to walk upon, although this is not so for the pure and blissful gold in Pure Land.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, within [the] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land, day [and] night, [during the] six periods, constantly rains all kinds [of] supremely wonderful heavenly flowers, [with] lights brilliant, fragrant [and] clean, fine [and] soft [with] various colours, although enabling those [who] see [them to have] body [and] mind well pleased, yet not [with] greedy attachment, increasing [and] growing sentient [beings’] immeasurable, innumerable [and] inconceivable excellent meritorious virtues. Those sentient [beings’] kinds, day [and] night, [during the] six periods, constantly hold [to] offer [them to] Immeasurable Life Buddha. Every early morning, holding these heavenly flowers, in one meal’s time, flying [to] reach other directions’ immeasurable lands, [to] offer [a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] all Buddhas, at all Buddhas’ places, each with [a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] tree flowers held scattered [for] offering, returning [to] reach [the] original place, [for] walking meditation, heavenly abiding [and] others. Śāriputra, [as] that Buddha land within has such [and] other all wonderful [and] elegant adornments, [by] meritorious virtues adorned, extremely lovely [and] blissful, therefore [is it] named as [the] “Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss”.

[Note 33: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, ‘Māndarāva flowers’ (曼陀罗华) is stated, with no mention of their qualities and functions above within Pure Land, although it states its beings ‘each with their clothes’ lapels, fill many wonderful flowers’ (各以衣裓,盛众妙华).

Note 34: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, the speed of making offerings and what done after is stated this way — ‘Promptly by mealtime, they return to the original land, to eat and do walking meditation’, (即以食时,还到本国,饭食经行) with no mention of ‘heavenly abiding’ (天住), which is to practise the worldly Four Dhyānās (世间四静虑) for concentration.

Note 35: The nature of the Pure Land’s bliss is physically and spiritually pleasing, such that it fully disables the Three Poisons (三毒) of attachment, aversion and delusion (贪嗔痴), while enabling their antidotes (of generosity, compassion and delusion) to fully grow.

Note 36: Offerings can even be made to the Buddha existing in this world later.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, within [the] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land, constantly has all kinds [of] many rare [and] wonderful, lovely [and] varicoloured birds, so-called geese, swans, orioles, herons, cranes, peacocks, parrots, kalaviṅkas, life-life birds [and] others. All such birds, [in] day [and] night, [during the] six periods, constantly together gather, [to] produce harmonious [and] elegant sounds, according [to] their kinds [of] sounds propagating wonderful Dharmas, [the] so-called extremely profound [Four] Mindfulness Foundations, [Four] Right Severences, [Four] Supernormal [Power] Bases, [Five] Roots, [Five] Powers, [Seven] Awakening [Factors, Eight Noble] Path Branches [and] other immeasurable wonderful Dharmas. That land’s sentient beings, [having] heard these sounds already, [will] each attain mindfulness [of the] Buddha, mindfulness [of the] Dharma, [and] mindfulness of [the] Saṃgha, [with their] immeasurable meritorious virtues perfuming [for] cultivating themselves. You, Śāriputra, what [do you] think of [this? Of] that land’s all birds, how can [they] be [from] animals’ evil realm gathered? [Do] not have this view. Why [is] that [so]? That Buddha’s Pure Land [is] without [the] three evil paths, even not having hearing [of the] three evil realms’ names, much less having those really transgressive karma attracted animals. All [these] birds should [be] known, [to] all be Immeasurable Life Buddha, [with] manifestations [of] them made, [to] enable them [to] smoothly proclaim immeasurable Dharma sounds, creating [for] all sentient [beings], benefits [with] peace [and] bliss. Śāriputra, [as] that Buddha land within has such [and] other all wonderful [and] elegant adornments, [by] meritorious virtues adorned, extremely lovely [and] blissful, therefore [is it] named as [the] “Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss”.

[Note 37: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, ‘swans, geese, orioles, herons’ (鹅雁、鹙鹭) are not stated. 

Note 38: A ‘life-life bird’ (jīvajīvaka) is a ‘life-sharing bird’ (共命之鸟), with two heads and one body. 

Note 39: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, ‘[Four] Mindfulness Foundations, [Four] Right Severences, [Four] Supernormal [Power] Bases’ (念住、正断、神足) are not stated, although implied.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, within [the] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land, constantly has wonderful breezes blowing all [the] treasure trees and treasure nets, producing refined [and] wonderful sounds. For example, like [a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] heavenly music [at the] same time together playing, producing refined [and] wonderful sounds, [with] extremely lovely play. Thus, that land constantly has wonderful breezes blowing all [the] treasure trees and treasure nets, striking [to] produce all kinds [of] refined [and] wonderful sounds [that] speak all kinds [of] Dharmas. That land’s sentient beings, [having] heard these sounds already, [will] give rise [to] Buddha, Dharma [and] Saṃgha mindfulness, have thoughts [and] others [with] immeasurable meritorious virtues. Śāriputra, [as] that Buddha land within has such [and] other all wonderful [and] elegant adornments, [by] meritorious virtues adorned, extremely lovely [and] blissful, therefore [is it] named as [the] “Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss”.

[Note 40: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, this effect of mindfulness of the Triple Gem is not stated – ‘having thoughts equal to their immeasurable meritorious virtues’ (作意等无量功德).]   


