
Āmítuófó’s Great Vows’ Accomplishment Text In Amitābha Sūtra 弥陀经中之弥陀大愿成就文

Sections below refer those in《佛说阿弥陀经》Amitābha Sūtra:

Vows below refer to those in《佛说无量寿经》The Sūtra In Which The Buddha Speaks Of Immeasurable Life:

As some of the vows’ text (愿文) are interconnected, and can be read as implied in various parts of the sūtra text (经文), some of the listed accomplishment text (成就文) are approximations, with more cross-references in other texts, such as the Immeasurable Life Sūtra itself, where the vows are fully listed and further explained by Śākyamuni Buddha. These interconnections help us to better understand the teachings collectively, while increasing our confidence with their aligned and unified coherence.


Beginning to end of ‘Why Is That Land Named “Ultimate Bliss” (1)’ is related to Vow #39.


To the end of ‘Land’s Adornment Of Meritorious Virtues (1)’ is related to Vow #32.


To the end of ‘Land’s Adornment Of Meritorious Virtues (2)’ is related to Vows #9, #23, #24 and #42.


To the end of ‘Birds Are Amitā Buddha’s Manifestations’ is related to Vows #1, #16 and #46.


To the end of ‘Land’s Adornment Of Meritorious Virtues (4)’ is related to Vow #27.


To the end of ‘Immeasurable Avaivartikas And Eka-jaṭī-prati-baddhas’ is related to Vows #2, #11, #12, #14, #15, #22 and #34.


To the end of ‘How To Attain Birth In That Land’ is related to Vows #18, #19, #20 and #33.


To the end of ‘Exhortation Of Faith In These Praises By All Buddhas Of The Above Direction’ is related to Vow #17.

Please be mindful of your speech, Amituofo!

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