[The] Three Blessings [Are] Worldly Blessings, Precepts’ Blessings And Practices’ Blessings
从此已下,次解三辈散善一门之义。就此义中,即有其二 :一明三福以为正因 ;二明九品以为正行。今言三福者:
From here completely [to the] below, next [is] explanation [of the] meanings of Three Grades’ Scattered Goodness’ one door. With regard [to] these meanings within, then has these two. First [is] explanation [of] [1]-[3] Three Blessings, with [them] as Main Causes. Second [is] explanation [of the] Nine Grades, with [them] as Main Practices. Now, speaking [of] those Three Blessings.
[Note 1: The Three Blessings (三福) can be seen at https://purelanders.com/2020/06/12/pure-karmas-three-blessings-three-minds-three-beings. The Nine Grades (九品) be seen at https://purelanders.com/2021/11/17/the-contemplation-sutras-nine-grades.]
[The] [1] First Blessing, is then [1] Worldly Secular Good Roots. [Those] previously, yet [to] come [to] hear [the] Buddha’s Dharma, however [with] personal practice [of] filial support, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom [and] trustworthiness, [this is] thus named [as] [1] Worldly Secular Goodness.
That [2] Second Blessing, [is] this named [as] [2] Precepts’ Goodness. With regard [to] these precepts within, then having human [beings’], heavenly [beings’], Voice-Hearers’ [and] Bodhisattvas’ kinds [of] precepts, within them, perhaps having complete receiving [or] incomplete receiving [of them], perhaps having complete upholding [or] incomplete upholding [of them], however able [to] dedicate [them], all [will] attain rebirth [in the Pure Land].
That [3] Third Blessing, [is] named as [3] Practices’ Goodness. These are ordinary beings [who] gave rise [to the] Great Vehicle’s mind, [who are] personally able [to] practise [its] practices, simultaneously encouraging [those who] have affinity, [to be with] abandoning [of] evil upholding [their] minds, dedicating [for] birth [in the] Pure Land.
又就此三福之中,或有一人单行世福,回亦得生;或有一人单行戒福,回亦得生;或有一人单行行福,回亦得生;或有一人行上二福,回亦得生;或有一人行下二福,回亦得生;或有一人具行三福,回亦得生; 或有人等,三福俱不行者,即名十恶邪见阐提人也。
Furthermore, with regard [to] within that [of] these Three Blessings, perhaps having a person [i] only practising [1] Worldly Blessings, [with] dedication, also attaining birth [in the Pure Land]; perhaps having a person [ii] only practising [2] Precepts’ Blessings, [with] dedication, also attaining birth [in the Pure Land]; perhaps having a person [iii] only practising [3] Practices’ Blessings, [with] dedication, also attaining birth [in the Pure Land]; perhaps having a person [iv] only practising [the] [1]-[2] above two blessings, [with] dedication, also attaining birth [in the Pure Land]; perhaps having a person [v] only practising [the] [2]-[3] below two blessings, [with] dedication, also attaining birth [in the Pure Land]; perhaps having a person [vi] completely practising [the] [1]-[3] Three Blessings, [with] dedication, also attaining birth [in the Pure Land]; perhaps having those persons, [vii] [with the] Three Blessings together not practising [them, are] then named [as] ten evils’ [and] evil views’ icchantika persons.
[Note 2: The Ten Evil Karmas (十恶业) are (a) killing lives (杀生), (b) stealing (偷盗), (c) sexual misconduct (邪淫), (d) having false speech (妄语), (e) double-tongued speech (两舌), (f) harsh speech (恶口), (g) useless speech (绮语), (h) greedy desires (贪欲), (i) anger (嗔恚) and (j) false views (邪见).]
[Note 3: Icchantikas (一阐提) are those with much worldly craving and ‘incorrigible’ disbelief in the Buddha’s Dharma (佛法), who might also misrepresent and slander the Dharma (谤法) with malice and contempt, without repentance (忏悔) and reformation. They are not inclined to treasure, practise, protect and propagate the Dharma, while they might pretend to be enlightened, which make them difficult to become truly enlightened.
They might also break the Four Heavy Precepts (四重戒), which are against (a) killing lives (杀生), (b) stealing (偷盗), (c) sexual (mis)conduct (邪淫), and (d) false speech (妄语), create the Ten Evil Karmas (十恶业), and/or create the Five Heinous Transgressions (五逆罪) with (a) killing of father(s) (杀父), (b) killing of mother(s) (杀母), (c) killing of Arhat(s) (杀阿罗汉), (d) causing Buddha(s) to bleed (出佛身血) and (e) breaking up of harmonious Saṃgha(s) (破和合僧), without fear or contrition.]
Speaking [of] those nine grades, [when] arriving [at their] text, [they] should [be] distinguished. [This] should [be] known.
Now [is the] brief explanation [of the] Three Blessings’ different meanings complete. ([The] Three Blessings’ sūtra text [is] in [the] Preface’s text within.)
Pure Land Tradition’s 2nd Patriarch Great Master Shàndǎo
(Commentary [On The] Contemplation Sūtra [In] Four Fascicles: Scattered Goodness’ Meaning)
Namo Amituofo : Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an