
Clear Proof Of Upholding Name As Much Good Roots & Blessed Virtues 持名为多善根福德之明证

General Explanation

问:在《佛说阿弥陀经》中,释迦牟尼佛说,‘不可以少善根福德因缘得生彼国。’ [即是阿弥陀佛的极乐净土] 如何才能有足够的善根福德?

Question: In ‘[The] Sūtra [In Which The] Buddha Speaks [Of] Amitā[bha Buddha]’《佛说阿弥陀经》, Śākyamuni Buddha (释迦牟尼佛) taught that ‘[One] cannot [with] few good roots [and] blessed virtues [as] causes [and] conditions, attain birth [in] that [Pure] Land [of Āmítuófó]. (不可以少善根福德因缘,得生彼国。) How can these good roots and blessed virtues be adequate?

答: 在《佛说阿弥陀经疏钞》中,净土宗八祖莲池大师解释,‘今[以至心信愿]持名,乃善中之善,福中之福。’ 以下是疏钞中的详细解释。

Answer: In ‘Collected Writings [On] Commentary [On The] Sūtra [In Which The] Buddha Speaks [Of] Amitā[bha Buddha]’《佛说阿弥陀经疏钞》, the Pure Land Tradition’s 8th Patriarch Great Master Liánchí (净土宗八祖莲池大师) explained that, ‘Now upholding [the] name [of Āmítuófó with Faith and Aspiration sincerely] is [to cultivate the] good within [all] good, [and the] blessed [virtues] within [all] blessed [virtues].’ (今[以至心信愿]持名乃善中之善,福中之福). The below from the commentary further explains this.

Detailed Explanation


[Commentary]: Question: [On] upholding [the name of Āmítuófó] as the same as [having] much good roots [and] blessed virtues, outside of this [Amitā(bha)] Sūtra, are there other [sūtras and treatises as] proof [that this is so]?


Answer: [This] can [be] very clearly proved, as ‘[The] Great Compassion [Sūtra]’ [i.e. Mahā Karuṇā-Puṇḍarīka Sūtra], ‘[The] Great Prajñā Pāramitā Sūtra [i.e. Pañcaviṃśati Sāhasrikā Prajñā Pāramitā Sūtra and] others say [so].

Proof [Of] Good Roots


[Collected Writings]: [On] proof [of] good roots, [1] ‘[The] Great Compassion Sūtra’ says, ‘[With] one recitation [of a] Buddha’s name, already is [with] good roots entering Nirvāṇa’s realm, [that] cannot completely end.’


Also saying, [2] ‘I, after Parinirvāṇa, [in a] Northern Indian country, [there will] be [a] bhikṣu named Qípójiā, [who] cultivates practice [of] immeasurable most supreme good roots, and then, [at the] end [of his] life, [will be] born in [the] West, past [a] hundred thousand koṭis [of] worlds, [in] Immeasurable Life Buddha’s [i.e. Āmítuófó] [Pure] Land, later accomplishing Buddhahood, named Stainless Light Tathāgata.’


[3] Also, ‘[The] Great [Vehicle’s] Adornment Sūtra’s Treatise’ [i.e. 大乘庄严经论: Mahāyāna Sūtrālamkāra Kārikā] [says], ‘[In the] Buddha’s lifetime [was] one old man, [who] came [to] beg [to] leave [the] householder’s [life]. Śariputra [and] all other great disciples together [were] not willing [to] ordain [him], with contemplation [of] his many [past] kalpas [being] without good roots thus.


[After the] Buddha personally ordained [him, he] immediately realised [the] path’s fruit, [the] cause [of which he] told [the] great assembly, ‘[That] this person, immeasurable kalpas ago, as [a] person gathering firewood, [was by a] fierce tiger forced [to the] extreme, [whom in] great fear climbed [a] tree, [once] reciting “Námó Buddha[ya]” [i.e. Homage to and refuge for life in the Buddha]. With these good roots, [he] met me [to] attain deliverance.’

《华严·第十回向》 云:「愿忆念无量无边世界,去来现在一切诸佛。」

[4] ‘[The] Avataṃsaka [Sūtra’s] tenth [chapter on] Dedication’ says, ‘[To] aspire [to] recollect [and be] mindful [of] immeasurable [and] boundless worlds, [and] all [their] past, future [and] present Buddhas.’


And next saying, ‘[It is] with this mindfulness [of] Buddha [as] good roots.’


All these, [are] all clear proof of upholding [the] name [of Āmítuófó] as much good roots.

Proof [Of] Blessed Virtues

证福德者,《大品般若经》云:「若人散心念佛, 亦得离苦,其福不尽」,况定意念。

[On] the proof [of] blessed virtues, [i] ‘[The] Great Prajñā Sūtra’ says, ‘If [a] person [with a] scattered mind [is] mindful [of] Buddha, [this person] also [will] attain departure [from] suffering, [and] its blessings [are] inexhaustible’, moreover [if with a] concentrated mind [being] mindful.

