
How Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva’s Recommendation Of Contemplator Of The World’s Sounds Bodhisattva’s Ear Root Perfect Penetration Connects To Great Power Arrived Bodhisattva’s Mindfulness Of Buddha’s Perfect Penetration 文殊菩萨之观世音菩萨耳根圆通的推荐如何与大势至菩萨念佛圆通章连接


[The] Thus Come [One] [i.e. Śākyamuni Buddha: 释迦牟尼佛] told Mañjuśrī [the] Dharma Prince, ‘You now, [should] contemplate these twenty-five [perfect penetrations (圆通)], [of those] Without [Further] Learning, all Great Bodhisattvas and Arhats, [who] each spoke [on how they] first accomplished [the] path, [their] skilful means, [who] all spoke [on their] practices [for] true perfect penetration. Those equal cultivation [of] practices [are] truly without differences [of that] superior [and] inferior, before [and] after.


[As] I now, desire [to] enable Ānanda [to] awaken, [of these] twenty-five practices, whose should [be] his root [practice]?


Also, after [my] Parinirvāṇa, [for] this world’s sentient beings entering [the] Bodhisattva Vehicle [to] seek [the] unsurpassable path, which skilful means’ door attains easy accomplishment?


Mañjuśrī [the] Dharma Prince, receiving [the] Buddha’s compassionate intention, immediately from [his] seat arose [and] prostrated [at the] Buddha’s feet. Bearing [the] Buddha’s mighty supernormal [powers, he] spoke verses [in] reply [to the] Buddha: …


‘I now say [to the] World-Honoured [One, “Of the] Buddha’s arising [in this] Sahā World, this then [is] truly [for] teaching [the] essence, [of] purity in sounds heard.


Desiring [to] obtain Samādhi, [it is] truly with hearing within entered. [Having] departed [from] suffering [and] attained liberation, [how] good [is] Contemplator [Of The] World’s Sounds [Bodhisattva],


[whom] in Ganges’ sands [of] kalpas within, enters fine dust [motes of] Buddha lands, [having] attained great ease’s power, [with] fearlessness gives [to] sentient beings.


[The] wonderful sound, ‘Contemplator [Of The] World’s Sounds [Bodhisattva’, is a] pure sound, [and] ocean tides’ sound, [for] saving [the] world, [for] all [to have] peace [and] tranquillity, [to] transcend [the] world [and] obtain [the] constant abode.

[Note 1: Āmítuófó’s (阿弥陀佛) name is not just a sound, but a pure sound with his blessings, which facilitates our (obtaining of Samādhi [三摩提]: meditative concentration) and purification when recited and listened to sincerely (用心念,用心听). In this way, he also ‘saves the world, for all to have (ease [自在] and fearlessness [无畏]), peace and tranquillity, to transcend the world and obtain the constant abode (救世悉安宁,出世获常住) (of Buddhahood via his Pure Land).]


I now inform [the] Thus Come [One, that] like Contemplator [Of] Sounds [Bodhisattva, with] that spoken, for example, like [a] person quietly dwelling, [if the] ten directions, together [have] striking [of] drums,


[in the] ten [directions’] places [at] one time, this [is] then completely [and] truly [heard. The] eyes cannot observe outside obstacles, [with the] mouth [and] nose likewise thus.


[The] body [is] with closeness then knowing, [and the] mind’s thoughts [are] scattered [and] without order. Separated [by a] low wall, listening [to] sounds [and their] echoes, [those] afar [and] near together can [be] heard.


[As the] five roots [are] those not equal, [it] is then [the] penetration true. [With] sounds’ nature, [in] activity [and] silence, hearing within is [with those] existing [and] not.


[That] without sounds named [as] without hearing, [is] not true hearing, without [the] nature. [With] sounds [and] without [them] already, without ceasing, [with] sounds existing, also not arising,


[with] arising [and] ceasing both completely departed, [it] is then [the] constant [and] true. Even if in [a] dream, [it is] not by not thinking [being] without [it],

[Note 2: It is always possible to practise mindfulness with hearing (of hearing), even by the deaf and mute, as the sound of Āmítuófó’s name can be created and heard in the mind, even if not able to be recited verbally and heard audibly (with physical ears).]


