
[104] Guard Against Afflictions Of Wealth, Sex And Violent Opposition 提防财色横逆之烦恼


On ordinary beings’ ground, who [is] without afflictions? [There] must [be, in] ordinary times, in advance guarding against [them, then] naturally, [when] meeting situations [and] encountering conditions, not going so far [to have them] suddenly flare up. Even if flaring up, also able [to] immediately give rise [to] awareness [that] illuminates, [to] enable them [to be] eliminated.


Giving rise [to] afflictions’ situations, [they are] not one but abundant. Raising those extreme, [they] are then wealth, sex and violent opposition, [these] few ends only.


If knowing that immoral wealth, [is with] harm extreme [like a] poisonous snake, then without afflictions of facing wealth illicitly gotten.


[Knowing] giving people convenience, in the end all returns [to] one’s personal future journey, then without afflictions of [facing the] poor [and] pressed [with] suffering [and] difficulties seeking help, due [to] cherishing wealth, then not willing [to give].


[Seeing] forms then, even if facing those [with] appearances like flowers [and] like jade, constantly retain [the] mind of [them being] like elder sisters or younger sisters. Even if [they] are prostitutes, also have this thought, [to] give rise [to] sympathy’s mind, [and] give rise [to] deliverance [for] liberation’s mind, then without afflictions of seeing beautiful forms, then [being] moved [by] desires.


Husbands [and] wives [should] respect each other like guests, seeing [the] wife [to] be that benefactor, aiding each other [to] succeed ancestors, not daring [to] regard each other as desires’ instruments [for] indulging [in] pleasures, then without afflictions of giving in [to] desires [which] eliminate [the] body, and [the] wife not able [to] give birth, [and] children not [able to be] mature [and] independent.


Sons [and] daughters [should be] from young taught, [to] then [be] without afflictions of [the] mind [with] disobedience opposing parents, that ruins family principles.


As for [those with] violent opposition, [this] one end, [there] must [be] giving rise [of] sympathy’s mind, sympathising [with their] ignorance, not with [them being] calculative. Also regarding oneself [in] past lives as [having with] hatred harmed them, now [for] this reason thus, thereupon returning one past debt, giving rise [to the] joyful mind, then without afflictions of violent opposition [and] retaliation.


However, those above said, thus comply [with] beginners. If [as] long cultivating Great Bodhisattvas, able [to] realise self’s emptiness, then [will] inexhaustible afflictions, all transform [to] be great bright light’s treasury.

Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng
Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings (First Compilation): Fourth Reply Letter [To] Gāo Shàolín;
Record [Of] Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence (104th Short Section): 3rd [Chapter]: Guidance [On] Practice Methods: Third, Clear Remedies [For] Habitual Tendencies (11th Short Section)
[Ref: #104 / 3.3.11]

Namo Amituofo : Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an

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Record Of Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence

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