《称扬诸佛功德经》云:「若有得闻无量寿如来名者,一心信乐,持讽诵念,此人当得无量之福,永离三途,命终之后, 往生彼刹。」

[ii] ‘[The Ratnajālīparipṛcchā] Sūtra [On] Praises [Of] All Buddhas’ Meritorious Virtues’ says, ‘If [there] are those [who] attain hearing [of] Immeasurable Life Tathāgata’s name [i.e. Āmítuófó], [with] wholehearted joyful faith, uphold recitation mindfully, these persons will attain immeasurable blessings, forever depart [from the] three paths [of hell-beings, hungry ghosts and animals, and] after [the] end [of] life, [be] reborn [in] that [Pure] Land [of his].’


[iii] ‘[The Great Perfection Of] Wisdom Treatise’ [i.e. 大智度论] says, ‘For example, [if there] is [a] person, [as a] newborn, set [on the] ground, [who is] immediately able [to] walk [a] thousand miles daily, fully [for] one thousand years, [with] seven treasures offering [to] Buddhas, [this is] not equal to [a] person in [the] later evil period [i.e. the present Dharma-Ending Age], once [with the] voice reciting Āmítuófó, [as] its blessings [will] surpass that.’


[iv] ‘[The] Ekottara [i.e. “Increase (By) One”] Āgama Sūtra’ says, ‘[Compared with the] four offerings [of food and drink (饮食), clothing (衣服), bedding (卧具) and medicine (汤药) made to] all [of] Jambudvīpa’s sentient beings, if [there] is recitation [of a] Buddha’s name, like suckling momentarily [i.e. very briefly], [its] meritorious virtues [will] surpass [to be] greater, [as it is] inconceivable.’


All these, [are] all clear proof of upholding [the] name [of Āmítuófó] as much blessed virtues.

[Overall] Proof [Of] Good Roots [And] Blessed [Virtues]


Again, in ‘[The Great] Treasures’ Collection’s [i.e. 大宝积经: Mahā Ratnakūṭa Sūtra] 19th [chapter, the] sūtra says, ‘Then, a bhikṣu, [having] heard [the] Buddha’s praise [of] Immovable [i.e. Akṣobhya] Tathāgata’s Buddha land’s meritorious virtues, [with his] mind gave rise [to] greedy attachment, and mindfulness [to be] born there. [The] Buddha said, “[It is] not with [the] mind of deep attachment, [that] thereupon attains rebirth [there, as it is] only with planting [of] many virtuous [i.e. wholesome] roots, [and] cultivating many pure practices, [that] attains birth [in] that land.”‘


[As] virtuous roots are the same as good roots, [and] pure practices are the same as blessed virtues, this also doubly reveals [as] clear proof of upholding [the] name [of Āmítuófó] as much good [roots and] much blessed [virtues. As] many sūtras simultaneously praise [it], how [can this] not [be] believed [and] received?

– 净土宗八祖莲池大师
Pure Land Tradition’s 8th Patriarch Great Master Liánchí

(Collected Writings [On] Commentary [On The] Sūtra [In Which The] Buddha Speaks [Of] Amitā[bha Buddha])

Previous Teaching:

Āmítuófó Is The Same As Unsurpassable Bodhi, The Good Of Good, The Blessing Of Blessings

Following Teaching:

Why Say Those Only Cultivating For Complete And Sudden Awakening, Who Do Not Aspire For Rebirth In Pure Land, As Those Having Few Good Roots?

Related Articles:

How To Have Enough Good Roots & Blessed Virtues As Cause & Condition For Birth In Pure Land?

Many Good Roots’ Blessed Virtues

The Name Of Amituofo Is The Supreme Mantra

How To Have Enough Merits To Reach Pure Land?

What Are Good Roots And Blessed Virtues For Birth In Āmítuófó’s Pure Land? :
Good Roots And Blessed Virtues As Explained In The Essential Explanation On The Amitābha Sūtra As Spoken By The Buddha


Namo Amituofo : Translation by Shen Shi’an

1 Comment

  • Very well written article. Thanks for sharing dharma.

    May all beings hear the noble dharma, hard to attain even in many kalpas and be born in presence of Buddha!!!!

    Namo Sakyamuni Buddha – The great kind and compassionate teacher who taught the noble dharma with great difficulty in the evil age.

    Namo Amitabha Buddha – The great kind and compassionate teacher who rescuses innumerable sentient beings and make them born in his superb world of peace and bliss by the power of his great vows.

Please be mindful of your speech, Amituofo!

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