Moreover, Śāriputra, within [the] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land, has such [and] other immeasurable, boundless [and] inconceivable extremely rare matters. If [with] passing of [a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas [of] kalpas, with their immeasurable hundred thousand koṭis [of] nayutas [of] tongues, [with] each [and every] one tongue producing immeasurable sounds [to] praise their meritorious virtues, [as this is] also not able [to] exhaust [them], therefore [is it] named as [the] “Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss”.

[Note 41: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, the analogy on the immeasurability of the meritorious virtues of the Pure Land is not stated.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, within [the] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land, [the] Buddha has what condition [to be] named “Immeasurable Life”?  Śāriputra, due [to] that Thus Come [One] and all [his] sentient [beings, having] lifespans [of] immeasurable [and] innumerable great kalpas, due [to] this condition thus, that land’s Thus Come [One is] named “Immeasurable Life”. Śāriputra, [of] Immeasurable Life Buddha’s realisation [and] attainment [of] Anuttarā Samyak Saṃbodhi, [it has] since passed ten great kalpas. Śāriputra, [with] what condition [is] that Buddha named “Immeasurable Light”? Śāriputra, due [to] that Thus Come [One’s] constant emitting [of] immeasurable [and] boundless wonderful light, [that] everywhere illuminates all [the] ten directions’ Buddha lands, giving [and] doing [the] Buddha’s matters without having obstructions, due [to] this condition thus, that land’s Thus Come [One is] named “Immeasurable Light”. Śāriputra, [as] that Buddha’s Pure Land within [is] accomplished [with] such meritorious virtues’ adornments, extremely lovely [and] blissful, therefore [is it] named as [the] “Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss”.

[Note 42: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, the Buddha’s light ‘giving and doing the Buddha’s matters’ (施作佛事) is not stated, although implied.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, within [the] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land, Immeasurable Life Buddha constantly has immeasurable Voice-Hearer disciples, all [of whom] are Great Arhats, complete [with] all kinds [of] refined [and] wonderful meritorious virtues, their quantity [is] boundless [and] cannot [be] stated [in] number. Śāriputra, [as] that Buddha land within [is] accomplished [with] such meritorious virtues’ adornments, extremely lovely [and] blissful, therefore [is it] named as [the] “Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss”.


Moreover, Śāriputra, within [the] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land, Immeasurable Life Buddha constantly has immeasurable Bodhisattva disciples, all [of whom] are [in] One Lifetime Those Connected, complete [with] all kinds [of] refined [and] wonderful meritorious virtues, they [are] immeasurable [and] boundless, [and] cannot [be] stated [in] number. If [with] passing of [an] innumerable number [of] kalpas praising their meritorious virtues, [at the] end, [they will still] not [be] able [to be] exhausted. Śāriputra, [as] that Buddha land within [is] accomplished [with] such meritorious virtues’ adornments, extremely lovely [and] blissful, therefore [is it] named as [the] “Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss”.

[Note 43: ‘One Lifetime Those Connected’ (一生所系) are those who are ready to manifest Buddhahood in their immediate lives. In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, the term used is ‘Position Of One Life To Replacement’ (一生补处), stated as many among all, who are with non-retrogression.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, if all sentient [beings are] born [in] that land, all [will be] non-retrogressible, [and] definitely not again fall [into] all dangerous evil realms, [as] border lands’ lowly mlecchás within. Often travelling [to] all Buddhas’ Pure Lands, [with] excellent practices [and] vows, [from] thought [to] thought increasing [and] advancing, [they] will definitely realise Anuttarā Samyak Saṃbodhi. Śāriputra, [as] that Buddha land within [is] accomplished [with] such meritorious virtues’ adornments, extremely lovely [and] blissful, therefore [is it] named as [the] “Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss”.

[Note 44: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, the term used for ‘non-retrogressible’ (不退转) is ‘Avaivartika’ (阿鞞跋致), with no mention of not falling into evil realms with lowly rebirths, and travel to many Pure Lands to keep advancing spiritually till attainment of Buddhahood, although implied by definition.

Note 45: ‘Border lands’ lowly mlecchás’ (边地下贱蔑戾车) are those born far away from where the Dharma is central, as ‘debased barbarians’ not keen on learning and practising the Dharma. In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, this is not stated, although implied.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, if all sentient [beings] hear [of] that western Immeasurable Life Buddha’s pure Buddha land, [with] immeasurable meritorious virtues all those adorned, all should vow [to be] born [in] that Buddha land. Why [is] that [so]? If born [in] that land, [they will] attain [being] with those [by] such immeasurable meritorious virtues all adorned, all great beings [and] others, together gathering [and] meeting, [to] receive [and] use such immeasurable meritorious virtues, all that adorn [the] pure Buddha land, [with the] Great Vehicle’s Dharma joy constant [and] without retrogression, [with] immeasurable practices [and] vows, [from] thought [to] thought increasing [and] advancing, [to] quickly realise Unsurpassable Complete [And] Perfect Bodhi. Thus, Śāriputra, born [in] that Buddha land, all sentient [beings’] kinds [will] accomplish immeasurable [and] boundless meritorious virtues. [It is] not [with] few good roots, [that] all sentient [beings’] kinds will attain rebirth [in] Immeasurable Life Buddha’s Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land.

