他方佛土诸菩萨众,来生我国 【极乐世界】,究竟必至一生补处。除其本愿自在所化。为众生故,被弘誓铠,积累德本,度脱一切。游诸佛国,修菩萨行,供养十方诸佛如来。开化恒沙无量众生,使立无上正真之道,超出常伦诸地之行,现前修习普贤之德。
过去法藏菩萨 /
Those Born In The Land Of Ultimate Bliss Are Able To Cultivate Universal Virtue Bodhisattva’s Practices That Surpass The Ordinary
Other directions’ Buddha lands’ all Bodhisattva assemblies,who come to be born in my [Pure] Land [Of Ultimate Bliss], will ultimately and definitely reach the Position Of One Life To Replacement [Of Buddhas]. Excluded are those with fundamental vows, who with ease at places manifest, for sentient beings thus, wear the armour of great vows, accumulate and amass virtuous roots, to deliver and liberate all. Travelling to all Buddha lands, cultivating Bodhisattva practices, and making offerings to the ten directions’ all Buddha Thus Come Ones. Inspiring and transforming Ganges’ sands of immeasurable sentient beings, enabling them to be established on the unsurpassable right and true path, surpassing practices of ordinary peers of all grounds, manifesting in the present, cultivating of the virtues of Universal Virtue Bodhisattva.
Past Dharma Treasury Bodhisattva /
Present Amitābha Buddha
(Immeasurable Life Sūtra)
Related Sūtras:
Immeasurable Life Sūtra
Universal Virtue Bodhisattva’s Practices And Vow’ Chapter