
[29] The Four Kinds Of Four Noble Truths In Pure Land 净土之四种四圣谛


These [and] other path grades, relying [upon] ‘Rising [And] Falling Four [Noble] Truths’ then cultivating, [are] the same as [the] Tripiṭaka Teaching’s path grades.

[Note 1: See ‘Related Article’ below for definitions of the Four Noble Truths (四圣谛) and the Noble Eightfold Path (八正道), which is the Fourth Noble Truth (第四圣谛), and how they are connected to the Main Pure Land Practice (净土正行).

Each of these truths (in the Rising And Falling Four Noble Truths) are cultivated in terms of rising and falling (生灭), for severing from the cycle of births and deaths (生死).]


Relying [upon] ‘Non-Arising Four [Noble] Truths’ then cultivating, [are] the same as [the] Common Teaching’s path grades.

[Note 2: Each of these truths are cultivated by contemplating them to be empty in nature (空性), without self-nature (无自性).]


Relying [upon] ‘Immeasurable Four [Noble] Truths’ then cultivating, [are] the same as [the] Separate Teaching’s path grades.

[Note 3: Each of these truths are cultivated in immeasurable ways, due to the immeasurable natures of sentient beings’ karmic causes and conditions.]


Relying [upon] ‘Non-Doing Four [Noble] Truths’ then cultivating, [are] the same as [the] Complete Teaching’s path grades.

[Note 4: Each of these truths are cultivated, to realise their aspects to have the same True Suchness’ True Nature (真如实性).

The First Truth (Of) Suffering (苦谛) is with realisation that the Five Aggregates are originally (in essence) the Thus Come Ones’ Treasury (五蕴本如来藏), without suffering that can be departed from (无苦可离).

The Second Truth (Of) Accumulation (Of Suffering) (集谛) is with realisation that afflictions are (in essence) the same as Bodhi (烦恼即菩提), without accumulation that can be severed (无集可断).

The Third Truth (Of) Cessation (Of) Suffering (灭谛) is with realisation that the cycle of births and deaths (生死) is (in essence) the same as Nirvāṇa (生死即涅槃), without cessation that can be realised (无灭可证). 

The Fourth Truth (Of The) Path (To Cessation Of Suffering) (道谛) is with realisation that Extreme Views (边见) and Evil Views (邪见) are all (in essence) the Middle Path’s (中道) Right Views (正见) (边邪皆中正), without the path to be cultivated (无道可修).]    

– 净土宗九祖澫益大师

– Pure Land Tradition’s 9th Patriarch Great Master Ǒuyì
(Essential Explanation [Of The] Sūtra [In Which The] Buddha Speaks [Of] Amitā[bha] Buddha)

Namo Amituofo : Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an

Related Articles:

下文: 净土之种种三十七道品
Next Section: The Thirty-Seven Path Grades’ Variations In Pure Land

Complete English Translation Of ‘The Essential Explanation On The Amitābha Sūtra As Spoken By The Buddha’

How Does Niànfó Include The Four Noble Truths’ Eightfold Path Completely?


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