
[3] Brahma Net Sūtra’s Bodhisattva Precepts’ Text: Forty-Eight Light Precepts (Part 1) 梵网经菩萨戒本: 四十八轻戒 (一)

[The] Buddha told all [the] Bodhisattvas, saying, ‘[As I have] already spoken [of the] Ten Prātimokṣas completely, [the] Forty-Eight Light [Precepts] will now [be] spoken.

[First (Light) Precept (Against) Not Respecting Teachers (And) Friends]


Note [111] Precepts Before Power: Before gaining worldly power, there should be committing to being highly moral, so as to not harm any, and to help as many as possible. Even ghosts and gods will aid those who are morally good, while the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas will rejoice for those vowing and practising to join their ranks.

Note [112] Reverent Repayment: There should be reverent repayment of the kindness of all spiritual seniors and juniors, who are on the same path, respecting and facilitating their learning and practice at all (affordable) costs. There should not be prideful, arrogant, deluded and angry refusal to do so.

Note [113] Elder (上座): A monastic of thirty years or more, or with high virtuous practice (高德行) and blessed virtues (福德), or who has realised the path (证道).

Note [114] Venerable (和尚): A senior monastic of twenty years or more, Personal Teaching Teacher (亲教师), Refuge Master (皈依师) or Power Giving Rise (力生), from whom there was ‘power’ (力) to ‘give rise’ (生) to the Body Of Wonderful Precepts Without Outflows (无漏妙戒身).

Note [115] Ācārya (阿阇黎): A senior teacher or master of the Buddha Dharma, a Standard Teacher (轨范师) or Instructing Dharma Teacher (教诫法师), who teaches how to be complete with majestic conduct (威仪), showing by example.

Note [116] Great Virtuous One (大德): A monastic of great meritorious virtues (大功德), with virtuous practices great (德行大).

(56) Receive Bodhisattva Precepts before receiving official positions.
(57) Give rise to filial piety and reverence.
(58) When seeing Elders, Venerables, Ācāryas, Great Virtuous Ones, those learning together, with the same views and practices, receive, welcome, prostrate to and greet them.
(59) Do not give rise to pride, arrogance, delusion and anger, to not accord with the Dharma to make offerings, even if needing to sell your possessions and treasures.

[Second (Light) Precept (Against) Drinking Alcoholic (Beverages)]


Note [117] Never Drink Alcohol: As consuming of alcoholic beverages (and other potentially intoxicating food and drinks) can lead to loss of mindfulness (and unhealthy addiction), thus leading to the breaking of all other Precepts, this should not be done.

Note [118] Never Encourage Drinking of Alcohol: Due to the above potential harms, there should not even be passing of alcohol vessels to others. If this is done, (without repentance for evil karmas’ mitigation), there will be rebirths for five hundred lives as beings without hands (such as worms, snakes, birds and other such beasts), who represent those highly ignorant, (or as handicapped humans, perhaps mentally confused with dull-mindedness).

(60) Do not pass alcohol receptacles (i.e. bottles and cups) to others.
(61) Do not drink alcohol.
(62) Do not teach drinking of alcohol.

Learn more:

Should Bodhisattva Preceptors Buy Meat For Others?
Should Preceptors Break Precepts For Others?
Why Avoidance Of Alcohol Is So Important

[Third (Light) Precept (Against) Eating Meat]


Note [119] Never Eat Meat: As meat-eating disconnects from the loving-kindness and compassion of Buddha-nature, and even from sentient beings, especially those whose kind are being eaten, thus creating immeasurable transgressions, it must not be done.

(63) Do not eat all sentient beings’ meats.

Learn more:

How Should Buddhists See The Plant-Based Based Revolution?
Which Is More Allowable For Consuming?
How The Buddha Gradually Urged The Kindest Diet
Why Do Buddhists Avoid Meat-Eating And Practise Animal Liberation
How Do All Aspiring For Buddhahood Eat And Drink?
Should Bodhisattva Preceptors Buy Meat For Others?
Should Preceptors Break Precepts For Others?
The Great Vehicle’s Entry Of Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra’s Eighth Chapter On Severing Of Eating Meat

[Fourth (Light) Precept (Against) Eating Five Pungent (Roots)]


If, [as] Buddhas’ [Bodhisattva] disciples, [they] must not eat [the] five pungent [roots, of garlic, leek, onion, chive and asafoetida (i.e. hing)]. These five kinds, within all foods, must not [be] eaten. If intentionally eating [them, they] commit [a] light defiled transgression.