[Note 46: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, this is not stated — ‘receive and use such immeasurably many meritorious virtues that adorn the pure Buddha land, with the Great Vehicle’s Dharma joy constant and without retrogression, with immeasurable practices and vows, from thought to thought increasing advancing, to quickly realise Unsurpassable Complete And Perfect Bodhi… will accomplish immeasurable and boundless meritorious virtues’ (受用如是无量功德众所庄严清净佛土,大乘法乐常无退转,无量行愿念念增进,速证无上正等菩提。… 成就无量无边功德), although implied, as the functioning of Avaivartikas.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, if [there] are [those with] pure faith, all good men or good women, [who] attain hearing [of] such Immeasurable Life Buddha’s immeasurable, boundless [and] inconceivable meritorious virtues’ name [i.e. Āmítuófó], [and his] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ meritorious virtues’ adornments, hearing already, contemplating [them], if [for] one day [and] night, or two, or three, or four, or five, or six, or seven, connectedly mindful without [being] scattered, [for] these good men or good women, when [they] approach life’s end, Immeasurable Life Buddha with his immeasurable Voice-Hearer disciples [and] Bodhisattvas’ assemblies together, [in] front [and] behind [will] surround, come [to] abide before them, [with] loving-kindness [and] compassion bless [and] protect, [to] enable [their] minds [to] not [be] scattered. Then, [having] renounced [their] lives already, following [the] Buddha’s assembly, [to be] born [in] Immeasurable Life [Buddha’s] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land.

[Note 47: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, ‘those with pure faith’ (有净信) was not stated as a quality of the good men and women, although implied.

Note 48: ‘[A]ttain hearing of such Immeasurable Life Buddha’s name’s immeasurable, boundless and inconceivable meritorious virtues’ (得闻如是无量寿佛无量无边不可思议功德名号) can be summed up as mindfulness of the Buddha’s name (念佛). 

Note 49: ‘[A]nd his Land Of Ultimate Bliss’ meritorious virtues’ adornments, having heard of them already, contemplating them’ (极乐世界功德庄严,闻已思惟) can be summed up as recollection of the Buddha (忆佛). 

Note 50: ‘Connectedly mindful without being scattered’ (系念不乱) is to be continually mindful without being interrupted by other thoughts. This is the equivalent of ‘wholeheartedly (i.e. sincerely) without being scattered’ (一心不乱) in the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra. This state does not necessitate deep concentration, as often mistaken, as it is with arrival of the Buddha’s assembly to share their blessings later, that has the effect of ‘enabling their minds to not be scattered’ (令心不乱). If the prior state is already deep concentration, there would be no need for effecting this, which in the other ‘version’, is stated as ‘the mind not inverted’ (心不颠倒). 

Note 51: The Buddha and his assembly ‘together, from the front and behind will surround’ (俱前后围绕), to offer all-round blessings and protection, and to guide right mindfulness. The ‘surround’ effect is emphasised here. In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, other than the Buddha, those present in the noble assembly who ‘appear before them’ (现在其前) are not stated.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, [as] I see such benefits [with] peace [and] bliss, [for the] great matter’s cause [and] condition, [I] speak [these] truthful words. If [there] are those [with] pure faith, all good men or good women, who attain hearing [of] such Immeasurable Life Buddha’s inconceivable meritorious virtues’ name, [and his] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land, all should faithfully accept [and] vow, [with] thus spoken cultivate practice, [to be] born [in] that Buddha land.

[Note 52: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, the benefits in terms of ‘peace and bliss for the great matter’s cause and condition {of attaining Buddhahood} (利益安乐大事因缘)’ is not stated, although implied.

Note 53: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, to ‘with thus spoken cultivate practice’ (如说修行) is not stated, although implied.]

Transmission Section


Moreover, Śāriputra, like I now, highly praise Immeasurable Life Buddha’s immeasurable, boundless [and] inconceivable Buddha land’s meritorious virtues, thus [in the] eastern direction, also presently are [1] Immovable Thus Come [One], [2] Mountain Banner Thus Come [One], [3] Great Mountain Thus Come [One], [4] Mountain Light Thus Come [One], [5] Wonderful Banner Thus Come [One], such [and] other Buddhas, like [the] Ganges’ sands abiding [in the] eastern direction, personally [in their] Buddha Pure Lands, [with] each [and every] one manifesting [the] broad [and] long tongue’s form, [that] completely covers [his] three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world’s surroundings, speaking [these] truthful words, “You [and] other sentient [beings], should all faithfully accept such Praises [Of That] Inconceivable Buddha Land’s Meritorious Virtues [And] All Buddhas’ Protected [And] Received Dharma Door.”

[Note 54: The following lists compare the Buddhas’ names here with those in the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra. With all the ten directions’ Buddhas’ names here added, there are 42, instead of the six directions’ 38 in the other ‘version’, although its six directions are ‘supposed’ to also represent the ten directions. With significant differences in the number of directions and Buddhas, with their names, this could be translated from another Sanskrit version. (There are 16 more Buddhas here, and 12 Buddhas in the other ‘version’ ‘missing’ here.) It should be deemed disrespectful to omit listed Buddhas’ names, which makes them ‘unsummarisable’, while also not being numerically efficient to ‘summarise’, to merely reduce (42-38=) 4 Buddhas’ names.

