When Should Dentures Be Put On The Deceased? 亡者应当几时带假牙?

woman dentist demonstrating plastic dental cleaning system with braces
Photo by Ivan Babydov on Pexels.com

Question: Should dentures of the deceased be put on once there is death? If not, will it be harder to put them on later?

Answer: They should not be put on immediately as this is needless touching and moving of the body. If the consciousness of the (dying and) deceased is still within the body and feels through it, there is going to be magnified pain and aversion (up to nine times). Details are in the Third Great Essential (第三大要) at https://purelanders.com/now.

According to the First and Second Great Essentials, if there is ample guidance (开示) and support-chanting (助念) offered (before and) after death for three to eight or more hours, as recommended at https://purelanders.com/wake, upon connection to Āmítuófó (阿弥陀佛), as there will be peace and bliss (安乐), the body will be gentle and soft (柔软), even hours later.

Doing the above ensures the dentures will be easy to put on later as there will not be stiffening of the body. However, is there any need to put them on then, now that the Pure Land is reached, with a new, complete, refined and ideal body, that definitely does not need dentures?

Even if not reaching Pure Land, the dentures are pointless, unless the deceased was attached to wearing them. Sometimes, those attached are the family members, which makes them more unnecessary. As those who connect to Āmítuófó will look blissful with or without dentures, there should be greater focus on connecting the deceased to him, with the question(s) set aside (first).

Please be mindful of your speech, Amituofo!

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