Note [120] Never Eat The Five Pungent Roots: As eating of these roots give rise to greed for sense pleasures when cooked, and to anger when raw, while attracting (potentially evil) hungry ghosts and keeping (potentially good [Dharma-protector]) gods [护法神] away, they must not be eaten, even as an ingredient.

(64) Do not eat the five pungent roots of garlic, leek, onion, chive and asafoetida (hing) directly or within all foods.

Learn more:

Which Is More Allowable For Consuming?
How Should Buddhists See The Plant-Based Based Revolution?

[Fifth (Light) Precept (Against) Not Teaching (To) Repent (For) Transgressions]


Note [121] Teach Precept-Violators To Repent: Bodhisattva Preceptors should advise those who violate Precepts to practise repentance. Even those with the Eight Difficulties (below) should practise repentance as they arise from evil karmas, from the breaking of Precepts.

Note [122] Raise Precept-Violators’ Transgressions: Bodhisattva Preceptors, especially monastics, should not live with and use gains from those who violate Precepts, while not pointing out their transgressions, if they are still unrepentant. (To do so is to live with and off ill-gotten gains of the evil, while not being good fellow Bodhisattva Preceptors who help to address and overcome one another’s moral mistakes.)

Note [123] Eight Difficulties (八难): From not seeing a Buddha (见佛) to hear the Right Dharma (正法): 

 Difficulty of being in the hell path (在地狱难)
(ii) Difficulty of being in the hungry ghost path (在饿鬼难)
(iii) Difficulty of being in the animal path (在畜生难)
(iv) Difficulty of being in a long-life heaven (在长寿天难)
(v) Difficulty of being in border land’s Uttarakuru (在边地之郁单越难)
(vi) Difficulty of being blind, deaf and/or mute (盲聋喑哑难)
(vii) Difficulty of having worldly knowledge and intelligence to debate (世智辩聪难)
(viii) Difficulty of being born before a Buddha or after a Buddha (生在佛前佛后难)

(65) If seeing others break Precepts and/or with difficulties, teach them to repent.
(66) Do not not teach repentance, and live with unrepentant Precept-breakers with the same monastic benefits.
(67) During Upoṣatha (for recitation and repentance of these Precepts), raise their transgressions and teach them to repent.

Learn more:

How To Neither Gossip Nor Slander
Dark Side Of ‘The Good Nurse’
Those Who Have Transgressions Should Repent
Are All In ‘Monastic Robes’ Beyond Question?

[Sixth (Light) Precept (Against) Not Making Offerings (To) Provide (And) Requesting Teachings]


If [the] Buddha’s [Bodhisattva] disciples, see [the] Great Vehicle’s Dharma Teachers, [those with the] Great Vehicle together learning, [with] the same views [and] same practices, coming [to] enter monastic quarters, residences [and] cities. If they, [from a] hundred lǐs [and a] thousand lǐs come, immediately rise [to] welcome [them] coming [and] send [them] off, prostrate [to and] make offerings [to them]. Every day [in the] three periods make offerings, [in the] day [with] food [of] three liǎngs [of] gold, [with a] hundred flavours [of] drinks [and] food, bedding, seats [and] medicine, offering [to and] serving [these] Dharma Teachers, [with] all that [is] needed, [to the] utmost giving them. Constantly request [these] Dharma Teachers, [in the] three periods [to] speak [the] Dharma. Every day [in the] three periods prostrating, not giving rise [to the] angry mind, [the] mind of suffering [and] afflictions, for [the] Dharma destroying [the] body, [with] requesting [for the] Dharma untiring. If [there are] those not [doing] thus, [they] commit [a] light defiled transgression.

Note [124] Support The Buddhas’ Disciples: There should be respectful and utmost supporting of the needs, such as food, lodging and medication, of those teaching, learning and practising the same path to Buddhahood, even if they have come from afar. (One lǐ is about 500 metres. One liǎng is one tael, which is about 50 grams.)