Note 55:

[1] ‘Immovable Thus Come One’ (不动如来) is Akṣobhya Tathāgata (阿閦鞞佛: Akṣobhya Buddha).
[2] ‘Mountain Banner Thus Come One’ (山幢如来) is Meru-Dhvaja Tathāgata (须弥相佛: Sumeru Form Buddha).
[3] ‘Great Mountain Thus Come One’ (大山如来) is Mahāmeru Tathāgata (大须弥佛: Great Sumeru Buddha).
[4] ‘Mountain Light Thus Come One’ (山光如来) is Meru-Prabhāsa Tathāgata (须弥光佛: Sumeru Light Buddha).
[5] ‘Wonderful Banner Thus Come One’ (妙幢如来) is Mañju-Dhvaja Tathāgata (妙幢佛: Wonderful Banner Buddha).

‘Wonderful Banner Thus Come One’ is not stated in the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, while ‘Wonderful Voice Buddha’ (妙音佛: Mañjughoṣa Buddha) in it is not stated above. (1 more Buddha here, 1 Buddha in other ‘version’ ‘missing’ here.)]

Note 56:
‘Like the Ganges’ sands’ is being astronomically numerous or innumerable. 

Note 57: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, the Buddhas are stated to say this —  ‘You and other sentient beings, should believe this “Sūtra With Praises Of Inconceivable Meritorious Virtues And All Buddhas’ Mindful Protection”.’ (汝等众生,当信是称赞不可思议功德一切诸佛所护念经。)]


Moreover, Śāriputra, thus [in the] southern direction, also presently are [6] Sun [And] Moon Light Thus Come [One], [7] Renowned Light Thus Come [One], [8] Great Light Aggregate Thus Come [One], [9] Meru Light Thus Come [One], [10] Boundless Diligence Thus Come [One], such [and] other Buddhas, like [the] Ganges’ sands abiding [in the] southern direction, personally [in their] Buddha Pure Lands, [with] each [and every] one manifesting [the] broad [and] long tongue’s form, [that] completely covers [his] three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world’s surroundings, speaking [these] truthful words, “You [and] other sentient [beings], should all faithfully accept such Praises [Of That] Inconceivable Buddha Land’s Meritorious Virtues [And] All Buddhas’ Protected [And] Received Dharma Door.”

[Note 58:

[6] ‘Sun And Moon Light Thus Come One’ (日月光如来) is Candra-Sūrya-Pradīpa Tathāgata (日月灯佛: Sun And Moon Lamp Buddha).
[7] ‘Renown Light Thus Come One’ (名称光如来) is Yaśa-Prabha Tathāgata (名闻光佛: Renown Light Buddha).
[8] ‘Great Light Aggregate Thus Come One’ (大光蕴如来) is Mahārci-Skandha Tathāgata (大焰肩佛: Great Flaming Shoulders Buddha).
[9] ‘Meru Light Thus Come One’ (迷卢光如来) is Meru-Pradīpa Tathāgata (须弥灯佛: Sumeru Lamp Buddha).
[10] ‘Boundless Diligence Thus Come One’ (无边精进如来) is Ananta-Vīrya Tathāgata (无量精进佛: Immeasurable Diligence Buddha).]


Moreover, Śāriputra, thus [in the] western direction, also presently are [11] Immeasurable Life Thus Come [One], [12] Immeasurable Aggregates Thus Come [One], [13] Immeasurable Light Thus Come [One], [14] Immeasurable Banner Thus Come [One], [15] Great Ease Thus Come [One], [16] Great Light Thus Come [One], [17] Light Flame Thus Come [One], [18] Great Treasure Banner Thus Come [One], [19] Emission [Of] Light Thus Come [One], such [and] other Buddhas, like [the] Ganges’ sands abiding [in the] western direction, personally [in their] Buddha Pure Lands, [with] each [and every] one manifesting [the] broad [and] long tongue’s form, [that] completely covers [his] three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world’s surroundings, speaking [these] truthful words, “You [and] other sentient [beings], should all faithfully accept such Praises [Of That] Inconceivable Buddha Land’s Meritorious Virtues [And] All Buddhas’ Protected [And] Received Dharma Door.”

[Note 59:

[11] ‘Immeasurable Life Thus Come One’ (无量寿如来) is Amitāyus Tathāgata (无量寿佛: Immeasurable Life Buddha).
[12] ‘Immeasurable Aggregates Thus Come One’ (无量蕴如来) is Amitā-Skandha Tathāgata (无量相佛: Immeasurable Form Buddha).
[13] ‘Immeasurable Light Thus Come One’ (无量光如来) is Amitā-Prabha Tathāgata (无量光佛: Immeasurable Light Buddha).
[14] ‘Immeasurable Banner Thus Come One’ (无量幢如来) is Amitā-Dhvaja Tathāgata (无量幢佛: Immeasurable Banner Buddha).
[15] ‘Great Ease Thus Come One’ (大自在如来) is Maheśvara Tathāgata (大自在佛: Great Ease Buddha).
[16] ‘Great Light Thus Come One’ (大光如来) is Mahā-Prabha Tathāgata (大光佛: Great Light Buddha).
[17] ‘Light Flame Thus Come One’ (光焰如来) is Jvalanā Tathāgata (光焰佛: Light Flame Buddha).
[18] ‘Great Treasure Banner Thus Come One’ (大宝幢如来) is Mahāratna-Ketu Tathāgata (宝相佛: Treasure Form Buddha).
[19] ‘Emission Of Light Thus Come One’ (放光如来) is Śuddha-Rashmi-Prabha Tathāgata (净光佛: Pure Land Buddha).