[as its] awareness [and] discrimination transcend contemplation, [that the] body [and] mind [are] not able [to] reach. Now [for] this Sahā Land, [this] sound’s doctrine must [be] declared clearly,


[as] sentient beings confused [about their] fundamental hearing, following sounds, thus flow [to be] transformed [i.e. reborn]. Ānanda, even if strong [in] memorisation, unavoidably falling [into] evil thoughts,


would [he] not follow those sinking, [unless] returning [the] flow, [to] obtain [that] without delusion?” Ānanda, you [should] attentively listen, [as] I bear [the] Buddha’s mighty power,


[to] preach [this] Vajra King, [that is] like [an] illusion inconceivable, [the] Buddhas’ mother [of] true Samādhi. You, hearing fine dust [motes of] Buddhas’

[Note 3: Mindfulness of Buddha (念佛) with Āmítuófó’s name is this indestructible and inconceivable Vajra King as a Dharma Door (法门) too, that leads to Samādhi From Mindfulness Of Buddha (念佛三昧) upon connection to him.]


all secret doors, [with] desires’ outflows not first eliminated, storing [that] heard becomes [a] mistake. Using [that] heard [to] uphold [the] Buddhas’ Buddha [Dharma],


why not personally hear hearing? Hearing [does] not naturally arise, because [of] sounds having [a] name. Returning [to] hearing, with sounds liberated [from],


[that] able [to be] liberated [from] desires [has] what name? [With] one root already returned [to the] source, [the] six roots accomplish liberation. Seeing [and] hearing [are] like illusions covering,

[Note 4: This is in essence similar to Great Power Arrived Bodhisattva’s Mindfulness Of Buddha Perfect Penetration (大势至菩萨念佛圆通), which uses mindfulness of Āmítuófó’s name to ’gather all six roots, with pure mindfulness in continuous succession’ (都摄六根,净念相继).]


[with the] three realms like space’s flowers. [With] hearing returned [to, the] covered roots [are] eliminated, [and the] dusts [are] dissolved, [with] awakening completely pure. [With] purity’s utmost light penetrating,


tranquilly illuminating [all] contained [in] empty space. Going back [to] contemplate [the] worldly, [to be] similar to matters within dreams, [like] Mātangī in [a] dream,

[Note 5: With mindfulness of Āmítuófó’s name, his ‘purity’s utmost light’ (净极光) penetrates to reach and merge with our Buddha-nature’s (佛性) light, not matter how dim it is, to help us align to it more clearly.]


who [is] able [to] retain your form? Like [the] world’s skilful illusionists, [with] illusions creating all men [and] women, although seeing all roots moving,


if with one capacity drawn out, [this] ceases [the] capacities [with] return [to] silence, [with] all illusions becoming [that] without nature. [The] six roots [are] likewise thus,


originally relying [on] one essential brightness, divided [to] be [with the] six [dusts] joined. [In] one place [i.e. ear root] becoming restful again, [the] six [roots’] functions [are] all not accomplished.


[With] dusts [and] defilements, responding [with] mindfulness dissolving, accomplish complete understanding pure [and] wonderful. Others [with] dusts, yet [to have] all learnt, [with] brightness utmost, [are] then Thus Come [Ones].


Great assembly and Ānanda, return [to] your inverted hearing capacity, reverse hearing [to] hear [your] self-nature, [and with this] nature accomplish [the] unsurpassable path,


[for the] perfect penetration truly [is] thus. This is fine dust [motes of] Buddhas’ one [same] road [to] Nirvāṇa’s door, [of] all past Thus Come [Ones],


[who are with] this door already accomplished. All present Bodhisattvas, now each entering complete understanding, [and] future cultivating [and] learning persons,

[Note 6: As taught by Śākyamuni Buddha (释迦牟尼佛) in the Sûtra In Which The Buddha Speaks Of The Ocean-like Samādhi From Contemplation Of Buddha《佛说观佛三昧海经》, ‘You should now well uphold, and be careful not to forget, that in the past and future, all Buddhas of the three periods, all Buddha World-Honoured Ones, all speak thus, on the Samādhi From Mindfulness Of Buddha. I, and this Auspicious Kalpa’s all Great Bodhisattvas, due to the power of Samādhi From Mindfulness Of Buddha thus, attained all-knowing wisdom, and awe-inspiring ease. Thus did the ten directions’ all immeasurable Buddhas (i.e. everywhere), all by this Dharma accomplished (Anuttarā Samyak) Saṃbodhi (i.e. unsurpassable equally perfect enlightenment of Buddhahood).’ (汝今善持,慎勿忘失,过去未来,三世诸佛,是诸世尊,皆说如是,念佛三昧。我与贤劫诸大菩萨,因是念佛三昧力故,得一切智,威神自在。如是十方无量诸佛,皆由此法成三菩提。)]


should rely [on] such [a] Dharma [Door]. I likewise from within realised, not only Contemplator [Of The] World’s Sounds [Bodhisattva]. It is exactly as [the] Buddha World-Honoured [One],


asked me, about all skilful means, [that] for saving all [in the] Dharma-Ending [Age’s] disaster, [and] persons seeking [to] transcend [the] world, [for] accomplishing Nirvāṇa’s mind,


