
Having Given Rise To Thoughts With Mindfulness Of The Buddha, Definitely Obtaining The Fruit Of Realisation 发意念佛,必获果证 True Aspiration’s Mind Of Joy And Revulsion 真实愿之忻厌心

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【[Having] Given Rise [To] Thoughts [With] Mindfulness [Of The] Buddha, Definitely Obtaining [The] Fruit [Of] Realisation


Now, dwelling here, universally [with] benevolent [ones], with [them] coming, constantly getting many virtuous ones [to] gather, [in the] six periods practising [the] path, [this is] in harmony [with my] original intention.

[Note 1: The six periods (六时) are day’s three periods (昼三时), of (i) first period: 6 pm – 10 pm: early night (初夜), (ii) second period: 10 pm – 2 am: middle of the night (中夜), (iii) third period: 2 am – 6 am: late night (后夜), with night’s three periods (夜三时), of (iv) fourth period: 6 am – 10 am: early morning (晨朝), (v) fifth period: 10 am – 2 pm: middle of the day (日中) and (vi) sixth period: 2 pm – 6 pm: end of the day (日末).]


Certainly, every [time] meeting a friend participating [in the lotus] society [i.e. Pure Land practice fellowship], [I do] not dare [to be] with [the person as a] worldly one see [him (or her)]. Personally [in my] mind, privately reckoning [and] saying, ‘[The] Lotus Flower Land within, [has] again increased [with] a good companion!’


[In the] past, [as] our fundamental teacher Śākya[muni Buddha], predicted [that] this land [will] have sixty-seven koṭis [of] Bodhisattvas reborn [in] that land, this [is] definitely one [of this] number.

[Note 2: In the Immeasurable Life《无量寿经》, ‘The Buddha told Maitreya, “In this world, sixty-seven koṭis of non-retrogressible Bodhisattvas, will be reborn in that land. Each and every one of these Bodhisattvas, already previously made offerings to innumerably many Buddhas, second thus to those of Maitreya. Of all Bodhisattvas with minor practices, and those who cultivated few meritorious virtues, who cannot be counted, all will be reborn.”‘ (佛告弥勒:「于此世界,六十七亿不退菩萨,往生彼国。一一菩萨,已曾供养无数诸佛,次如弥勒者也。诸小行菩萨,及修习少功德者,不可称计,皆当往生。」)

Thus, even if one if not one of the ‘sixty-seven koṭis of non-retrogressible Bodhisattvas’, one might be a ‘Bodhisattva with minor practices’, or more probably, one who has ‘cultivated few meritorious virtues.’]


Although knowing those [over a] long time regressing [and] falling [are] many, however, since [having] given rise [to] thoughts [with] mindfulness [of the] Buddha, already [having] entered [A]mitā[bha Buddha’s] vows’ ocean, [they are] like people [who have] swallowed [a] little vajra [seed, that] in the end [will] not be digested [to be eliminated]. Even if [they are with] diligence [and] laziness, slowness [and] quickness not [the] same, in the end, [they will] definitely [be] born [in] that land.


Already born [in] that land, [they will] in the end definitely obtain [the] fruit [of] realisation, [with the] eight forms [of] accomplishing [the] path, [to] widely deliver sentient beings.

[Note 3: Eight forms of accomplishing the path (八相成道): (i) descending from Tuṣita Heaven (降兜率), (ii) entering of womb (入胎), (iii) birth (诞生), (iv) leaving of household life (出家), (v) subduing of Māra (降魔), (vi) accomplishing the path (成道), (vii) turning the Dharma wheel (转法轮), (viii) entering of Parinirvāṇa (入涅槃).]


Thus, now, when in [the] beginning entering [the] society, then [being] with [the] future’s many Buddhas looking forward [to this with] one another, [this] is not illusory.


However, not recognising how all friends personally treat [this]. If able [to be] like [this] monk, [with] that looking forward, with [it] personally looking forward [too], then [are] all present good friends, all my lotus flower bud’s connected branches [i.e. brothers].


Thus, I see those now, that those [with] wealth, honour [and] prestige, [are] perhaps [with] greed [for] coarse [and] shabby sounds [and] forms, not knowing [this is] suffering’s root, perhaps attached [to a] snail’s horn [of] honour [and] fame, not awakening [to their] illusoriness, perhaps repeatedly [with] attachment growing [for] goods [and] gain, accounting [and] managing. Now busying [for] all of [this] one life, [in the] future according [with] karma [to be] reborn.


Within that Buddha Land, [are] circumstantial [and] direct [rewards] majestic, [with] immeasurable supremely wonderful [and] blissful matters, not hearing [and] not knowing [about them], from birth until death, not yet giving rise [to] one thought of [the] mind yearning [for it. They are] instead not as good as those poor [and] foolish, suffering from disasters, [with] many able [to be] mindful [of the] Buddha, from darkness entering brightness, [to be] reborn [in the] supreme abode. Thus, now reverently encouraging all friends, since [with] each [having] signed [your] name [in this] lotus society, [you] then are [the] burning house’s udumbara [flowers].

【True Aspiration’s Mind Of Joy [And] Revulsion


[There] must be [the] completely true Aspiration, [to] give rise [to the] mind [of] joyful [seeking of birth in the Land Of Ultimate Bliss (欣求极乐) and] revulsed [renunciation of the Sahā World (厌离娑婆)],


seeing [the] three realms [of desire, form and formlessness] [to be] like prisons,


seeing homelands [to be] like shackles,


seeing music [and beautiful] forms [to be] like wine laced [with] poison,


seeing fame [and] benefits [to be] like reins [and] chains,


seeing [the] several decades [of] poverty [and] prestige, ups [and] downs, [to be] like yesterday’s dream,


seeing [this] Sahā [World’s] one lifetime’s retributive life [to be] like [in an] inn, staying over [for] two nights [then] departing, only with returning home as [the] mission


[With those] according [to] wishes satisfied, not according [to] wishes also satisfied, [be] willing [to] part [in a] very short period [of] time, [with] wholehearted mindfulness [of the] Buddha[‘s name: Āmítuófó (阿弥陀佛)].


If really able [to do] thus, if [there are] those not born [in his] Pure Land, all Buddhas [would have] all accomplished deceitful speech. May [we] encourage one another [with] this!

Pure Land Tradition’s 10th Patriarch Great Master Xíngcè
Pure Land Admonitions: Further Extension [Of] Encouragement

Namo Amituofo : Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an

Please be mindful of your speech, Amituofo!

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