‘Immeasurable Light Thus Come One’, ‘Great Ease Thus Come One’ and ‘Light Flame Thus Come One’ are not stated in the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, while ‘Great Brightness Buddha’ (大明佛: Mahā-Prabhāsa Buddha) in it is not stated above. (3 more Buddhas here, 1 Buddha in other ‘version’ ‘missing’ here.)]


Moreover, Śāriputra, thus [in the] northern direction, also presently are [20] Immeasurable Light Adorned [With] Thoroughly Understood [And] Awakened Wisdom Thus Come [One], [21] Immeasurable Heavenly Drum’s Thundering Great Wonderful Sound Thus Come [One], [22] Great Aggregate Thus Come [One], [23] Light Net Thus Come [One], [24] Sāla Emperor Thus Come [One], such [and] other Buddhas, like [the] Ganges’ sands abiding [in the] northern direction, personally [in their] Buddha Pure Lands, [with] each [and every] one manifesting [the] broad [and] long tongue’s form, [that] completely covers [his] three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world’s surroundings, speaking [these] truthful words, “You [and] other sentient [beings], should all faithfully accept such Praises [Of That] Inconceivable Buddha Land’s Meritorious Virtues [And] All Buddhas’ Protected [And] Received Dharma Door.”

[Note 60: 

[20] ‘Immeasurable Light Adorned Thoroughly Understood And Awakened Wisdom Thus Come One’ (无量光严通达觉慧如来) is Amitā-Prabha-Vyūha-Abhijñā-Búddhi Tathāgata (无量光严通达觉慧佛: Immeasurable Light Adorned Thoroughly Understood And Awakened Wisdom Buddha).
[21] ‘Immeasurable Heavenly Drum’s Thundering Great Wonderful Sound Thus Come One’ (无量天鼓震大妙音如来) is Amitā-Divyā́-Dundubhi-Vaiśvānara-Nirghoṣa Tathāgata or Vaiśvānara-Nirghoṣa Tathāgata (最胜音佛: Most Victorious Voice Buddha).
[22] ‘Great Aggregate Thus Come One’ (大蕴如来) is Mahā-Skandha Tathāgata (大蕴佛: Great Aggregate Buddha).
[23] ‘Light Net Thus Come One’ (光网如来) is Jālinī-Prabha Tathāgata (网明佛: Net Of Brightness Buddha).
[24] ‘Sāla Emperor Thus Come One’ (娑罗帝王如来) is Śalendra-Rāja Tathāgata (娑罗帝王佛: Sāla Emperor Buddha).

‘Immeasurable Light Adorned Thoroughly Understood And Awakened Wisdom Thus Come One’, ‘Great Aggregate Thus Come One’ and ‘Sāla Emperor Thus Come One’ are not stated in the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, while ‘Flaming Shoulders Buddha’ (焰肩佛: Arci-Skandha Buddha), ‘Difficult-To-Defeat Buddha’ (难沮佛: Duṣpradharṣa Buddha) and ‘Sun Birth Buddha’ (日生佛: Āditya-Saṃbhava Buddha) in it are not stated above. (3 more Buddhas here, 3 Buddhas in other ‘version’ ‘missing’ here.)]


Moreover, Śāriputra, thus [in the] below direction, also presently are [25] Manifestation [Of] All Wonderful Dharmas’ Right Principles [With] Constant Emission [Of] Fire King [With] Supreme Virtues’ Bright Light Thus Come [One], [26] Lion Thus Come [One], [27] Renowned Thus Come [One], [28] Renowned Light Thus Come [One], [29] Right Dharma Thus Come [One], [30] Wonderful Dharma Thus Come [One], [31] Dharma Banner Thus Come [One], [32] Meritorious Virtues’ Friend Thus Come [One], [33] Meritorious Virtues’ Name Thus Come [One], such [and] other Buddhas, like [the] Ganges’ sands abiding [in the] below direction, personally [in their] Buddha Pure Lands, [with] each [and every] one manifesting [the] broad [and] long tongue’s form, [that] completely covers [his] three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world’s surroundings, speaking [these] truthful words, “You [and] other sentient [beings], should all faithfully accept such Praises [Of That] Inconceivable Buddha Land’s Meritorious Virtues [And] All Buddhas’ Protected [And] Received Dharma Door.”

[Note 61: 

