The below is with reference to: Twelfth Chapter On Bright Light Being Immeasurable (Of Immeasurable Life Sūtra)《无量寿经》光明无量第十二 at https://purelanders.com/2020/04/30/dajing12
Immeasurable Life Sūtra’s Twelfth Chapter’s Summary & Explanation

[1] Āmítuófó’s (阿弥陀佛) magnificent and brilliant light (光明) with supernormal powers (威神) is the supreme and most honoured in the universe, that is incomparable with all other Buddhas’ lights.
[2] Beyond a hundred and a thousand Buddha lands, it illuminates the Buddha lands of the ten directions (十方) (i.e. four cardinal directions, four intermediate directions, above and below), as innumerable as that of the Ganges’ sands (恒河沙). This is while other Buddhas’ lights cover from only seven feet to one Buddha land.

[3] Thus, Immeasurable Life Buddha (无量寿佛) (i.e. Āmítuófó) is also named
(i) Immeasurable Light Buddha (无量光佛), as his light is immeasurable. With all kinds of blessings below, it is able to reach immeasurable beings, including all of us, especially when we Niànfó (念佛) sincerely.
(ii) Boundless Light Buddha (无边光佛), as his light is boundless. With all his blessings, it helps us to overcome all suffering due to dualistically delusional attachments (贪) and aversions (嗔) to extreme opposites, to gain equanimity (平等心), especially when we Niànfó sincerely.
(iii) Unobstructed Light Buddha (无碍光佛), as his light is unimpeded (i.e. unobstructed) by anything. His blessings help us to overcome all our spiritual obscurations and physical obstacles (障碍), especially when we Niànfó sincerely.
(iv) Incomparable Light Buddha (无对光佛), as his light is incomparable with his supreme blessings. It helps us to eradicate our negative karma (恶业), that conditions our physical and spiritual suffering, especially when we Niànfó sincerely. (念佛消业障)
(v) Flame King Light Buddha (炎王光佛), as his light is so bright with his blessings, even beings in the darkness of the Three Evil Paths (三恶道) can receive its blessings, what more us, especially when we Niànfó sincerely.
(vi) Pure Light Buddha (清净光佛), as his light is so clear and pure with his blessings, that our transgressions from greed (贪) are purified, especially when we Niànfó sincerely.
(vii) Joyful Light Buddha (欢喜光佛), as his light is so joyful with his blessings, that our transgressions from hatred (嗔) are transformed to be peace and bliss (安乐), especially when we Niànfó sincerely.
(viii) Wisdom Light Buddha (智慧光佛), as his light is so full of wisdom with his blessings, that our transgressions from ignorance and delusion (痴) are transformed to be wisdom, especially when we Niànfó sincerely. (念佛开智慧)
(ix) Uninterrupted Light Buddha (不断光佛), as his light illuminates uninterruptedly with his blessings. It helps us to be uninterrupted, to be diligent (精进) in our continual Niànfó, to experience all of his lights’ blessings, especially when we Niànfó sincerely.
(x) Difficult-To-Conceive Light Buddha (难思光佛), as his light is so inconceivable with his blessings, that it has inconceivably more blessings to benefit us with, especially when we Niànfó sincerely.
(xi) Unnameable Light Buddha (无称光佛), as his light is so inconceivable with his blessings, that it cannot be named accurately and completely, but we can all directly benefit from it, especially when we Niànfó sincerely.
(xii) Surpassing Sun And Moon Light Buddha (超日月光佛), as his light is so physically and spiritually outstanding with its brightness and blessings, that it outshines all physical and spiritual lights, to most greatly benefit all, especially when we Niànfó sincerely.
[4] Thus, when beings encounter Āmítuófó’s light, their Three Poisons (三毒) of attachment, aversion and delusion (贪嗔痴), which give rise to other defilements and suffering will be dissolved, with their bodies and minds becoming gentle and soft (身心柔软) with peace and bliss, as their joyful enthusiasm (欢喜踊跃) and good minds (善心) in terms of the Dharma arise.
[5] When those in the Three Evil Paths, where they have great suffering see Āmítuófó’s light (with mindfulness of his name and/or form), they will have rest, ending their suffering. In their next lives, they will all attain liberation. (This also applies to those in the Three Good Paths [三善道].)
[6] As Āmítuófó’s light shines prominently in all directions, all Buddha lands hear about it. Thus, not only does Śākyamuni Buddha (释迦牟尼佛) highly praise it, all other Buddhas, Voice-Hearers (声闻), those by Conditions Awakened (缘觉) and all Bodhisattva assemblies (菩萨众) praise it too, so as to encourage other beings to be mindful of Āmítuófó too.
[7] Those who hear about Āmítuófó’s light’s majestic supernormal powers and meritorious virtues (功德), in day and night recite his name sincerely (and thus faithfully) and uninterruptedly, will attain birth in his Pure Land as aspired. They will be by assemblies of all Bodhisattvas and Voice-Hearers highly praised for their great meritorious virtues. Until they attain Buddhahood, they will be by all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas likewise praised in turn for their bright lights, through which they benefit other beings similarly.
[8] Even if Śākyamuni Buddha speaks of Āmítuófó’s light’s majestic and imposing supernormal powers’ special wonders, in day and night for one kalpa, they will still not be exhausted. Thus are they inconceivably great.
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