For rebirth in Pure Land,
transform the Three Poisons to be their three antidotes.
After attaining birth in the Land Of Ultimate Bliss,
forever be cured of all poisons.
Note 1: There is no need to rid all the Three Poisons of greed, hatred and delusion when departing for Pure Land. If they can be rid of entirely, one would already be liberated. However, there must at least be suspension of their workings, as stated in the following verses. Once Pure Land is reached, these poisons will be permanently disabled in function, and be swiftly and totally purged, due to the influence of its pure environment.
Transform greedy attachment to this Sahā World,
to become joyful seeking of the Land Of Ultimate Bliss.
After attaining birth in the Land Of Ultimate Bliss,
attain great rejoice and equanimity.
Note 2: Greed for the saṃsāric is the first poison, to be transformed by joyful seeking of Pure Land. Once Pure Land is reached, it is further transformed to be rejoice for all beings and things in Pure Land, and also equanimity for all beings still trapped in Saṃsāra, so as to motivate universal Bodhicitta.
Transform hateful aversion of the Eight Sufferings,*
to become revulsed renunciation of this Sahā World.
After attaining birth in the Land Of Ultimate Bliss,
attain great loving-kindness and compassion.
Note 3: Hatred of the saṃsāric is the second poison, to be transformed by revulsed renouncing of this Sahā World. Once Pure Land is reached, it is further transformed to be loving-kindness and compassion for all beings still trapped in Saṃsāra, so as to motivate universal Bodhicitta.
Transform deluded, false and mixed thoughts,
to become truly wise mindfulness of Amitābha Buddha’s name: Āmítuófó.
After attaining birth in the Land Of Ultimate Bliss,
attain all-knowing wisdom.
Note 4: Delusion about the saṃsāric is the third poison, to be transformed by wise mindfulness of Buddha to awaken wisdom, which is opposite of delusion. Once Pure Land is reached, it is further transformed to be the omniscience of all Buddhas, to aid all beings still trapped in Saṃsāra, by walking the Bodhisattva path, and progressing towards Buddhahood there.
*八苦 Eight Sufferings
身苦 Physical Sufferings:
[1] 生苦 Suffering of birth
[2] 老苦 Suffering of ageing
[3] 病苦 Suffering of sickness
[4] 死苦 Suffering of death
心苦 Mental Sufferings:
[5] 爱别离苦 Suffering of departure from the beloved
[6] 怨憎会苦 Suffering from meeting the hated
[7] 求不得苦 Suffering from not attaining the sought
[8] 五蕴**炽盛苦 Suffering from the Five Aggregates** burning vigorously
**五蕴 Five Aggregates:
[1] 色 Form
[2] 受 Feelings
[3] 想 Perceptions
[4] 行 Mental Formations
[5] 识 Consciousness