[25] ‘Manifestation Of All Wonderful Dharmas’ Right Principles And Constant Emission Of Fire King With Supreme Virtues’ Bright Light Thus Come One’ (一切妙法正理常放火王胜德光明如来) is Sárva-Saddharma-Darśana-Yukti-Sadā-Jvalanā-Rajottama-Śrī-Prabha Tathāgata (一切妙法正理常放火王胜德光明佛: Manifestation Of All Wonderful Dharmas’ Right Principles And Constant Emission Of Fire King Of Supreme Virtues’ Bright Light Buddha).[26] ‘Lion Thus Come One’ (师子如来) is Siṃhā Tathāgata (师子佛: Lion Buddha).
[27] ‘Renown Thus Come One’ (名称如来) is Yaśas Tathāgata (名闻佛: Renown Buddha).
[28] ‘Renown Light Thus Come One’ (誉光如来) is Yaśas-Prabhāsa Tathāgata (名光佛: Name Of Light Buddha).
[29] ‘Right Dharma Thus Come One’ (正法如来) is Dharma Tathāgata (达摩佛: Dharma Buddha).
[30] ‘Wonderful Dharma Thus Come One’ (妙法如来) is Saddharma Tathāgata (妙法佛: Wonderful Dharma Buddha).
[31] ‘Dharma Banner Thus Come One’ (法幢如来) is Dharma-Dhvaja Tathāgata (法幢佛: Dharma Banner Buddha).
[32] ‘Meritorious Virtues’ Friend Thus Come One’ (功德友如来) is Guṇa-Mitrá Tathāgata (功德友佛: Meritorious Virtues’ Friend Buddha).
[33] ‘Meritorious Virtues’ Name Thus Come One’ (功德号如来) is Guṇa-Nāma Tathāgata (功德号佛: Meritorious Virtues’ Name Buddha).

‘Manifestation Of All Wonderful Dharmas’ Right Principles And Constant Emission Of Fire King Of Supreme Virtues’ Bright Light Thus Come One’, ‘Wonderful Dharma Thus Come One’, ‘Meritorious Virtues’ Friend Thus Come One’ and ‘Meritorious Virtues’ Name Thus Come One’ are not stated in the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, while ‘Upholding Dharma Buddha’ (持法佛: Dharma-Dhara Buddha) in it is not stated above. (4 more Buddhas here, 1 Buddha in other ‘version’ ‘missing’ here.)]


Moreover, Śāriputra, thus [in the] above direction, also presently are [34] Brahmā Sound Thus Come [One], [35] Constellation King Thus Come [One], [36] Fragrant Light Thus Come [One], [37] Likeness-[To]-Red-Lotus-Flower Supreme Virtues Thus Come [One], [38] Manifestation [Of] All Beneficial Meanings Thus Come [One], such [and] other Buddhas, like [the] Ganges’ sands abiding [in the] above direction, personally [in their] Buddha Pure Lands, [with] each [and every] one manifesting [the] broad [and] long tongue’s form, [that] completely covers [his] three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world’s surroundings, speaking [these] truthful words, “You [and] other sentient [beings], should all faithfully accept such Praises [Of That] Inconceivable Buddha Land’s Meritorious Virtues [And] All Buddhas’ Protected [And] Received Dharma Door.”

[Note 62:

[34] ‘Brahmā Sound Thus Come One’ (梵音如来) is Brahmā-Ghoṣa Tathāgata (梵音佛: Brahmā Voice Buddha).
[35] ‘Constellation King Thus Come One’ (宿王如来) is Nakṣatra-Rāja Tathāgata (宿王佛: Constellation King Buddha).
[36] ‘Fragrant Light Thus Come One’ (香光如来) is Gandhā-Prabhāsa Tathāgata (香光佛: Fragrant Light Buddha).
[37] ‘Likeness-To-Red-Lotus-Flower Supreme Virtues Thus Come One’ (如红莲华胜德如来) is Utpala-Śrī-Kalpa Tathāgata (如红莲华胜德佛: Likeness To Red Lotus Flower Supreme Virtues Buddha).
[38] ‘Manifestation Of All Beneficial Meanings Thus Come One’ (示现一切义利如来) is Sarvārtha-Darśa Tathāgata (见一切义佛: Seeing-Of-All-Meanings Buddha).   

‘Likeness-To-Red-Lotus-Flower Supreme Virtues Thus Come One’ is not listed in the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, while ‘Fragrance Superior Buddha’ (香上佛: Gandhottamā Buddha), ‘Great Flaming Shoulders Buddha’ (大焰肩佛: Mahārci-Skandha Buddha), ‘Varicoloured Treasure Flower Adorned Body Buddha’ (杂色宝华严身佛: Ratna-Kusuma-Saṃpuṣpita-Gātra Buddha), ‘Śāla Tree King Buddha’ (娑罗树王佛: Śalendra-Rāja Buddha), ‘Treasure Flower Virtue Buddha’ (宝华德佛: Ratnotpalaśrī Buddha) and ‘Likeness-To-Sumeru-Mountain Buddha’ (如须弥山佛: Sumeru-Kalpa Buddha) in it are not stated above. (1 more Buddha here, 6 Buddhas in other ‘version’ ‘missing’ here.)]


Moreover, Śāriputra, thus [in the] southeastern direction, also presently are [39] Most Supreme Vast Thunder Sound King Thus Come [One], such [and] other Buddhas, like [the] Ganges’ sands abiding [in the] southeastern direction, personally [in their] Buddha Pure Lands, [with] each [and every] one manifesting [the] broad [and] long tongue’s form, [that] completely covers [his] three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world’s surroundings, speaking [these] truthful words, “You [and] other sentient [beings], should all faithfully accept such Praises [Of That] Inconceivable Buddha Land’s Meritorious Virtues [And] All Buddhas’ Protected [And] Received Dharma Door.”

[Note 63: [39] ‘Most Supreme Vast Thunder Sound King Thus Come One’ (最上广大云雷音王如来) is Uttamā-Vipulā-Meghā-Ghoṣa-Rāja Tathāgata, who is not stated in the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra. (1 more Buddha here.)]  


