When practising mindfulness of the name of Buddha,
once one knows one has strayed away,
return to the name immediately.
Even if the mind has been away for a whole hour,
Even if the mind has been away for a single second.
Even if the mind has fallen asleep for indefinite time.
There might be much toggling
between the name and stray thoughts at first,
but this is part of the practice, the process towards progress.
The more immediately one returns with discipline,
the less will stray thoughts interrupt and multiply,
till stray thoughts eventually fade away.
What left would be
the six senses gathered in with the power of single-minded focus, (都摄六根: 专注力)
the succession of pure mindfulness with the power of continuity. (净念相继: 相续力)
Amituofo, Amituofo, Amituofo, Amituofo, Amituofo
Amituofo, Amituofo, Amituofo, Amituofo, Amituofo
Amituofo, Amituofo, Amituofo, Amituofo, Amituofo…