Note [125] Request The Dharma: There should be respectful, patient and untiring requesting of those coming teachers to regularly speak the Dharma.

(68) If seeing the Great Vehicle’s Dharma Teachers, and those learning together, with the same views and practices coming from afar, welcome and send them off.
(69) Prostrate to and make adequate and good food offerings to them thrice daily, with bedding, seats, medicine and all other needs.
(70) Without anger and afflictions, sacrifice untiringly to invite them to speak the Dharma thrice daily.

[Seventh (Light) Precept (Against Being) Lazy (To) Hear (The) Dharma]


Note [126] Learn The Dharma Diligently: Beginner Bodhisattvas should go to wherever the Right Dharma (正法) is taught, to learn and ask about it. (To prevent possible temptation and slander, a layperson, especially of the opposite gender, should not be with a monastic in an enclosure alone.)

(71) Beginner Bodhisattvas should bring the Sūtras and Discipline, to wherever they are taught, to listen to, receive and enquire on their teachings.

[Eighth (Light) Precept (Against Turning The) Back (On The) Great (To Go) Towards (The) Small]


If [the] Buddha’s [Bodhisattva] disciples, [have their] minds [turn their] backs [on the] Great Vehicle’s constantly abiding Sūtras [and] Discipline, saying [they are] not [by the] Buddha spoken, then receiving [and] upholding [the] Two Vehicles, Voice-Hearers [and] external paths’ evil views, all [their] Prohibitive Precepts, evil views, Sūtras [and] Discipline, [they] commit [a] light defiled transgression.

Note [127] Never Turn Your Back On The Great Vehicle: Bodhisattva Preceptors must not turn their backs on the Sūtras and Discipline for Buddhahood, and claim they were not taught by the Buddha, while accepting those of the Small Vehicle and external paths instead.

(72) Do not betray the Great Vehicle by saying its Sūtras and Discipline were not spoken by the Buddha.
(73) Do not receive and uphold the Small Vehicle, and external paths’ evil views, scriptures and discipline.

[Ninth (Light) Precept (Against) Not Seeing (Those) Sick]


Note [128] Support The Sick: There should be good and patient seeing, saving and supporting of all the sick and disabled, to aid in their recovery, wherever they are.

Note [129] Eight Blessings’ Fields’ (八福田):

(i) Buddhas’ Field (佛田)
(ii) Noble Persons’ Field (圣人田)
Monastics’ Field (僧田)
(iv) Venerables’ Field (和尚田)
(v) Ācāryas’ Field (闍黎田)
(vi) Fathers’ Field (父田)
(vii) Mothers’ Field (母田)
(viii) The Sick’s Field (病田)

(74) Make offerings to all the sick like to the Buddhas.
(75) If there are parents, monastic teachers, disciples, those handicapped, suffering from many sicknesses, they should be supported till recovery.
(76) Do not, with hatred and anger, not visit the unwell, wherever they are.
(77) If seeing the sick in cities and the wilderness, save and aid them.

[Tenth (Light) Precept (Against) Storing Instruments (For) Killing Sentient Beings]


If [as] Buddhas’ [Bodhisattva] disciples, [they] must not store all knives [and] staves, bows [and] arrows, spears [and] hatchets, instruments of fighting wars, and evil nets. Implements that kill [sentient] beings, all must not [be] stored. Yet, Bodhisattvas, and even [with] killing [of their] fathers [and] mothers, also [do] not inflict revenge, moreover [for] other all sentient beings, [they] must not store instruments [for] killing sentient beings. If [there are] those thus storing [them, they] commit [a] light defiled transgression.

Note [130] Never Store Weapons And Avenge: There must not be keeping of weapons and traps, for killing of sentient beings, and even for avenging of parents, (because expressing of such hatred only brews more hatred, thus creating more suffering and evil karmas).

(78) Do not store all weapons and traps for killing sentient beings.
(79) Do not take revenge even for one’s parents, what more all other beings.

Learn more:

‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword Of Destiny’ That Is Arbitrary


Thus, [are the first] ten [Light] Precepts, [which] should [be] learnt, [with the] reverent mind upholding [them. The] below Chapter [On] Six Perfections within [will] extensively explain.

Complete Sūtra:

Brahma Net Sūtra’s Bodhisattva Precepts’ Text

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