[with] Contemplator [Of The] World’s Sounds [Bodhisattva’s perfect penetration] as [the] foremost. [The] remaining other skilful means, are all [with the] Buddhas’ mighty supernormal [powers], then practised [for] relinquishing [the] dusty labours [i.e. afflictions],


[they] are not [for] long cultivating [and] learning, [thus for those] shallow [and] profound similarly speaking [on this] Dharma [Door]. Prostrating [to the] Thus Come [Ones’] treasury, [that is] without outflows [and] inconceivable.

[Note 7: For attainment of Buddhahood, practice of the Dharma Door Of Mindfulness Of Buddha (念佛法门) is in/directly encouraged for all of us in this era here, while other Dharma Doors are revealed to be provisional (i.e. non-ultimate) practices partly enabled by the Buddhas only.]


Wishing [to] bless [those of the] future, with regard to this door, [be] without confusion, [as the] skilful means [for] easy accomplishment [of Buddhahood. You] can with [this] teach Ānanda,


and [those in the Dharma-]Ending [Age’s] disaster sinking, [to] only with this root cultivate, [as this] perfect penetration surpasses those others, [for realising the] true mind thus.

[Note 8: Contemplator Of The World’s Sounds Bodhisattva’s Ear Root Perfect Penetration (#25) (观世音菩萨耳根圆通) uses hearing of self-nature (自性).

Great Power Arrived Bodhisattva’s Mindfulness Of Buddha Perfect Penetration (#24) (大势至菩萨念佛圆通) uses mindfulness of Āmítuófó’s (阿弥陀佛) name (to ’gather all six roots, with pure mindfulness in continuous succession’: 都摄六根,净念相继), with particular focus to gather through the ear root.

Since these two Great Bodhisattvas are the chief disciples of Āmítuófó in his Pure Land (净土), their practices can be combined. This is possible as our unawakened self-nature (or Buddha-nature [佛性], or self-nature’s Āmítuófó [自性弥陀]) is also represented by Āmítuófó’s name, which is the Great Name Of Ten Thousand Virtues (万德洪名). However, Āmítuófó has awakened to his Buddha-nature perfectly already.

Thus, to sincerely produce and hear Āmítuófó’s name, is to practise Mindfulness Of Buddha Perfect Penetration, which is also to hear our self-nature, to practise the Ear Root Perfect Penetration, thus nurturing our awakening.

The first key difference between hearing self-nature only, without hearing Āmítuófó’s name is that the first is powered by Self-Power (自力) only, while the latter is also powered by the Buddha’s Other-Power (他力). Thus, the first misses the Buddha’s great differences.

The second key difference is that mindfulness of Āmítuófó’s name with profound Faith (深信) and sincere Aspiration (切愿) enables connection to him, to be received and guided (接引) to reach his Pure Land, where progress to Buddhahood is the swiftest. This is also encouraged by Śākyamuni Buddha in the Immeasurable Life Sūtra《无量寿经》, especially for us in this Dharma-Ending Age (末法时期), as the last feasible Dharma Door (法门) for liberation (解脱).

With Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva (文殊菩萨) representing Great Wisdom (大智), Contemplator Of The World’s Sounds Bodhisattva representing Great Compassion (大悲), and Great Power Arrived Bodhisattva representing Great Power (大力), the combined practice mentioned is one of Great Skilful Means (大方便), compassion, wisdom and power.

Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva also vowed to reach Āmítuófó’s Pure Land, as recorded in the Sūtra On Mañjuśrī’s Giving Rise Of Vows《文殊师利发愿经》, which means he practised mindfulness of Buddha too. Having reached the Pure Land too, Contemplator Of The World’s Sounds Bodhisattva and Great Power Arrived Bodhisattva must have also practised thus. Together, along with many other Bodhisattvas, they serve as our best examples to follow.]

Namo Amituofo : Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an

Related Teachings:

The Great Buddha Crown’s Śūraṅgama Sūtra’s Section On Great Power Arrived Bodhisattva’s Perfect Penetration With Mindfulness Of Buddha

Excerpt From ‘The Great Buddha Crown’s Śūraṅgama Sūtra’s Section On Contemplator Of The World’s Sounds Bodhisattva’s Perfect Penetration With The Ear Root’

[24] Fine Dust Motes Of Buddhas’ Nirvāṇa’s Door

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