
Six Kinds Of Connections With Responses 六种感应

其感应之迹,有 [1] 显感显应[2] 冥感冥应[3] 冥感显应[4] 显感冥应[5] 亦冥亦显感而显应[6] 亦冥亦显感而冥应之不同。

Those manifestations of connections [with] responses, have [1] clear connections [with] clear responses, [2] obscure connections [with] obscure responses, [3] obscure connections [with] clear responses, [4] clear connections [with] obscure responses, [5] also obscure [and] also clear connections, yet [with] clear responses, [and] [6] also obscure [and] also clear connections, yet [with] obscure responses, [with] those not [the] same.

[1] 显感显应者、现生竭诚尽敬礼念供养、即蒙加被、逢凶化吉、遇难呈祥、及业消障尽、福增慧朗等。

(Those [having] [1] clear connections [with] clear responses, [are in this] present life wholehearted [and] sincere, [with] utmost reverent prostrations, recitations [and] making [of] offerings, immediately receiving blessings, [with] encountering [of the] inauspicious transformed [to the] auspicious, meeting [of] difficulties manifested [to] auspiciousness, and [with evil] karmas eliminated [and] obstacles exhausted, blessings increased [and] wisdom brightened, [and] others.

[2] 冥感冥应者、过去生中曾修竭诚礼念等行、今生虽未修习、由宿善根、得蒙加被、不知不觉、祸灭福臻(zhēn)、业消障尽等。

Those [having] [2] obscure connections [with] obscure responses, [have] within past lives previously cultivated wholehearted [and] sincere prostrations, recitations [and] other practices, [in] this life although yet [to] practise, due [to] past good roots, attain [and] receive blessings, not knowingly [and] unaware, [with] misfortunes eliminated [and] blessings reached, [evil] karmas eliminated [and] obstacles exhausted, [and] others.

[3] 冥感显应者、宿生曾种善根、今生得蒙加被。

Those [having] [3] obscure connections [with] clear responses, [with] past lives previously planted good roots, [in] this life attain [and] receive blessings.

[4] 显感冥应者、现生竭诚礼念、不见加被之迹、冥冥之中、承其慈力、凶退吉临、业消障尽等。

Those [having] [4] clear connections [with] obscure responses, [are in this] present life [with] wholehearted [and] sincere prostrations [and] recitations, not seeing [the] manifestations of blessings, within that mysterious [and] inexorable, receiving that compassionate power, [with the] inauspicious retreating [and the] auspicious approaching, [evil] karmas eliminated [and] obstacles exhausted, [and] others.

[5] 亦冥亦显感而显应者、宿世曾种善根、今生竭诚礼念、显蒙加被、转祸为福等。

Those [having] [5] also obscure [and] also clear connections, yet [with] clear responses, [have in] past lives previously planted good roots, [in] this life [with] wholehearted [and] sincere prostrations [and] recitations, clearly receiving blessings, transform misfortunes as blessings, [and] others.

[6] 亦冥亦显感而冥应者、宿世曾种善根、今生竭诚礼念、冥冥之中、承其慈力、获种种益也。

Those [having] [6] also obscure [and] also clear connections, yet [with] obscure responses, [have in] past lives previously planted good roots, [in] this life [with] wholehearted [and] sincere prostrations [and] recitations, within that mysterious [and] inexorable, receiving that compassionate power, obtain all kinds [of] benefits.


Understanding these, then knowing efforts [are] not in vain abandoned, [and] fruits [are] not with nothing attained, even if [in] all of one’s life not seeing manifestations of blessings, also not arriving [at the] mind giving rise [to] hatred [and] dissatisfaction, halfway then giving up.


[As the] paths of connections [with] responses, [are] subtle [and] wonderful, difficult [to] conceive, briefly written [are the] main outlines, with [these] advising [to] come [to] wisdom. These responses, those great [and] small, superior [and] inferior, [are with] that utmost of sincerity, with [it] yet [to be] arrived [at] only.)


Even if [the] mind [does] not truly believe, [with] sincerity yet [to be] utmost, only able [to have] one thought surrendering sincerely, all also will receive benefits. Only according [with] one’s one thought of sincerity, then divided [as that] superior [or] inferior, not able [to be] like those wholehearted [and] sincere [with] utmost reverence receiving benefits, [with] their excellence surpassing.

Namo Amituofo : Translation by Shen Shi’an

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