Moreover, Śāriputra, thus [in the] southwestern direction, also presently are [40] Most Supreme Sun Light’s Renowned Meritorious Virtues Thus Come [One], such [and] other Buddhas, like [the] Ganges’ sands abiding [in the] southwestern direction, personally [in their] Buddha Pure Lands, [with] each [and every] one manifesting [the] broad [and] long tongue’s form, [that] completely covers [his] three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world’s surroundings, speaking [these] truthful words, “You [and] other sentient [beings], should all faithfully accept such Praises [Of That] Inconceivable Buddha Land’s Meritorious Virtues [And] All Buddhas’ Protected [And] Received Dharma Door.”

[Note 64: [40] ‘Most Supreme Sun Light’s Renowned Meritorious Virtues Thus Come One’ (最上日光名称功德如来) is Uttamā-Sūrya-Prabha-Yasho-Guṇa Tathāgata, who is not stated in the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra. (1 more Buddha here.)]


Moreover, Śāriputra, thus [in the] northwestern direction, also presently are [41] Immeasurable Meritorious Virtues’ Fire King’s Bright Light Thus Come [One], such [and] other Buddhas, like [the] Ganges’ sands abiding [in the] northwestern direction, personally [in their] Buddha Pure Lands, [with] each [and every] one manifesting [the] broad [and] long tongue’s form, [that] completely covers [his] three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world’s surroundings, speaking [these] truthful words, “You [and] other sentient [beings], should all faithfully accept such Praises [Of That] Inconceivable Buddha Land’s Meritorious Virtues [And] All Buddhas’ Protected [And] Received Dharma Door.”

[Note 65: [41] ‘Immeasurable Meritorious Virtues’ Fire King’s Bright Light Thus Come One’ (无量功德火王光明如来) is Amitā-Guṇa-Jvalanādhipati-Prabhāsa Tathāgata, who is not stated in the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra. (1 more Buddha here.)]


Moreover, Śāriputra, thus [in the] northeastern direction, also presently are [42] Innumerable Hundred Thousand Koṭis [Of] Vast Wisdom Thus Come [One], such [and] other Buddhas, like [the] Ganges’ sands abiding [in the] northeastern direction, personally [in their] Buddha Pure Lands, [with] each [and every] one manifesting [the] broad [and] long tongue’s form, [that] completely covers [his] three-thousandfold great-thousandfold world’s surroundings, speaking [these] truthful words, “You [and] other sentient [beings], should all faithfully accept such Praises [Of That] Inconceivable Buddha Land’s Meritorious Virtues [And] All Buddhas’ Protected [And] Received Dharma Door.”

[Note 66: [42] ‘Innumerable Hundred Thousand Koṭis Of Broad Wisdom Thus Come One’ (无数百千俱胝广慧如来) is Asaṃkhyeya-Śata-Sāhasra-Koṭi-Nayuta-Vipulā-Búddhi Tathāgata, who is not stated in the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra. (1 more Buddha here.)]


Moreover, Śāriputra, [with] what condition [is] this sūtra named as “Praises [Of That] Inconceivable Buddha Land’s Meritorious Virtues [And] All Buddhas’ Protected [And] Received Dharma Door”? Śāriputra, due [to] this sūtra within, [having] high praises [of] Immeasurable Life Buddha’s Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ inconceivable Buddha land’s meritorious virtues, and [the] ten directions’ all Buddha World-Honoured [Ones], for [the] desire [to] skilfully benefit [with] peace [and] bliss, [for] all sentient [beings] thus, each abiding [in their] original lands, manifesting great supernormal transformations, speaking [these] truthful words, [to] exhort all sentient [beings to] faithfully accept this Dharma, therefore [is] this sūtra named as “Praises [Of That] Inconceivable Buddha Land’s Meritorious Virtues [And] All Buddhas’ Protected [And] Received Dharma Door”.

[Note 67: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, this condition is not stated, although implied.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, if good men or good women, perhaps already attaining hearing, or will attain hearing, or now attain hearing, [having] heard [this] sūtra already, deeply give rise [to] faith [and] understanding, [having] given rise [to] faith [and] understanding already, [they will] definitely, by such abiding [in the] ten directions’ ten Ganges’ sands’ all Buddha World-Honoured [Ones, be] those protected [and] received. Those thus spoken practising, [will] all definitely for Anuttarā Samyak Saṃbodhi attain non-retrogression, all definitely [be] born [in] Immeasurable Life Buddha’s Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land. Therefore, Śāriputra, you [and] other sentient [beings], should all faithfully accept, receive [and] understand me, and [the] ten directions’ Buddha World-Honoured [Ones’] words, [and] should persevere diligently, [with] thus spoken cultivate practice, not give rise [to] doubt.

[Note 68: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, ‘faith’ (信) is stated, instead of ‘faith and understanding’ (信解), although implied, as true faith leads to true understanding.

