
[137] With Loyalty Connect Through Ten Thousand Practices 以忠贯万行


Of ‘loyalty’, [this] one word, [its] meaning connects [through] ten thousand practices.

[Note: What loyal to are the avoiding of evil, doing of good, and purifying of the mind, for the ultimate welfare of one and all.]


People, if [able to be] attentive with loyalty, will [be] able [to be] filial [to their] parents [and] respectful [to their] brothers [and sisters], harmonious [with] relatives [and] trustworthy [to] friends, benevolent [to] people [and] love animals, [with] all evils not done, [and] all good practised.


Why? With loyalty then not cheating, not cheating then [to the] utmost fulfilling responsibilities, [to the] utmost fulfilling responsibilities then within matters [that] belong [to] one’s responsibilities, one will labour in true practice, definitely without cheating of [having] false responses, intentions [and] actions, not [with the] utmost [of] one’s heart [and] one’s efforts [done].


[In] modern times, although then [having] overthrown [the] imperial system, however [there] must [be with] all matters speaking [of] loyalty. Hopefully, not going so far [as to be with] me cheating thus [with others] cheating, everywhere without [moral] standards.

Namo Amituofo : Translation and note by Shen Shi’an

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