
[170] The Three Realms Are Without Peace, While The Pure Land Of Ultimate Bliss Has The Most Bliss 三界无安,极乐最乐


Human life [in this] world, [is] complete [with the] eight sufferings.

[Note 1: The Eight Sufferings (八苦) are the Physical Sufferings (身苦) of (i) birth (生), (ii) ageing (老), (iii) sickness (病) and (iv) death (死), and the Mental Sufferings (心苦) of (v) separation from the beloved (爱别离), (vi) meeting the hated (怨憎会), (vii) not attaining the sought (求不得) and (viii) blazing of the Five Aggregates (五蕴炽盛) (of forms [色], feelings [受], perceptions [想], mental formations [行] and consciousness [识]).]


Even if born [in the] heavens above, [it is] difficult [to] avoid [the] five decaying [forms].

[Note 2: The five decaying forms (五衰相) are (i) with flowers on the head withering (头上华萎), (ii) armpits beneath sweating (腋下汗出), (iii) standing and sitting not stable (起坐不定) (due to uneasiness), (iv) energy weakening (气力衰微), while all these heavenly beings are without their family members (免其眷属) (who stay away due to fear), (v) with mostly being restless (多诸掉举).]


Only [those in the] Western [Pure] Land [Of] Ultimate Bliss, [are] ‘without all [kinds of] suffering, [and] only receive all [kinds of] bliss.’


[The Lotus] Sūtra says, ‘[The] three realms [are] without peace, similar to [a] burning house. [With] all [kinds of] suffering filled fully, [that are] extremely terrifying.’

[Note 3: The three realms (三界) are the (i) desire realm (欲界), (ii) form realm (色界) and (iii) formless realm (无色界).]


Human life’s impermanence, [is] quick like lightning. [When the] great limit arrives, each [can]not look after one another. All conditioned dharmas, [are] like dreams, illusions, bubbles [and] shadows.


Relying on this, still not awakening, [to] diligently cultivate pure karmas, then with trees [and] rocks, [the] non-sentient [the] same, [for this] one life born [and] growing in between [the] heavens [and] earth [only. If there] are staunch [and] upright fellows, how can [they be] willing [to, when] living become walking flesh [and] walking corpses, [and when] dead, with grasses [and] trees together rot?


[With the] highly recommended noble realm, [yet] personally dwelling [as the] ordinary [and] ignorant. Encountering great admonitions, yet not roused to vigorous action, hearing [the] path of [the] noble [and] virtuous, [the] Buddhas [and] Patriarchs, yet not willing [to] practise [it]. Is [this the] heavens betraying humans, or humans betraying [the] heavens?

Pure Land Tradition’s 13th Patriarch Great Master Yìnguāng
Dharma Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings (First Compilation): Second Reply Letter [To] Lín Jièshēng;
Record [Of] Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence (170th Short Section): 3rd [Chapter]: Guidance [On] Practice Methods: Sixth, Encouragement Of Practitioners To Strive Diligently (1st Short Section)
[Ref: #170 / 3.6.1]

Namo Amituofo : Translation and notes by Shen Shi’an

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Record Of Great Master Yìnguāng’s Collected Writings’ Essence

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