Understanding this, then [are we] able [to have] profound [i.e. deep] Faith [in] Āmítuófó’s vows’ power.
[With] Faith [in the] Buddha’s power, then able [to have] profound Faith [in his] name’s meritorious virtues.
[With] Faith upholding [his] name, then able [to have] profound Faith [in] our Mind-Nature’s original inconceivablity.
Complete [with] this profound Faith, then able [to] give rise [to] great Aspiration.
文中「应当」二字, 即指深信。
[The sūtra] text’s ‘should’ [as] two words within, then points [to having] profound Faith.
[With] profound Faith giving rise [to the] Aspiration [to be born in Āmítuófó’s Pure Land, this] is unsurpassable Bodhi [Mind].
Combining this Faith [and] Aspiration, truly [is] as Pure Land’s guide, [for reaching it].
Due [to] this then, [to faithfully and] firmly uphold [mindfulness of his] name, [is] indeed as [the] Main Practice [for reaching his Pure Land].
If Faith [and] Aspiration [are] firm, [when] approaching [the] end [of life, within] ten thoughts [to] one thought, likewise [will] definitely attain birth [in Pure Land].
If without Faith [and] Aspiration, even to [have his] name upheld until wind’s blowing cannot enter, rain’s beating cannot wet, like silver walls [and] iron walls similar, [this] likewise [is] without [the] principle of attaining birth.
Those cultivating pure karma [to reach Pure Land], must not not know [this].
[The] ‘larger version [of the] Amitā[bha] Sūtra’ [i.e. Immeasurable Life Sūtra《无量寿经》is] likewise with giving rise [to the] Bodhi Aspiration [i.e. Bodhicitta] as essential [in its section on the Three Grades (三辈) for birth in Pure Land, which is] exactly with this, [the] same [in meaning].
– 净土宗九祖澫益大师
– Pure Land Tradition’s 9th Patriarch Great Master Ǒuyì
(Essential Explanation [Of The] Sūtra [In Which The] Buddha Speaks [Of] Amitā[bha] Buddha)
依据净土宗九祖蕅益大师的《佛说阿弥陀经要解》: 【深信发愿,即无上菩提。… 大本《阿弥陀经》,亦以发菩提愿为要,正与此同。】(大本《阿弥陀经》即是《无量寿经》。「发菩提愿为要」者即是三辈,所发不须通途菩提心。唯依第十九愿生《观经》上三品者须发通途菩提心。
Note: Bodhicitta In ‘Immeasurable Life Sūtra’
According to the Pure Land Tradition’s 9th Patriarch Great Master Ǒuyì’s ‘Essential Explanation [Of The] Amitā[bha] Sūtra [As] Spoken [By The] Buddha’, ‘[With] profound [or deep] Faith giving rise [to the] Aspiration [to be born in Āmítuófó’s Pure Land, this] is unsurpassable Bodhi [Mind]… [The] ‘larger [version of the] Amitā[bha] Sūtra’ [i.e. Immeasurable Life Sūtra;《无量寿经》, is] likewise with giving rise [to the] Bodhi Aspiration [i.e. Bodhicitta] as essential [in its section on the Three Grades (三辈) for birth in Pure Land, which is] exactly with this, [the] same’ [in meaning, not needing Common Bodhicitta (通途菩提心). Only those relying on the 19th Vow to be born in the three higher grades of birth in the Contemplation Sūtra《观经》need to give rise to Common Bodhicitta.]
Namo Amituofo : Translation and note by Shen Shi’an
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