[146] [The] Practice Of Upholding [Āmítuófó’s] Name Is Most Essential
[With that the] Buddha, for [the] nine dharma realms’ sentient beings spoken, how can we not [take proper] measure [of] ourselves, yet focus mainly on that most supreme [for] contemplation [i.e. Āmítuófó’s (阿弥陀佛) form]? [On his one] zhàng [and] six [chǐs’ (2.72m) standing or] eight chǐs’ (1.36m) [sitting form, the] Buddha already for us spoke [of them] before [in the Contemplation Sūtra《观经》].
[Note 1: The Nine Dharma Realms (九法界) are the Ten Dharma Realms (十法界) without the Buddhas’ Realm (佛界). In other words, they refer to non-Buddhas. The ten are the Six Ordinary Realms (六凡) of (1) Hell-Beings (地狱众生), (2) Hungry Ghosts (饿鬼), (3) Animals (畜生), (4) Human Beings (人), (5) Asuras (阿修罗) and (6) Heavenly Beings (天人), with the Four Noble (Enlightened) Realms (四圣) of (7) Voice-Hearers/ Śrāvakas (声闻) / Arhats ([阿]罗汉), (8) Pratyekabuddhas (辟支佛)/ Those By Conditions Awakened (缘觉)/ Lone Awakeners (独觉), (9) Bodhisattvas (菩[提]萨[埵]) and (10) Buddhas (佛[陀).]
Before [those of the] Low Grade [are] about [to] fall [into the] hells, [with] great opening [of the] Dharma [Door] of upholding [the Buddha’s] name [Āmítuófó], [this] is [the] Contemplation Sūtra, still with [its] practice of upholding [the Buddha’s] name as [that] most essential.
[As the] Immeasurable Life [Sūtra] detailedly speaks [about the] Buddha’s vows, and [is] with [his] Pure [Land’s] forms, [it] is as those relying [on the] Small Version [for] cultivation’s essential part.
[Note 2: The Immeasurable Life Sūtra《无量寿经》is also called the ‘Larger Version Of The Amitā(bha) Sūtra’ (大本《阿弥陀经》), while the Amitā(bha) Sūtra《阿弥陀经》is also called the ‘Smaller Version Of The Amitā(bha) Sūtra’ (小本《阿弥陀经》).]
Due to having these two sūtras, then knowing [the] text of [the] Small Version, only gathers [the] essentials. [With] this know [that] although relying [on the] Small Version, [there] must not [be] with [the] two versions regarded as not important, then neglecting them.
As for practice, if truly sincere, relying on one [reverent] gaze, one prostration [or] one recitation [of his] name, all can eliminate immeasurable transgressions, [and] increase immeasurable blessings. [It is] not [that there] definitely must [be] doing [of] one cultivation then able to [do so] only.
[With the] mind ground pure, [the] sacred realm [will] appear before [the eyes], thus attaining [what] I inherently have. How can [there be], like [a] poor son picking up gold, becoming [aroused with] extreme joy’s inverted condition?
Since having this condition, [it] is completely [with] ordinary sentiments [and] manners. If not examining oneself, [it will be] difficult [to] avoid [being] possessed [by] demons.
Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng
Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings (Second Compilation): Reply Letter [To] Master Jìshàn;
Record [Of] Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence (146th Short Section): 3rd [Chapter]: Guidance [On] Practice Methods: Fifth, Reviews [On] Practices’ Each Method (9th Short Section)
[Ref: #146 / 3.5.9]
Namo Amituofo : Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an
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