[118] How Our Bird Sprouty Hopped Onto Āmítuófó’s Palm Sprouty entered our family about three years ago when our daughter bought him without our consent. She...
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[117] How To Reveal Clearly Our Bright Virtue 如何明明德
如何明明德[117] How [To Reveal] Clearly [Our] Bright Virtue 圣人欲天下永太平,人民常安乐,特作《大学》,以示其法。开章即曰:「大学之道,在明明德。」然明德,在人各自具。 Sagacious persons, desiring [the] heavens below [to] forever [have]...
Can Those Who Die From Dementia Reach Pure Land? 死于失智症者能生净土吗?
死于失智症者能生净土吗?Can Those Who Die From Dementia Reach Pure Land? Question: There was a case of a [1] person who had already cultivated the Three Provisions (三资粮) of Faith, Aspiration...
[111] Those Foolish Are Attached To Nihilism Or Eternalism 愚者执断或执常
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[116] Mindfulness Of Buddha Is Able To Conserve Energy And Harmonise The Spirit 念佛能养气调神
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Āmítuófó’s Forty-Eight Great Vows’ Essence 阿弥陀佛四十八大愿之精华
阿弥陀佛四十八大愿之精华Āmítuófó’s Forty-Eight Great Vows’ Essence Vow #1—#11Pending… 【第十二:光明遍照十方愿】 设我得佛,光明有限量,下至不照百千亿那由他诸佛国者,不取正觉。 [Twelfth Vow (Of) Bright Light Everywhere...
Verse On Veg(etari)an-Eating & Mindfulness Of Buddha 吃素念佛偈
吃素念佛偈 吃素保自身, 亦能护众生。 念佛净自心, 亦能度众生。 Verse On Veg[etari]an-Eating And Mindfulness Of Buddha Eating veg[etari]an protects [your] own body, also able [to] protect sentient...