Note 69: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, ‘should persevere diligently, with thus spoken cultivate practice, not give rise to doubt’ (当勤精进,如说修行,勿生疑虑) is not stated, although implied — ‘if they have faith, should vow, to be born in that land’ (若有信者,应当发愿,生彼国土) Those who have faith and vow to be born there should (naturally) persevere diligently to cultivate practice.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, if good men or good women, of Immeasurable Life [Buddha’s] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land’s meritorious virtues’ adornments, if already vowed, if will [be] vowing, if now vowing, [they will] definitely, by such abiding [in the] ten directions’ ten Ganges’ sands’ all Buddha World-Honoured [Ones, be] those protected [and] received. Those thus spoken practising, [will] all definitely for Anuttarā Samyak Saṃbodhi attain non-retrogression, all definitely [be] born [in] Immeasurable Life Buddha’s Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land. Therefore, Śāriputra, if [there] are [those with] pure faith, all good men or good women, all should, for Immeasurable Life [Buddha’s] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ pure Buddha land, [with the] determined mind [of] faith [and] understanding, vow [to be] reborn [there, and] not practise heedlessly.

[Note 70: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, ‘definitely will by such abiding in the ten directions’ ten Ganges’ sands’ all Buddha World-Honoured Ones, be those protected and received’ (必为如是住十方面十殑伽沙诸佛世尊之所摄受) is not stated in this context, although implied — ‘if there are good men and good women, who hear this sūtra, accept and uphold it, and hear all these Buddhas’ names, all these good men and good women, will all by all Buddhas, be mindfully protected’ (闻诸佛名者,是诸善男子、善女人,皆为一切诸佛之所护念). 

Note 71: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, ‘not practise heedlessly’ (勿行放逸) is not stated.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, like I now, highly praise Immeasurable Life Buddha’s Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss’ inconceivable Buddha land’s meritorious virtues, those ten directions’ all Buddha World-Honoured [Ones], also praise my inconceivable [and] boundless meritorious virtues, [with] all making this statement, “Extremely wonderful [and] rare! [The] Śākyan Tranquil [One], Śākyan Dharma King, Thus Come [One, One] Worthy [Of Offerings], Completely [And] Perfectly Awakened [One], Wisdom [And] Practice Perfected [One], Well-Gone [One], World-Knower, Unsurpassable Great [One], Tamer [And] Harmoniser, Heavenly [And] Human [Beings’] Teacher, Buddha World-Honoured [One, was] even able [to], in this Endurance World’s Five Defilements’ Evil Period, [with] so-called Kalpa’s Defilement, all Sentient [Beings]’ Defilement, all Afflictions’ Defilement, Views’ Defilement [and] Lifespan’s Defilement within, realise [and] attain Anuttarā Samyak Saṃbodhi, for [the] desire [to] skilfully benefit all sentient [beings with] peace [and] bliss thus, spoke this Dharma [that the] world [has] extreme difficulty believing.” Therefore, Śāriputra, [you] should know [that] I now, in this mixed [and] defiled Endurance World’s Five Defilements’ Evil Period, realised [and] attained Anuttarā Samyak Saṃbodhi, for [the] desire [to] skilfully benefit all sentient [beings with] peace [and] bliss thus, spoke this Dharma [that the] world [has] extreme difficulty believing, [which] is extremely rare [and] inconceivable.

[Note 72: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, the Ten Epithets are not stated. 

Note 73: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, ‘extremely wonderful and rare and inconceivable’ (甚奇希有,不可思议) are not stated.]


Moreover, Śāriputra, in this mixed [and] defiled Endurance World’s Five Defilements’ Evil Period, if [there] are [those with] pure faith, all good men or good women, [who] hear thus spoken, [this] Dharma [that] all [in the] world [have] extreme difficulty believing, able [to] give rise [to] faith [and] understanding, accepting, upholding [and] expounding [it], as taught cultivating practice, [it] should [be] known [that] these persons are extremely rare, [at] immeasurable Buddhas’ places [having] formerly planted good roots. These people, [at their] lives’ end, [will] definitely [be] born [in the] Western Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss, [to] receive [and] use all kinds [of] meritorious virtues’ adornments [of the] pure Buddha land, [with the] Great Vehicle’s Dharma joy. [In] day [and] night, [during the] six periods [be] close to, [for] making offerings [to] Immeasurable Life Buddha, travelling [in the] ten directions [to] make offerings [to] all Buddhas, at all Buddhas’ places hearing [the] Dharma [and] receiving predictions, [with] blessings [and] wisdom’s provisions swiftly attaining perfection, [to] quickly realise Unsurpassable Complete [And] Perfect Bodhi.’

[Note 74: In the other ‘version’ of the Amitābha Sūtra, this encouragement is not stated.]


Then, [the] Bhagavān, [having] spoken this sūtra already, [the] honoured Śāriputra [and] all other Great Voice-Hearers, and all Bodhisattva Mahāsattvas’ assemblies, immeasurable heavenly [beings], humans, asuras [and] others, [with] all [in the] great assembly, [having] heard that [the] Buddha spoke, [were] all greatly joyful, [as they] faithfully accepted [to] practise [it].

[Note 75: ‘Others’ (等) include sentient beings from the other (non-hell) realms not stated, such as wandering spirits, hungry ghosts and animals, who are adequately intelligent to understand.]

Related Teachings:

The Sūtra With All Buddhas’ Mindful Protection:
Chinese-English Comparative Text Of The Sūtra In Which The Buddha Speaks Of Amitābha Buddha & The Sūtra On Praises Of The Pure Land With Buddhas’ Protection And Reception

The Sūtra In Which The Buddha Speaks Of Amitābha Buddha

How Do Niànfó Practitioners Reach Āmítuófó’s Pure Land?

Ten Major Principles For Translation Of Buddhist Sūtras (Scriptures) & Śāstras (Treatises)

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