
Verses On Universal Virtue Bodhisattva And Amitābha Buddha’s Two Vows 普贤弥陀二愿偈 Interconnections Between Āmítuófó And Samantabhadra Bodhisattva’s Great Vows 阿弥陀佛与普贤菩萨的大愿之互连关联

Interconnections Between Āmítuófó And Samantabhadra Bodhisattva’s Great Vows



Born within this Dharma-Ending Age’s sinking ship, with holes difficult to patch completely to save the whole vessel. Doing the utmost to remedy it, also encourage all, to prepare for boarding Amitābha Buddha’s (Āmítuófó) great vows’ ship, for ascending his Western Pure Land Of Ultimate Bliss’ shore.

[Note 1] : As taught by Śākyamuni Buddha (释迦牟尼佛), we are currently in the Dharma-Ending Age, when the general quality of the Dharma available, being learnt, practised, realised and taught is in steady decline. This was taught to urge us to be diligent in time, while also being vigilant, so as to seek the Right Dharma (正法) carefully. In contrast with this defiled land (秽土), in Āmítuófó’s (阿弥陀佛) Pure Land (净土), the Dharma is always pure.

[Note 2] : As an analogy, this world is now like a sinking ‘ship’, in terms of losing the Right Dharma, gradually but surely, thus with us slipping ever deeper into suffering’s ‘ocean’ of births and deaths (生死苦海). The more three poisons (三毒) of greed, hatred and delusion (贪嗔痴) there are, the more ‘holes’ are there being formed on this ship, thus making them increasingly challenging to be properly patched in time, to save everyone on board.

[Note 3] : Despite the increasing difficulties, while we should do what we can to ensure the Right Dharma is represented, and that the wrong ‘Dharma’ is corrected, it is only responsible to personally learn and practise, and urge others to learn and practise how to reach the Pure Land, by according with Āmítuófó’s great vows for receiving us, which are like a ‘ship’ for ‘ferrying’ to his Pure Land. Reaching it is like reaching a safe ‘shore’ for refuge, away from suffering’s ocean, with it as the steadiest stepping stone towards the actual ‘shore’ of Buddhahood.


In this life self-delivering, also delivering others, having ascended the shore, quickly coming to deliver the others. This then is practice of [10] Universal Virtue Bodhisattva’s Tenth Vow, which complies with [22] Amitābha Buddha’s Twenty-Second Vow.

[Note 4] : To guide oneself with the Three Provisions (三资粮) of Faith, Aspiration and Practice (信愿行) to reach the Pure Land is to deliver oneself, to be liberated from the cycle of birth and death (了生死). To guide others to practise likewise is to deliver others. As the reaching of Pure Land is for expediting our spiritual learning and practice most efficiently, we can swiftly return from it to most skilfully deliver those still trapped in the rounds of rebirth. This accords with [10] Universal Virtue (Samantabhadra) Bodhisattva’s Tenth Great Vow, which aligns with [22] Āmítuófó’s Twenty-Second Great Vow, which are summarised in verses and worded fully below.





With rebirth in the Land Of Ultimate Bliss, seeing Amitābha Buddha, receive the Buddha’s conferred prediction to accomplish Equal And Right Awakening. In suffering’s ocean within, pull out and rescue sentient beings, to all attain rebirth in the Buddha’s Pure Land.

[Note 5] : All who have reached the Pure Land will meet Āmítuófó for learning the Right Dharma from him, thus easily mastering the Dharma, quickly receiving predictions, which are actually confirmations, on when we will be ready to attain and manifest the full enlightenment of Buddhahood equal to all Buddhas’. Even before that, we will be able to deliver those still ‘drowning’ in suffering’s ocean, by delivering them to the Pure Land, where they will also progress to Buddhahood.





Wearing the armour of great vows to deliver all, travel to all lands to cultivate Bodhisattva practices. Inspiring and transforming immeasurable to be established on the right path, and transcend ordinary peers in cultivating Universal Virtue Bodhisattva’s virtues.

[Note 6] : With birth in the Pure Land, we will be able to wear the invincible protective ‘armour’ of our personal Bodhisattva vows, as fortified by Āmítuófó’s perfected vows, to safely traverse all realms’ worlds with great ease, to guide all beings towards the Pure Land for Buddhahood. Not only will we be able to go beyond other ordinary Bodhisattvas’ practices, those guided will be able to do so too, as all will be actualising Samantabhadra Bodhisattva’s Ten Great Vows’ King (普贤菩萨十大愿王), as summarised above in terms of delivering oneself and others, which focuses on his Tenth Great Vow (第十大愿).


