
[188] With The Whole Body Let Go, With Faith And Aspiration Be Mindful Of Buddha, For Quick Birth And Healing 全身放下,信愿念佛,速生速愈

[188] [With The] Whole Body Let Go, [With] Faith [And] Aspiration [Be] Mindful [Of] Buddha, [For] Quick Birth [And] Healing


[When] people mindful [of the] Buddha[‘s name (i.e. Āmítuófó: 阿弥陀佛)] have sickness, [they] should wholeheartedly ‘wait’ [for] death. If worldly lifespan [is] yet [to] exhaust, then [are they] able [to have] quick healing. With [the] whole body let go, [being] mindful [of the] Buddha, [this is] most capable [for] eliminating [evil] karma, [and with] karma eliminated, then [with] sickness healed.

[Note 1: Those with serious sicknesses are those who should ‘wait’ for death, in the sense of accepting its possible arrival, sooner than later. However, this is still with reasonable care, and sincere practice of mindfulness of Buddha, with the Aspiration (愿) to reach his Pure Land.]

[Note 2: Wholehearted mindfulness of the Buddha, without any distracting ‘mindfulness’ of the body (i.e. by fretting over its pain and discomfort) can eliminate much evil karma, as there is no subject of mindfulness more meritorious than the Buddha, who is interconnected to all other Buddhas. The meritorious virtues created and connected to can thus dilute the evil karma that causes and sustains sicknesses.]

[Note 3: If there is only Aspiration to reach Pure Land, while karma is such that healing is still possible here, there will be swift healing first. If healing is no longer possible here, with the right Aspiration to reach Pure Land, there will be swift reaching of Pure Land (for lasting healing). This is the win-win situation.]

[Note 4: With sincere mindfulness of Buddha, even if full and lasting healing is not karmically possible here, there will be mitigation of sicknesses’ ill effects, including on the brink of reaching Pure Land, such that there is departure with peace and bliss.]


If not letting go, desiring [to] seek wellness, if not able [to get] well, then [are they] definitely without [the] cause [for] rebirth [in Pure Land], with not [having] Aspiration [for] birth thus. [With] this kind [of] principles not understood, [how can they] still [be] able [to] attain reliance [on the] Buddha’s loving-kindness?

[Note 5: If there is only ‘aspiration’ for wellness, while karma is such that healing is no longer possible here, while lacking the right Aspiration to reach Pure Land, there will be neither healing nor reaching of Pure Land (for lasting healing). This is the lose-lose situation.]

Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng
Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings (First Compilation): Reply Letter [To] Zhōu Mèngyóu’s Brothers;
Record [Of] Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence (188th Short Section): 4th [Chapter]: Discussion [On] Births’ [And] Deaths’ Great Matter: Second, Teachings [On] Focusing [On] Relying [On The] Buddha’s Power (4th Short Section)
[Ref: #188 / 4.2.4]

Namo Amituofo : Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an

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Record Of Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence

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