How To See Any One Or All Buddhas? 如何见任何一佛或诸佛?




‘Repentance Poem’ (‘Sakyamuni Buddha’ Version)

When [Sakyamuni] Buddha was in this world, I was sunken [in the realms of the Saha World (with endurance of suffering)]. After the Buddha entered parinirvana, I was born. [I] repent of this body’s karmic obstacles [being] heavy, [such that I] cannot see the Tathagata’s gold-coloured body.

Great Master Xuyun


Question: How can I see any or all Buddha(s)?


第四十五皆得三昧见佛愿: ‘设我得佛,他方国土诸菩萨众,闻我名字,皆悉逮得普等三昧,住是三昧,至于成佛,常见无量不可思议一切诸佛。若不尔者,不取正觉。’

Answer: With sincere mindfulness of the sacred name of Amituofo (Amitabha Buddha), there can be connection with him, riding upon his power to see all Buddhas. Amituofo can empower all Bodhisattvas everywhere, especially when in his Pure Land Of Ultimate Bliss in meditative concentration (samadhi), to see all Buddhas to learn from them, including our fundamental teacher Sakyamuni Buddha. This can be seen in Amituofo’s 45th Great Vow:

Forty-Fifth Vow [Of] All Attaining Samadhi [And] Sight [Of] Buddhas: ‘If I [Dharmakara Bodhisattva] attain Buddhahood [as Amituofo], all Bodhisattva assemblies in the lands of other directions, who hear my Name [Amituofo, with wholehearted sincerity], will all attain the Samadhi Of Universal Equality, abiding in this Samadhi, until accomplishing Buddhahood, constantly seeing all immeasurable and inconceivable Buddhas. If not so, [I shall] not attain right awakening [of Buddhahood].’


第四十二悉得清净解脱愿: ‘设我得佛,他方国土诸菩萨众,闻我名字,皆悉逮得清净解脱三昧,住是三昧,一发意顷,供养无量不可思议诸佛世尊,而不失定意。若不尔者,不取正觉。’

Answer: The above Samadhi is ‘Samadhi From Mindfulness Of Buddha’, which also includes Amituofo’s 42nd Great Vow’s ‘Samadhi Of Pure Liberation’ below:

Forty-Second Vow [Of] All Attaining [Samadhi Of] Pure Liberation: ‘If I attain Buddhahood, all Bodhisattva assemblies in the lands of other directions who hear my Name [Amituofo] will all attain the Samadhi Of Pure Liberation, abiding in this Samadhi, in one moment of thought, [they can] make offerings to all immeasurable and inconceivable World-Honoured Buddhas, yet not losing concentration. If not so, [I shall] not attain right awakening.’


Answer: As the 42nd Great Vow empowers making of offerings to all Buddhas, while the 45th Great Vow empowers sight of all Buddhas to learn from them, this is how we will be able to best ‘cultivate both blessings and wisdom’ together (福慧双修) in the ultimate ways for the attainment of Buddhahood through Amituofo’s Pure Land. This is so as making offerings to Buddhas is to sow in the greatest fields of blessings, to create the most immense meritorious virtues, while learning from Buddhas awakens the most complete wisdom. Birth in Amituofo’s one Pure Land is thus the equivalent of reaching all Pure Lands, which is why the path to Buddhahood is the swiftest through birth there.




‘Repentance Poem’ (‘Amitabha Buddha’ Version)

Amitabha Buddha (Amituofo) is in The Land Of Ultimate Bliss, [while] I am sunken [in the realms of the Saha World (with endurance of suffering)]. [I] repent of this body’s karmic obstacles [being] heavy, [with] mindfulness of Buddha (Nianfo), to go see his gold-coloured body.

On Behalf Of All Repentant Ones Aspiring For Birth In The Land Of Ultimate Bliss

Please be mindful of your speech, Amituofo!

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