唯此愿王,不相舍离,于一切时,引导其前。一刹那中,即得往生极乐世界。到已,即弥陀佛、文殊师利菩萨、普贤菩萨、观自在菩萨、弥勒菩萨等。此诸菩萨,色相端严,功德具足,所共围绕。其人自见生莲华中,蒙佛授记。得授记已,经于无数百千万亿那由他劫,普于十方不可说不可说世界,以智慧力,随众生心而为利益。不久当坐菩提道场,降服魔军,正觉,转妙法轮。能令佛刹极微尘数世界众生,发菩提心。随其根性,教化成熟,乃至尽于未来劫海,广能利益一切众生。… 能于烦恼大苦海中,拔济众生,令其出离,皆得往生阿弥陀极乐世界

Only with this Vows’ King, not abandoning and departing from one another, at all times, guiding them forward. Within one kṣaṇa, immediately attaining rebirth in the Land Of Ultimate Bliss. Reaching already, immediately seeing Amitābha Buddha, Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva, Universal Virtue Bodhisattva, Contemplating With Ease Bodhisattva, Maitreya Bodhisattva and others. These all Bodhisattvas, with physical forms upright, and meritorious virtues complete, for them together surround. These persons will personally see themselves born from lotus flowers within, to receive the Buddha’s conferred predictions. Having attained conferred predictions already, with the passing of innumerable thousands’ millions’ koṭis’ nayutas of kalpas, universally in the ten directions’ unspeakably unspeakable worlds, with wisdom’s power, according with sentient beings’ minds then, for benefitting them. Not long after, they will sit at the Bodhi place for realising the path, subdue māras’ armies, accomplish Equal And Right Awakening, and turn the wonderful Dharma wheel. Able to enable Buddha lands’ extremely fine dust motes’ number of worlds’ sentient beings, to give rise to the Bodhi Mind. According to their root natures, teaching and transforming to mature them, and even exhausting of future kalpas’ ocean, extensively able to benefit all sentient beings… Able to, in afflictions’ great suffering’s ocean within, pull out and rescue sentient beings, enable them to depart, to all attain rebirth in Amitābha Buddha’s Land Of Ultimate Bliss.

[Note 7] : Those who practise Samantabhadra Bodhisattva’s Ten Great Vows’ King (普贤菩萨十大愿王) will be able to be born in Āmítuófó’s Pure Land swiftly, where he and many inspiring Great Bodhisattvas (大菩萨) will be met and learnt from. After receiving predictions of Buddhahood soon, there can be extensive pervading of space and time for guiding others with great skilful means towards Buddhahood, via the Pure Land path.

Related Sūtra:

《普贤菩萨行愿品》 第十大愿:普皆回向:净土长行与偈颂
Universal Virtue Bodhisattva’s Practices And Vows’ Chapter’s Tenth Great Vow: Universally Dedicating: Pure Land Prose And Verses



If I attain Buddhahood, other directions’ Buddha lands’ all Bodhisattva assemblies, who come to be born in my land, will ultimately and definitely reach the Position Of One Life To Replacement. Excluded are those with fundamental vows, who with ease at places manifest, for sentient beings thus, wear the armour of great vows, accumulate and amass virtuous roots, to deliver and liberate all. Travelling to all Buddha lands, cultivating Bodhisattva practices, and making offerings to the ten directions’ all Buddha Thus Come Ones. Inspiring and transforming Ganges’ sands of immeasurable sentient beings, enabling them to be established on the unsurpassable right and true path, transcending practices of ordinary peers of all grounds, manifesting in the present, cultivating of the virtues of Universal Virtue Bodhisattva. If it is not thus, I shall not obtain Right Awakening.

[Note 8] : All born in Āmítuófó’s Pure Land will surely swiftly attain the highest Bodhisattva stage there, to be ready to manifest Buddhahood elsewhere to benefit more beings, unless they wish to, with their personal vows and Āmítuófó’s assuring protection via this vow, venture beyond the Pure Land to many other worlds, to deliver more beings to the Pure Land, and make offerings to other Buddhas, similar to the unsurpassable Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. With ease, they can also return to the Pure Land at any time, and depart again at any time too.

Related Sūtra:

Immeasurable Life Sūtra‘s Seventh Chapter On Giving Rise To Great Vows

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